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Twist Theories?


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13 Houseguests entered the house, each with their own picture frame and keyhole. 1 seems oddly empty but still with it's own keyhole. So... obviously someone else is coming in. I have no guesses as to who...Anyone else have any?

Also, due to the theme of the house - different rooms represent different generations/decades...and the fact that Keesha soooo closely resembles Danielle and works at Hooters (I vaguely remember part of the reason that Dani and Dick were fueding was because she had taken a job at Hooters - maybe with her 'cousin'?)...and the fact that Jerry has so many grandchildren and is a hardcore Marine, could he be the grandfather of either Sharon or Jacob from BB9?

Could all the houseguests be related to houseguests past? Do any other current HG remind you of HG past?

I dunno...let's toss some theories around

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Interesting comments/theory.

I don't think there is any personal connection with past HGs. I tend to think this season's cast is a result of negative comments producers received from fans about softcore porn infested BB9 and the over use of pre existing relationships; they went to the well one too many times on that twist.

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I don't think the extra pic frame means anything. They have the BB10 logo in it in the middle of the board from what I saw. Cost to much to add the 14th slot and they may do 14 again. We all know CBS budget.... :animated_bouncy:

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bb would have said their was a twist already

julie made it clear this bb was twist free

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I haven't read the threads for each individual yet, so I imagine this has been said 100 times, but Brian sure does remind me of Boogie. I can't look at him w/o thinking that.

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I'm liking that there isn't an announced twist. Looking at the cast I'm certain it was put together to cause conflict with so many diametrically opposing philosophies. I'm betting that the election is playing into the twist or at least the casting somehow.

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I do not think there will be any twists, last season was sooo over the top on the twists that Grodner better know we are twisted out,lolol

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I think it would be interesting to see Alex from BB9 come back since America voted him back in but he never got the chance to play.

Alex was 1 of the few from BB9 capable of playing a smart game whose chance was ruined quickly by Amanda.

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I heard that evictions would be live this year, with a live audience. It would certainly explain the set that was made outside the house that voted Jerry HOH before they entered. Could the 14th "HG" be the live audience with them casting a vote for eviction?

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Janey is working at a bar in South Beach.

Can I get an address and a good stalking point so I can pine??

Seriously though I agree that Alex had a chance were it not for horse-face...funny thing seeing as I like horses

No twists dangit!

Have we ever figured out that there is nothing to the blank photo???


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