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Michelle - Week 2


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Is it me or does Michelle walk like a "show horse"?

Thank you!! That's it--absolutely. I've been trying to pinpoint what it is about her walk and you're so right. She's a show horse!

Someone should put the oat bag over her face. She's just gross, imo. She needs to get over herself. I can't believe she's modeled. Bleeeech.

Please, Lord, let Dan win HOH this week and put her and Libra up. I wouldn't mind seeing Keeshia win and put Michelle up. If they keep getting rid of all the funny peeps, it's going to be sooooo boring so fast.

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don't really like Michelle that much, she seems to be pretty flaky, trying to hang with Jessie and Memphis but also Libra and April. She didn't go for teh chance to put Libra up even though everyone but HOllie and April would vote her out. I don't think she wants to have to hard commit to either side, but when it comes to it it'll probably be Jessie, so long as she massages him and strokes his ego Jessie won't really care what she's doing, while Libra would flip out if she's friends with other people

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well, she is mty most hated house guest, that Jay Leno comment was da bomb. :hahohi: I cannot tolerate her or the way she ALWAYS brings the convo back to herself. Also her voice and the way she talks is so over the top, that accent, she is the kind of person that makes me wish I was in that house,lolo I would seriously bring her down,lolol

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I am still ticked at her for not using the veto...what a moron. Oh...this is big brother...I don't want to stick my neck out and make a move that could shake up the whole house and actually make things interesting...maybe she should have watched a few more shows to see what BB is ALL about. OR maybe she should go on a different reality show. So she has now make it to my top 3 of people I do not like on this season. 1) Jesse 2) Libra 3) Michelle

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