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Did You All Like This Season


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I've read the UPDATE PAGE all season and am wondering if it's just the UPDATERS who seem to not like this season? I loved it for the most part. Certain players I grew to hate but with After Dark and live feeds I think we all see too much for our own good. There were maybe 2 or 3 of the seasons better than 9 but I really liked it and think Ryan is one of the most deserving Final 2's ever. The dude flat out won and over came a ton of hurdles. Interested in others thoughts.

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I may be in the minority, but I agree with you. I think Ryan did great. I think his chances of winning are slim because he didn't suck up to the people in the goodbye messages like Adam did. Adam covered his bases better there, but the jury always seems to be able to look past alot of stuff and decide who played the best game so I guess we will see.


I liked last year much better.


It's probably that I didn't like this season. :unsure:

I've not had a favorite all season and found myself cheering on a different player every week. It's very hard to be un-bias when you eat, sleep etc. 24/7 with people you don't like for three months.


This season was a piece of trash! :brood:

That being said I kept waiting for the HG to redeem themselves and watched the show just to see who would get evicted and who would get HOH and POV.

BB is a drug.


I didn't like last season. I like 9, 7, 3, and 2 best with the All Stars from 6 sprinkled in there. All that being said 9 could have been maybe the best if they came in by themselves with the Jen/Ryan and Sharon/???? thing hidden...


This was one of my favorite seasons. This is the first time in years I won't hate whoever's the winner.

In fact I got such satisfaction seeing Chelsia, Josh, and James booted off I just can't stand it!!! :food-smiley-005:


BB took a major nosedive with season 8's cast (hated the Donatos and the way the producers fixed it for them to win -- more like a soap opera). So once I adjusted to the crap that Allison Grodner is putting out, I was more prepared for season 9. No worse than 8. IMO Wish BB could go back to the old days, but I don't think that will be happening any time soon.


I hated this season, like Jem I was "for" a different player almost every week. And it really wasn't who I was FOR as much as it was who I was AGAINST.


I stopped watching BB after season 3, then started again with All-stars. Howie and the Jack-shack almost made me stop watching again. Last season was my personal fave because i had to tune in to see if anyone could see through Dicks smoke.

This season will go down as my worst watching the show. It was semi pornographic in the start then the porn stars became christians. It was rediculous! From week to week my opinion one who should win changed.

Ive never watched the live feeds or BBAD, doubt I would want too. Look at how classy these guys are acting as F2.

Not one person out of this cast should win the 500k. I live in Ryans home town. He is the worst example of a Buckey I have ever seen. Im sure we'll all let him know it too. Give the money to charity and fire the BB producer and casting department.

I hope the cast of BB10 have studied season 9, so they dont repeat this past winter seasons mistakes. I cannot watch another season like this one.


I hated this season and all because of who was in the house, these people were very low life, I always come here to post it up wih everyone, but this cast was just wrong, and I especialy think that anyone who think Ryan sooo deserves to win this is off, just my opinion. How could anyone want to reward the nasty self-rightous behavior this guy displayed, he is nasty, and I do not think he had an origional idea of his own that he actually put into play throuhout the whole game, he was evicted once, and should have stayed evicted, it is only because every person in that house had weak game, except James who also should have stayed evicted the first time.all the house guests were weak and that is the only reason Adam and Ryan are at the F2. they could never have made it as far with any of the previous seasons houseguests, I think that thsi how has strayed ooo far from what it was origionally that it is slowing becoming a show I may not be interested in any more, and for all you folks from Ohio, I feel for ya,lol


I loved this season LOVED IT. More competition between the houseguest and this is the only season where my two favriotes made it to the end. Ill admit the couples twist was dumb. If it was real couples it may have worked. I know it has only been a few seasons but I am already ready for another allstars season


Enjoyed All Stars and seeing all the past HG's.... BUT.... hated that Boogie ended up winning.

BB8 had a 'strange' mix of people for sure... BUT couldn't get past how I felt about ED's gloating,

bragging, minipulative, degradation of females, scheming personality.

(lol... guess you can tell I didn't care for this guy)

and this year ? .... I hung in there because I'd miss you guys at Morty's too much if I didn't watch ;)


This season was alright. Hopefully it was just because of it being the winter season that so many people didn't seem to enjoy it. I know that I had the live feeds for the 14 day free trial and did not keep them. I just wasn't that into it. Hopefully the summer one will be a lot better!


This year is okay. Couples twist wasn't a bad idea. Fun to see Adam & Sheila fighting, Alex got jealous of Amanda, Matt making fun of Natalie, secret real life relationships, etc. A lot of drama in early BB9. I thought it's entertaining but it got worse after couples split up.

I didn't like they way BB set up for people vote for evicted hgs for come back and then hgs voted for James came back after eviction. Evicted hgs were screwed for staying in sequestered houses for nothing and we voted for nothing too. Very poor twist by BB.

Some of comps were ridiculously stupid especially third relationship question in comp which Ryan won HOH. Needs more physical comps.

Hopefully, BB10 will be better with more entertaining hgs.


I didn't care for this season in the beginning. I'd like one person but hated their partner. For me, the show improved when the split the couples because I could root for my favorite individual players. I am more happy with the F2 than in previous years. It wasn't the best season, but it wasn't the worst either. I'm a BB addict, so I'll keep watching even if the seasons suck.


Hated this one more than any other season, which i did not think was possible after season 6 produced Janelle. I mean, i hated the finale two of season 8, but at least most of the houseguests and the donato sub plot was interesting. This season...I seriously can not find anything going for it. I "liked" certain houseguests, but not enough to be passionate at all. I was constantly annoyed by these people, and bored. They were so boring that the focus of the show was bible belting and natty's delusional love for matty. I cannot WAIT for BB10. If I am going to be addicted to this drug, i want a *good* trip darn it.


The best part about this season is that it's over. The cast (most of them) was horrid and just embarrassing. I thought this was the worst BB ever. I don't want to see scum and skanks and sex shows. I want to see a game.

I can sympathize with gorillaskull. I live not too far away from Columbus, OH, (right on the KY/OH border) and have an aunt and cousins who've lived in Columbus for 25 yrs, along with many other Ohioan family members. Ryan is like no Buckeye I've ever known. I hope the good people of Columbus run him out of town on a rail. Adam's no better, imo. They've both just gotten lower since they're in F2 too, from what I've read, and I didn't think that was possible. I wouldn't bother with watching BBAD now. Beavis and Butthead strokin' each other and raggin' on everyone else isn't my idea of entertainment.


I can't really say because I didn't follow this season as much as the others (no live feeds) because I am a lot busier in the winter/spring.

Still, from what I did see, this was at least better than BB8. Couldn't stand the Donatos. Nobody in that cast stood out except for Jen. Amber and Dustin were annoying, and Jameka was somewhat Boring. Eric and Jessica were okay but made some dumb moves (mostly due to America's Player which favored D&D barf). I couldn't believe I was rooting for Zach in the end.

Anyway this final 2 is far more tolerable than past seasons'. I don't think we've had a decent final 2 since BB5 (well at least Drew was deserving).


I hated last season.. but it was way way more entertaining than this one.. I too found myself bouncing around on favorites. i truly wanted James to win because i felt he was the only one seriously playing the game how i think it should be played. The porn I could have done without!

I truly think the casting people cast this seasons Hg's because of their differences. Many house guest this season were not what most of society would call "main stream" and I liked that. Unfortunately BB did what it does best and found the worst of the worst of that type of caste.

As for the F2.. I truly want Ryan to win.. because he didn't "float' through the game as Adam did.


Hated, absolutely HATED this season. The only good thing about it was the eye candly that Alex provided. I am so ready for next season.

But like Marty said, BB is like a drug....


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