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Wednesday, April 16th


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I will be late in watching tonight's live show because the wife is dragging me to a wedding and the darn reception afterwards. I will have my happy face on but inside my mental clock will be going crazy. Thank god for Tivo!! :giggle:

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Who cares if Nat is telling both the boys Final 2? Why is she special?

Ryan has told Adam and Sharon they are final 2.

Adam has told Ryan and Shiela they are final 2.

They all do this, almost every player in BB has multiple BB Final 2 partners. Why is Natalie special?

They're all lying dweebs.

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i think we know they attempt to manipulate the votes...absolutely. i think too many people have said it now ( jenbb8, james...) that it's got to be true. what i am surprised at is that they want natalie out. i can't stand her...but her nuttiness is very entertaining in that trainwreck/ cars on fire kind of way. and i really can't figure out, still, who's going!

lots of reality shows have little disclaimers in the credits...don't know if bb does...that it's the producers right to manipulate the credits. the hills is called a reality show, but it's all manufactured( or a lot of it).

ceci's mom...i'm so with you. it's beyond ridiculous that i stress about these people for ONE second! but i sadly do. last night i had to turn it off when nat was getting the upper hand! so i have no right calling natalie crazy!

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OMG, how boring is it going to be watching Sheila, Sharon, Adam, & Ryan? At least Nat is entertaining. Once Nat is gone, I don't think I will be able to watch anymore until BB10. I think I would rather watch paint dry.

My husband has always told me that the producers sway the outcomes, but I guess I always wanted to believe that was not true. I guess he was right. I'm not going to tell him though.

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Although Nat has provided decent entertainment (considering the entire cast sucked), I'd say bb doesn't want Nat winning this game because of who she is. She's put on a near x-rated strip show in the house with another female, given bj's to a stranger, talked openly about her abortions, lied, lied and lied to everyone in her alliance--and all the while, claiming that she's a 'good' Christian girl. God's on her side. She was the glue that held Team Christ together. She's the epitome of hypocrisy. It wouldn't look good for CBS to push for that kind of a winner. It's okay to lie to get thru the game but she has too much extra baggage and she's drug Christianity into it, acting as if she's the next Mother Teresa. I think CBS showed they were no longer pro-Natalie when they portrayed her as a big liar the other night then showed her DR session last night where she was happily saying she was playing both sides. They'll push for the real "evildoer" to go now. Makes for good TV. Not to mention, it would be revenge for BB's golden boy this season, James.


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It does look like its a done deal. I am glad Sharon is going. Her free ride is over and she can go to sequester and cry in the pity pot wit the rest of her alliance.

These words are making my tummy upset. Anyone have anything to make them taste better? :animated_rotfl:

Will they flip-flop again? I hope so!

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What I thought CeCi said that after the guys decided on the 1-1 vote then the diary called them in presumably to try to keep Natalie. Not sure but I think CeCi posted that.

If Natalie stays and they evict Sheila then I am done with BB for the season. I find the final 3 of Natalie, Ryan and now Adam a boring outcome and I can't stand them.

The only thing that would redeem Adam in my eyes was if he grew a pair and went head to head with the others to try to get Sheila and himself to Final2.

To me a Big Brother watcher from season One this season scrapped the bottom of the barrel. This is the worst season ever. If Natalie and Ryan won the final 2 then that would be just such a horrible representation of the game.

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How come everyone is so mad at the boys and Natalie for playing the game the way THEY think is best for THEM yet Shiela can do no wrong apparently and isn't being selfish solely for HER game?

I am still somewhat pulling for Shiela but c'mon. If there's one person in the house this season who has said "me me me me me" the most it's Shiela.

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Xal I was thinking it was Natalie that constantly makes this game about herself. If I hear my boys and our plan and my my my one more time I am going to scream.

I think she has said MY BOYS about 500 times in the last 24 hours.

Perception factor again.

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Then why watch a show that is manipulated to be something its not?

Is that question directed only to me or is it a general question for all on this board?

First of all, I find it somewhat annoying when posters ask this question. This board is full of complaints by most posters, yet only a few get this statement thrown at them. I do think we are allowed to voice our complaints about this show without being told to "change the channel."

I watch the show just because. I've watched from season 2 and that is the way it is and I don't have to agree with everything the producers throw at me in order to continue watching it.

Quote CTK:

I have come to the conclusion that HELEN KELLER could play a better game then ANY of these 5 and pretty much better than ANYONE ELSE this season.

Why watch a show where you think a blind person is less limited than the contestants?

My point is that everyone on this board has something negative to say about this "reality" show. It doesn't mean we want to stop watching it.

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In my eyes I rank them this way:

5. Sheila - I agree with Xal, it all about her

4. Nataile - Very annoying but not as much as # 5 IMO

3. Sharon - just plain annoying

2. Ryan - Manpig, enough said

1. Adam - least annoying of the remaining HG's and my favorite


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Actually I'm washing my hands with Shiela. I give up with her.

I cannot stomach listening to her say "She's a big threat to THEM" anymore.

No Shiela, she's a big threat to YOU. If you're going to be selfish be selfish but don't keep making it about anyone but yourself. I can't STAND people who try to act all benevolent when in reality it's all about YOU.

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"Her boys" isn't about "me", it's about "us".

Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING Shiela discusses seems to eventually come back to "her" game and what's best for "her". The epitome of it all is her trying to get BOTH the boys to vote Natalie out (even though it would be best for Ryan to keep Nat) so that SHE doesn't get blood on her hands.

I don't want anyone to win. I don't think any of them deserve the money.

Shiela has had loyalty? She's the one who actually pulled the trigger to break up the final four, NOT Natalie.

Natalie hasn't betrayed any of the four. She may have or it may have all been talk, but the bottom line FACT is, she did not betray any of the four. It was SHIELA who started the betrayal and put it into motion. Why? WHY? Because it would hurt HER game if Natalie stayed since she knew she'd be first of the four out with Natalie there.

It wasn't benevolence for the four, it was FEAR of Natalie.

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OMG I can't believe her! I'm still watching my tivo'd BBAD and Shiela sits there CONSTANTLY talking about not looking at the bigger picture and only worrying about NOW. So what does she do when the boys come in her room? Immediately starts talking about "the bigger picture" and jury votes.


Her arguments are so HORRIBLE that I honestly believe she may have an IQ lower than bricks.

The bottom line is what we're seeing is a meltdown from someone who is panicked because she may not get her way and Shiela is definitely the type of woman used to getting her way in the real world.

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I'm sorry I'm rolling.

Worst comment ever!

"If you keep natalie here she'll come after YOU guys".


Wait...let me laugh here for a second. Gee lets see. Who has a better chance of going after the guys, Natalie who the boys just saved, or Sharon who is DEEPLY allied with Shiela.

Dumbest. Comment. Ever.

SHARON is the bigger threat to the guys because if SHE wins HoH next week somehow, she goes after the guys. If Natalie does, she goes after Shiela.

Get it? Got it? Good.

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Nat was playing all sides, covering all her bases for "just in case" scenarios, with the F4 and with Sharon. She got caught and Sheila seems to be the only one who realizes what Nat's doing. Nat said it herself last night in the dr. She's playing all sides. Nat is looking out for Nat and Nat only. Loyalty to "her boys" is a load of crap. She told Sheila she only said that because she needs their votes this week. She was still trying to keep herself safe with Sheila even then. She's still got her bases covered with A/R both, just in case. If Adam or Ryan win hoh, she's got a F2 with both. Sheila's gone. Ryan's done the same thing. If Adam, Nat or Sharon (depending on eviction tonight) wins hoh, he's got a F2 with all 3.

I guess it's good gameplay but I just hate that there's no clear lines drawn and no loyalty at all. Too much guesswork involved. Sheila's the only one who's consistently said in the dr that she has Adam's back. Too bad he doesn't feel the same about her. He could win this game easily if he did, imo.

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good morning!! i was just wondering if anyone has any juicy late night video footage you could add to the recap of ryan & adam discussing splitting the vote or adam's conversation with sheila (post fight)? last i saw, sharon was definitely GONE so i'm confused what happened next!!

thanks in advance if you have anything!


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