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Final Pov, HoH Bb Schedule Of Events/evictions


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hi all! hope everyone enjoyed the show!!! :animated_bouncy:

i'm trying to figure out how next week is going down... from what it sounded like, tuesday show won't be LIVE but julie will be on it... i'm thinking a pre-recorded eviction? i think i also heard that someone will be evicted TUESDAY, not wednesday, and then wednesday's show will be live and the final HOH (winner of 3 part comp?) will be announced and they will decide live who sits with them in final two.... and the 3rd person leaves. is that right?

so if tuesday's show has someone leaving does that mean they will actually be leaving BEFORE tuesday and we'll notice at some point on the feeds that someone is gone? do we know when this might happen?

just curious! i can't remember how it all goes down...


ps... bye natty! :animated_wave: weeeeeeeeeee, oh happy day! :animated_bouncy:

edit added: ok, i think i'm starting to remember past seasons... maybe someone is leaving SUNDAY... and then the 3 part HOH begins.... like part 1 sunday or monday... part 2, monday or tuesday and then i know the 3rd part is live.... does that sound right?

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I think your edit is right! I think that the veto will be like today or tomorrow which will be sundays show, then this weekend will be eviction which will be tuesdays show, and then there will be 2 comps which will be weds show? then a live comp on weds show? Then finale sunday.

don't quote me.

i don't think there will be one of the lame episodes where they walk around the house "remembering"


I am trying to remember back...the one that sticks in my mind is when Cowboy booted Nakomas, I am pretty sure that happened right away, but I am not sure by any stretch of the imagination.

Of course now that I think about it, in all stars Janelle had plenty of time to decide what she was going to do before she sent Dr. Will out.

I just don't know!!!


Is everything going to be the normal times? I'm leaving for a trip so i have to set my vcr to tape sunday's show and i want to make sure the time is right.


Julie Chen said on wends. show

Sunday: Nominations

Tuesday: POV & LIVE Eviction

Wendasy: LIVE New HOH crown sending some1 to sequester

(which leaves the follwing sunday 4 finale)

so i wonder how the HOH will go? 3 parts HOH(but how will they tape it) or 1 HOH comp with winng selecting final 2

Welcome back to Big Brother.

Who will Ryan nominate for eviction? Find out Sunday at 8.

Then, I'll be back Tuesday at 9 to find out who makes it to the Final 3. And on Wednesday at 8, the final HoH is crowned LIVE. He or she will single-handedly cast the sole vote in the last eviction of the season, thereby choosing who will sit next to them in the Final 2.

From outside the Big Brother house, I'm Julie Chen. Goodnight.

Based on what Julie said, the deadline for the Final Week predictions will be on TUESDAY (APRIL 22) instead of the usual WEDNESDAY.

Because there was no specific mention of the upcoming Tuesday eviction being LIVE, the thread may have to be closed BEFORE the usual time, if the eviction does NOT take place LIVE.

If it doesn't take place live, they would probably try blocking the live feeds until the show airs. But if that happens, there is always the possibility of a feed leak, so the thread may get opened and closed sporadically.)

So this week more than any other, it's important to get some kind of predictions in as early as possible.


I saw Ryan and Sharon up in the HOH room today and Ryan said if he wins the POV, he could take Sharon off the block...I have no doubt in my mind that that's BS on Ryan's part, but I had a question and maybe you can tell me if I'm wrong:

I thought that on the final POV only the two people on the block could change nominations. Meaning, if Ryan, being HOH, won the POV and he originally put up Sharon and Sheila, he could not replace a nomination, he could only keep the nominations the same. Of course, if Adam won POV, he has no other choice but to keep nominations the same. But only Sheila and Sharon (if they were the nominees) could actually remove themselves from the block.

For some reason, I remember someone telling me that or reading it somewhere. Anyone know if that's true?


No, if Ryan wins the PoV, he can take Sharon off the block and Nominate Adam in her place. He could also take Sheila off and nominate Adam.

If he did remove one of the girls, his only option would be to put Adam on the block.

The reason the final PoV is so important is because UNLESS the HoH wins it, the person that holds the PoV is the ONLY vote. So if Adam wins, he gets to choose who he takes out. If Sharon wins, she takes herself off the block, Adam goes up and Sharon has the only vote.



So if Sheila wins she can take herself down and Adam goes up and she evicts Sharon?

(Adam and Sheila's conversation how it works confused me last night with Sheila saying she could not win POV)

So if Sheila wins she can take herself down and Adam goes up and she evicts Sharon?

Yep, I think so. If Ryan wins and replaces one of his noms with Adam, say he takes down Sharon and puts up Adam, I believe Sharon will have the only vote, as the hoh can't vote.

Is that right, Jem?


I think the explaination Sheila was given by Sharon/Ryan was to throw her off. That's why She thought she shouldn't win POV to keep Adam safe. Hopefully the DR explains it to her again. Sheila or Adam must win POV to stay in.... :animated_bouncy:


Okay I haven't slept for about 28 hours now so this logic maybe waaaay off... :lol:

I don't think we'll see the PoV until after 5 pm BBT. If Sheila and Adam are chained up then they couldn't really play the PoV... unless this is how they are going to give Sharon an advantage to make up for HoH comp. :animated_rotfl:


Trouble sleeping?

I can hypnotize you.

You are getting sleepy... sleeeeeppyyyyyyyyyy

(Seriously, go take a nap!)


I don't understand why Ryan thinks he has a better chance with Sharon. If he were to win and replace Sharon with Adam, neither Adam nor Shiela would vote for him if he were in the final 2 because that would be a direct stab in the back fresh in their minds.

The only person they need to worry about winning PoV is Sharon, otherwise Sharon is gone this week.

You stab people in the back earlier in the game, not in the Final Four when the backstab would be fresh in their minds.


If Sharon goes to final 2 she wins no matter who stands next to her. The James Gang will vote for her. They all stated their hatred for everyone else in the house. Natalie has been betrayed by Sheila, Ryan and Adam. That's 4 votes right there. Plus the person Ryan and Sharon screw this week. Which would be a shame because Sharon has skated and schemed the whole way through. They have to get her out of there now. That means they probably won't of course but they should.

As unbelievable as it sounds it looks like Adam and Sheila turn out to be the most deserving. WHAT AM I SAYING!?!


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