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Who Do You Think Will Win B B9


Final Two Winner  

227 members have voted

  1. 1. Who do you think will win Big Brother 9?

    • Adam
    • Ryan

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Natalie will vote for Adam because she thinks Adam was true to the end.. she is too emotional about it not to vote this way.

I think this will definitely come up in Natalie's question & Ryan will have to tell her they decided on it mutually (especially since he knows Adam tried to get on her good side and tell her he voted for her to stay). Adam wasn't any more faithful to her than Ryan.

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Maybe I disagree because I am an Ohio girl but BB put the couples in the house. Did you all hate Eric last year? He had a secret and most people thought it was great. Ryan has been straightforward this whole game up until Sharon's eviction. I love both of them. I do feel so sorry for Adam though because he has NO idea that his job is gone and in that respect, I hope he wins the big money because he is going to need it because of losing his job.

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I totally agree with the vote choices that you guys have come up with. EXCEPT...being the cynic that I am, and the fact that whoever I like rarely wins....I think Aballer will win.

fyigregorylane said it well...the final two stink but it doesn't surprise me. I think if Ryan wins we can rest assured that the BB Diary Room gang got to the jury as well...

P.S. I agree that this will be a long, friggin' 4 days.

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I think Ryan will win and I think he deserves to. I also think he will still have Sharon's vote even though he didn't save her.. bc if I were her I might think, "yeah he played a pretty good game and he had me fooled"

I think if Ryan doesn't win.. it is strictly personal.. b/c after couples were split he was the odd man out in his alliance and he managed to stay with it and he won his fair share of the competitions which allowed him to make alot of decisions in the house. I dont know.. Im happy with the bottom 2 and am ok with either winning it, but I think that Ryan actually deserves it.

And as for Ryan actiing like he has it in the bag... I think that Adam is acting the same way.

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I think the jury should base their vote on who played the best overall game. Not by who screwed over who or who they like better.

But I wonder how often that happens. Every single year, I wonder what the jury folks are basing their votes on and sometimes I can tell but most times I remain clueless. :animated_rotfl: I think last year, they all (cept for Jen) voted for Dick because none of them could stand Dani & she lied to all of them? So that was based on "who they hated most" (Dani - she didn't win) I'd have to go back to each jury session & watch. :lookaround:

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the reason i cant vote for ryan is that he was evicted once

i am bb old timer so i cant vote for someone who was evicted once

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I'm a little torn about the being evicted thing too.. I've flip flopped a little about it.. but I can definitely understand if people don't vote for him based on that decision alone. I guess I just kind of see it as the whole game was unfair with the couples thing and and having to be evicted together and then when they put people in the house that knew each other... soooooooo

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I think the votes will go like this.

James will obviously vote for Adam, since he has clearly stated he can't stand Ryan, and Adam gave him a fighting chance.

I think what Adam did will have a lot of pull with Chelsia and Josh. If Josh realizes Ryan was sprouting "Secret alliances" whenever beneficial without coming through in the end, then we already have three votes for A-baller. This is risky though, since Josh said he would vote out of worth rather than vindictive-ness. He may still go for Ryan, just because he did have a"loyalty" to him, and he might think Ryan had a better game because he was 'Oh so wise as to align with Joshy'. HOWEVER!! Josh saw Ryan throw Sharon under the bus, and might re-think how wise an alliance with Ryan was. He may want to vote for Adam instead, out of respect for Sharon and realization that his alliance was not really anything. It's in the air.

Now while MOST people would change their mind about someone after literally seeing them back stab you on a DVD of your eviction, I do not know if Sharon is like most. She is really true to her word, and has this odd calm divinity that puts mother Theresa to shame. She might still vote for Ryan out of loyalty. HOWEVER..she has said many times she thinks him voting her out will be what costs him the game; perhaps she will want to be the vote that brings those words to fruition? Overall, Swing vote based on what wins; her divinity, or her prophecy.

Nat will vote for Ryan. I think she liked him more than A-baller, and she has no REAL proof Adam is the one who voted for her to stay. And I think even SHE realized that it was a mutual plan to get Sheila to cast the finale vote. She didn't say (upon meeting the Chen-meister) "Ryan betrayed me", she said, "The boys betrayed me". She knows it was mutual, and if it was a mutual decision, she will vote for Ryan. She liked him better and I think wanted F2 with him more than Baller.

Matt will vote for Ryan (his boooiiii!) unless he feels indebted to Adam for sending James to the jury. I doubt that it will matter for him though. I'm rather confident that unless Q &A reveals some good stuff, Matt will go the way of Ryan.

Sheila- Adam. 100% Adam. No need to explain.

So here it is:

James- Adam

Chelsia- Adam

Sheila- Adam

Josh- Unknown

Sharon- Unknown

Matt- Ryan

Nat- Ryan

The winner, for me, is based on if Sharon and Josh vote with their "secret" alliances with Ryan, or with their "actual" alliance of Chelsia and James.

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sharon imho seem like a follower so she follow james lead

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This is one of those F2s like Jun and Alison.

I chose Ryan for the win because his goodbye messages to both Nat and Sharon left the impression that their ousters where Adam's doing. That's 2 votes and more importantly 2 people speaking on his behalf with the rest of the jury.

I think the James gang could go either way. All four of them are voting, not sure if they'll do it as a block.

I'd think of a more in-depth analysis of the situation... if I actually cared who wins.


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Adam is the one with the big ego! He said he was GOING to win the 500,000 when Sheila was evicted. ! I hope Ryan wins. He has won more competetions and he needs it more. I thought Adam had plenty of money. He was going to hire several people after the show.

But I think the vote will go:

Chelsia - Adam

Josh - Ryan

Matt -Ryan

Sharon -Ryan

James -Adam

Shiela - Adam

Natalie - Ryan

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Adam told Natalie he was the one who voted for her to stay as she left. That's why Natalie will vote for Adam.

I'm not going to read the whole thread so if this has already been stated, sorry, but remember, in the eyes of many of the jury members (on James side) a vote for Ryan is a vote for Jen and they don't like her at all.

I think it's going to go closer to 5/2 Adam or maybe even 8/1 Adam.

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this imho is one of more predictable jury results

the hardest for me was drew versus cowboy

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I so wish that whole "A vote for Ryan means Jen wins" thing would stop. If the jurors actually think that, they're more lame than I thought. Jen and Ryan live together. They are not married. Ryan, no matter what you think of him, is a bit of a chauvenist. Do they really think that someone like him would really share that much money with a girlfriend? If they were married, then obviously she would control the funds, *LOL* But no way.

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I would rather see Ryan win than a Bible beating phony, who one minute is reading the Bible and the next minute is swearing, not telling, but swearing to lies. Of course, that could have been part of his game strategy to use the Bible, but hardly admirable. And, I won't even go into Natalie's Bible reading and under the cover episodes with Matt.

Sharon might have told some lies, which is almost impossible not to do as part of the Big Brother game strategy, but did not swear to her lies. In fact, she could not even shake hands on a lie. In my books, she was the most admirable player in the house, character wise.

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eavesdrop - I see what you're saying, but remember, Ryan and Adam picked up the bibles belonging to Sharon and Natalie out of boredom! They did not bring them into the house, and if I recall properly, they were looking for sexual references in the bible the first time they picked them up. After that is when they got serious about reading them. I think that the Lord works in mysterious ways and there is no way Ryan would have read the bible on his own outside of the house. Adam is another story...I think he's had previous bible study because he was able to quote scripture and give others passages by number in a pretty impressive way. Just a reminder. :-)

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I have to, respectfully, disagree with you, uvp. Although, I can understand the concept behind what you said, (he was evicted, so he should have stayed evicted, therefore, losing his chance to win the game.) I don't feel that a houseguest should be punished for a twist that BB decided to put into the game. It was no more Ryan's decision that he was allowed to stay in the house after the eviction than it was James' that he was voted back into the house in that box, so to penalize Ryan for a decision that was all BB's is unfair in my opinion.

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My personal opinion, don't hate me for it: Some think Ryan played a better game simply because he won more competitions. Just a reminder people: R Y A N was E V I C T E D. Adam won when he needed to win. He threw it when he didn't need it. He brought himself AND his partner (SHEILA) to the final 3. He sacrificed himself in part 1 and part 3 of the HoH comps to solidify jury votes. Adam is also deserving.

Why am I hoping Adam will win it? I can't pull for someone who was already evicted once. I just can't. His eviction was not only Allison's fault. The whole Jen thing could have been handled much better by Ryan.

I expect the vote to go 4-3 for Ryan. Adam has Chelsia, James, and Sheila. Natalie and Matty will vote for Ryan because of his competition domination in the 2nd half of the game. Josh and Sharon will vote for Ryan because of their previous alliances.

Like I said: just my opinions.

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He brought himself AND his partner to the final 3.

Adam was never Ryan's partner. Ryan was with about everyone else but Adam up until the end. He was F2 with Josh, Natalie, Sharon and others before Adam and Ryan used each other to get to the end. Ryan would have thrown Adam under the bus in a second if he didn't believe he would not beat him.

The bro talk does not make them partners just idiots.

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I think the sequestered people wil see that Adam was happy to get Shelia out a nd remember ho whe never made the HARD decisions. Plus Ryan was the man this year and deserves the money more then any of them.. I like Adam, he's a good #2.......

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You also have to think who played the better personal game out of the two. Who was on better terms with each jury member when they walked out the door?

Sheila has a few days to campaign in the jury house too. :giggle:

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I really don't see how anyone can say that Ryan/Allison's eviction WASN'T completely Allison's fault. If I remember correctly, all the houseguests were saying that they felt bad that Ryan was being evicted along with Allison because they had nothing against him and he was not the target at all. Also, didn't they vote him back in with a unanimous decision? That definitely says to me that the ONLY reason that Ryan was evicted was because he was Allison's partner, which he had no control over.

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