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Jessie Godderz Youtube Vids


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Seems Jessie has already done his fair share of reality tv...here are some youtube links...

Jessie on Next

Jessie on Exposed

I'm sure there are more out there.... :rolleyes:


I'm sure most of them are out for exposure. Didn't I read one on the females would like to be a singer??


I just checked out the video clips for Jesse: He instantaneously went from "Snoozer to Looser" in my book.

Just another musclebound, early 20 something, recycled, reality reject, who for whatever reason did not make BB9 (and that is saying something).

I am not sure he is going to survive long with this cast.


yeh....what's funny is that he didn't get the date in either dating show. His attitude sucked...and he didn't seem too bright either. He's way too into his muscles...and thinks that's all he needs to get a girl's attention. I know I'm not going to like this guy.


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