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I'm rooting for Sheila or Sharon to win POV and send Adam packing. I said before... when James left... Sheila and Sharon are the only ones I'm rooting for to win. Not that I like them all that much, but they're simply the only ones left.

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It wouldn't bother me to see Sheila get to the finals - not because she's a single mom - but because it's a game and anyone that can get to the end without outright winning anything (maye she would have won HOH without the deal, maybe not) played the game. We may or may not like the way she's played but it it gets her to the finals then she deserves it as much as anyone. If only the strongest or only the smartest person is able to win BB then what's the point of even calling it the Big Brother House - call it the Olympics or the MENSA House.

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Cocoabutta98 I agree with you, Sheila and shit go together. She is so lame and wants all the HG to stick up for her and listen to her and do things her way. I'd rather see Sharon and Jacob last longer then Sheila. That may have made some good TV.

A single parent doesn't make you more deserving of anything. Raising a child you can be proud of is worth more then anything.

Sheila 23 years in Show biz (so she says) doesn't make shit, her ex is lead singer in a Rock band takes a regular job because touring did not pay enough. Sheila will never be a star.... at least her ex went and got a real job unlike Sheila.

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Sheila has had many jobs and she has talked about them. I don't know if she was working right before she went in the house but she works.

I am not really obsessed on if she is working now. As long as the taxpayer is not supporting her I don't care.

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Sheila is a piece of s***. She has done nothing this entire game but run her mouth. To actually evict the person that gave you the HOH that you wanted so badly for pictures and letters from home, shows a persons character and to me goes above game play. Until this past week Sheila just annoyed me with her constant talking but she went on such a power trip she showed me what kind of a person she really is. I hope she goes this week so she will follow Nat into the sequester house.

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Well I think it is always a good idea to evict the person that is going to evict you. Good game play. It was not done out of spite or malice. It was done for gameplay.

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Well I think it is always a good idea to evict the person that is going to evict you. Good game play. It was not done out of spite or malice. It was done for gameplay.

Exactly.. and if Sheila wouldn't have evicted Natalie after Natalie sit there and said she didn't have Sheila's back and she would have evicted her.. then this whole thread would be full of people talking about how stupid Sheila is for not evicting her after she said that stuff.

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Shelia made the right call, she had to, especially after Natty so publicly declared her alliance with 'the boyz.' Their deal was not about voting out Nat, but about not putting her up on the bock (back-dooring excluded). Irregardless, had Natty not made that declaration, she might still be in the house.

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I understand the logic of evicting someone after they have said they don't have your back, my point is, this whole week should not have happened this way. Nat gave Sheila the HOH with the understanding that Sharon was leaving. The final four was suppose to be Ryan, Nat, Adam and Sheila. Sharon was to go, no brainer. That is why Sheila is still going on and on about Nat's eviction, she knows she's a backstabber.

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I tend to agree with you. Sheila did what she felt was best for her but I still felt bad for Natalie.

If Sheila only knew, Sharon and Ryan are her biggest threats in the game.

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Sheila was "supposed" to do something just because the others SAID they had her back? And if it would have been the final 4 with

Ryan, adam, Natalie and Sheila... who do you think was going to get evicted next? The other three had decided upon Sheila. You may be sad and upset that Nat, Ryan, and Adam's game plan got messed up, but you know what? Ryan and Adam were trying to win HOH that week too so THEY could get rid of Natalie. Sheila was not the only one who saw Natalie as a threat. James forewarned her too. She was arrogant and cocky and did not listen to James or believe him that her group would turn on itself and she would find herself out the door. He TOLD her that. He was right, wasn't he?

So I'm sorry, but the fact of the matter is... Natalie's arrogant assumption that she would be safe so she PURPOSEFULLY dropped out of the box JUST so she could play for HOH next week was Natalie's downfall. If you get too overconfident in the game and assume you are safe (much like Dustin and Marcellas), you probably aren't.

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If Natalie was the biggest threat in the house I can see her getting the boot. I think Sheila owed more to Natalie then Ryan, Natalie saved her and gave her HOH so she had a good birthday. Ryan saved Sheila NOT Sheila wasn't going home that week.

Natalie had to say she's loyal to the boys they had the votes and she told Sheila and the boys she really can't say anything more because they hold the votes and she needed them. I believe Natalie would've been true to them and stuck with the plan for final 4.

(OMG!!!! Sheila, Sharon and Adam are talking about Sheila before her time of the month it itches and feels like a yeast infection coming on. Please Sheila a couple people who are wondering why they're still watching hear this nasty stuff. STFU Gross)


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I think Sheila has not done well on comps but I think she has played the smartest game the way she worked people in the house.

Remember Dr. Will never won comps.

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jersey--IMO, at this point in the game, if you play and base your decisions on feeling you "owe" someone, then you aren't protecting yourself and you won't win. Sheila didn't owe Nat or anyone else. None of them owe their allegiance to another now. Their supposed to be trying to get themself, and only themself, to the end, hoping to win $500k. Nat wasn't about to help Sheila get to the end. She felt confident enough to get Sheila out at a later date. She was wrong. Sheila got Nat before Nat got Sheila. Good move on Sheila's part. I'm not so sure it was a good move on Adam or Ryan's part but we'll see. Just because Nat said she'd be true to 'her boys' doesn't mean she would have been. Nat lied ALOT. I'm convinced she would have gotten Adam out because she thought Ryan was the only one she could beat in F2. Nat was playing for herself so I won't condemn Sheila for doing the same.

Nat lost because Nat screwed up. She had too many irons in the fire. When there's so few peeps in the house, with nothing to do but talk, then they'll inevitably compare notes. They got out a stronger player who tried to play all sides without getting caught. She was stupid to think she could get by with that.

And if Nat gave Sheila hoh, then she also gave James hoh a few weeks ago. I guess that means she's at fault for matty's eviction too. No one knows how that comp would have ended if it had played out. There's almost always deals made and someone drops out freely, usually leading to their own demise. Imo, Shiela didn't look to be suffering much and she wasn't about to drop. I think Nat was suffering alot more than she let on.

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Dr Will was amazing. At this point now, I think they are all on equal status. They all have done nothing really huge in the game, they all are boring..... and I don't care who wins this season now that Gnat is gone.

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When Natalie dropped I said it was the biggest mistake she could make in this game.

I'm sorry I like Natalie more then Sheila and Sharon (it's slim pickens with only 3 girls left) I don't look at her personal life she was a stripper paid her way through Art School and then quit stripping. I don't agree with the stripper thing but it worked for her at the time. At least you could laugh at some of the stupid things she says and does. The Matty thing I think was wrong if that's what happened under the covers. Chelsia said the right way was to not use covers then no one will ever see outside of BB.

Sheila's the weakest player Sharon hasn't played all her cards and may have won if she was sure she would be evicted. I think the boys would have got Natalie out this coming week because she's a strong player, they had to turn on each other sooner or later. I believe the James gang would have all their final 4 and not one of TC with them. Adam had a better chance with Natalie they won back to back evicted 3 of the James gang and if F2 Adam wins Natalie second place but Adam won't dump Sheila for some reason and I think that's why Sheila is still here not by her game play.

I didn't like James but he had the b@lls to call people out when he knew he could go at anytime and didn't wait to be until he was safe. These HG are afraid of losing votes SH could decide not to vote for Adam if in F2 because they feel he made others do his dirty work.

Could Sheila and Adam have known each other and the hate for each other from the start was so they wouldn't get caught like J/R and J/S?

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Sheila is such and ungrateful cuss... she is whining and complaining about the fact that when they got to watch the movie "21" the only got to watch it on the plasma TV... she is pi$$ed that Ry and Sharon get to watch the premier of some movie on a big screen... she is really irate and saying all kinds of stuff about it not being fair...

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Sheila is cracking me up. She and Adam are doing their fake fighting and you know it is not real. I can't wait to see her with her PMS'ing with Adam attached to her. Should be hilarious.

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