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not for nothing but does anyone in that house realize that Sheila wouldn't have even been HOH if it wasn't for Natalie dropping for her..Makes me think she's an even bigger B**** for voting her out!! I HATE HATE HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!


she be best to keep for final three comps weak

so i dont see her leaving under any circumstances


sheila versus ryan finale

single mother wins money

just finish reading the script


Yeah I'm sick of Sheila too. All that venomous spewing she did toward Natalie when she was HOH and then had the nerve to cry in Natalie's good-bye message. It's not like she was loyal to Natalie except when it was beneficial for her. No remorse from her for evicting the person who gave her the HOH in the first place. Wouldn't surprise me if the last couple in the house was Sheila and Sharon. All that ED "he's so hot" talk could just be a front :animated_scratchchin:

Talk about multiple personalities. Hope she gets evicted next. And I'm not falling for the "oh my son" BS either - "I'm doing this for him." Just another tool for her to use. I can't believe anything she says.


with friends like sheila who needs friends

BS either - "I'm doing this for him."

I could never stand that from any of the hg. If you cared so much about your kid, you'd go get a job that pays money and/or stay home with your kid instead of taking a vacation in the BB house. uggghh.


Ryan can't win against anyone in the house. Adam may could win against all of them. Shiela can win against Ryan only and Sharon can win with all combinations.....Adam will be the only one she would have to fight to win against. Shiela makes me sick....can't stand to hear or look at her anymore.


The thing about Sheila that bothers me is that she is unemployed. She purposely doesn't work and brags that her day consists of going to the gym and working out, cleaning her house, errands, going to the tanning salon and then back home. She drives a sweet SUV. But then she's crying that she doesn't have the money and the single mom thing. Clearly, she must have some sort of money saved (unless she gets welfare or something).


She might clean homes for extra income. She is great at it.

The thing about Sheila that bothers me is that she is unemployed. She purposely doesn't work and brags that her day consists of going to the gym and working out, cleaning her house, errands, going to the tanning salon and then back home. She drives a sweet SUV. But then she's crying that she doesn't have the money and the single mom thing.

Hmmm.....yeah, Sheila the cryer. How does one afford a nice SUV without a job. How does one pay the rent without a job? How does one pay for a gym and tanning salon without a job?

Things that make you go hmmmmm....


Another thing that bothered me about Sheila. Probably the second week she was there..she was crying that she shouldn't have applied for the bb house and said that if Georg knew she was going to the BB house he would have talked her out of it, but she didn't tell him. Now we know Georg is the one caring for her son, so this guy taked care of her son yet he didn't know where she was going?

Sheila saggy neck is a liar, liar pants on fire.

Party_machine.gif She Bot I can't wait to see her go!

And you know Sheila's going to obsess over the fact all week LONG that she was the one that had to make the deciding vote. She'll go from "I had no choice, I had to do it, she was a big threat" to "why did you make me look like the bad guy?" :cookoo: And if she's nominated, it'll be even worse.

This has the potential to be the best and worst week of BB.


These guys obsessing about who the other relationship in the house is driving me nutzo.


So regarding Sheila:

Even though I really don't care for her and she makes me nuts, she did the best thing for her game tonight. I have to respect that even though I was disappointed by it. I truly wanted to see a Nat/Adam/Ryan final 3 because I thought it would make for some great competition.

I think Sheila really won't get past next week so that's fine, but what is she going to be like this week?

10 bucks says she's a major pain in the pazazz!


Both when she nominated Natalie and when she gave her goodbye message, she did a pretty good job of acting like she likes Natalie and was pretty believable when claiming that she was only doing what she had to do. I suppose that deserves some credit.


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