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A part of me thinks that Adam knows exactly what he's doing and is smarter than all of them combined (which isn't that hard). I think that he's been very consistent in his game and tries to be as honest as he can. I think that he strategically calculates EVERY move. I think that he knew he was going to not nominate James before he cried to him because that move guarantees him James' vote (and probably his crew too). Same thing with Natalie.

Even though he's a ball scratching, booger picking, eye bugging, inappropriate word saying, marble mouth talking freakazoid, I think that he has a good heart deep down in side and wants to be well liked. And he and Sheila are the last never-evicted-before HGs left in the house and I think that speaks volumes.

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I'm watching BBAD (tivo'd from last night, Friday) and I'm about to throw up listening to Ryan and Adam patting themselves on the back. However, I still remember Adam telling Sheila that he was going to tell Ryan whatever Ryan wants to hear in order to keep Ryan from changing up the noms. Soooo, who knows yet what's going to happen if Adam is the only one to vote?


I hope hope hope that you are right Blonde.

Sheila did tell Adam to do that so hoping it is just gameplay.

*glimmer of hope

However, I still remember Adam telling Sheila that he was going to tell Ryan whatever Ryan wants to hear in order to keep Ryan from changing up the noms.

Agree! I've been hoping since I heard Ryan won the POV.


Sheila sure didn't care about Nat's feelings after Nat gave her HOH. Sheila cares only about Sheila, oh and her son since she is doing this for him. I've known times when she wasn't true to her word. She deserves nothing and I hope she gets nothing.


I really think Adam is going with Ryan. So Ryan has both Adam and Sharon that will take him to F2. It is possible that if Ryan gets to pick then he will take Sharon.

It might serve Adam right.

I was watching BBAD and listening to Ryan and Adam talk like gangsters for about an hour was just so stupid. How old are these guys? Adam is almost 30 and Ryan is in his 3rd year of college? Grow up boys and quit calling the girls bitches hand broads.


MD Girl - You got it! I totally agree with your assessment of Adam. He's an interesting character. If you recall, at the beginning of the season the HGs were talking about the psych evaluations and Adam said they told him he's just misunderstood. AGREED!


<-------- Not saying nothing about names the guys call women. Oughta hear the interesting list I call men.



I still think Adam is Yucky.....but I thought all of the HGs this season was Yuck!



I like Adam... well aside from his disgusting qualitys. He has a good heart, he lets it show every once in a while.

Will he actually evict Sheila or is he REALLY just telling Ryan what he wants to hear.... so hard to tell with him.


I have a hard time believing that Adam will evict Sheila but then a part of me thinks that he won't have a problem with it because he'll separate game from personal.

It will be interesting to see what he says on Wednesday (or Tuesday or whenever it will be).

Aside from his not so bright comments about fems and goofiness I've noted he's smarter than he portrays to fellow gamers. Also an odd childlike innocence. Definitely a different type of person. I'm less inclined to smack him upside the head with my broom than any of the other HG's.
I'm less inclined to smack him upside the head with my broom than any of the other HG's.

I agree with you Wicked!! He does seem pretty smart for game play and I'm less inclined to ask you to beat him with your broom!

Adam is pretty funny (even though he has some very gross habits and says some pretty inappropriate things). If it's Sharon and Ryan left, I don't think that I'll watch anymore. Adam keeps it light and fun and also challenging trying to figure out what he's saying with all those marbles in his mouth (although it's sad I'm starting to understand him better now).


Adam or Sheila for me, just based on watching the vids, etc.

They are fun, the other two bore me to tears.


Why is Adam so mad at Sheila today? He's called her the B word about 50 times, not that that is unusual, but he just seems more po'd than usual. Sheila's gone for sure. Is Adam just trying to psych himself into voting her out so he won't feel bad?


He was saying someone robbed him of his cigarettes. I think he thinks it is Sheila.

I think Sheila there is little doubt that Sheila is being evicted.


Wow, I don't have the feeds but it sounds weird that Adam would be calling her a b*tch that often.

Maybe he is in desperate need of a cig???


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