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April 21st & 22nd - Live Feed Updates

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HGs still sleeping :)


Sheila was up and went to kitchen. I glanced away and lost her and looks like maybe she went back to bed. At least that's all they are showing ... people in bed


Everyone up.

Adam and She in BR A:today's a big day.

She: yeah it is go easy on me buddy.


10:47 BBT I think Ryans in the shower right now I hear the water going.

Adam is making waffles


Sheila forgot to feed the babies and everyone is saying they don't like her very much it's funny. Adam just said BEEBEEs.

They recorded the final Goodbyes to eachother today.


11:15AM BBT: Sh;eila saying she thoguht she was leaving. She and Ryan are chatting about how they think sharon thought she was staying but sheila was surprised.

talk about how happy shar was yesterday and how she was happy and she is never like that before eviction. They are saying that she really thought she was staying.

Adam and She are whispering can't hear anything but she really appreciates something that adam did. I believe they are talking about how Adam convinced Ryan to keep Sheila.

Adam called to DR

all feeds on Sheila eating alone.




Adam is in the DR

She i think is still in the bathroom.

OMG adam just came out of the DR SCREAMING and pretending to cry. Ryan is still doing sit ups he doesn't sound too good.

Sheila called to DR.

Adam and Ryan are talkinga bout what they are going to do when they walk out of the BB house they have a secret handshake going ... no joke..


12:05pm bbt: she and adam in the bathroom chit chatting. I think they are talking about being F2 but not 100%. She is saying it's heart wrenching they are so close and she could be gone. Sheila thinks that the final HOH is outside (it was inside last season) they are talking about tomorrow's show. They are already talking like Adam is going to win Part 2 and sheila is going to be watching. Sheila is saying this is nerve racking. Talking about families. Adam is really excited. BB yells at Ryan to put on Microphone.

Everyone in the Bathroom big hugs and tehy are super excited.


Just a lot of waiting around for the comp today.

12:18 Flames

sheila is saying she doesn't think she can do it in the comp and she is scared and nervous. Ryan got his suitcase.

I can't really tell what adam just said but I think he is starting to play both sides saying he's taking both to F2.

Adam called to DR.

Sheila telling Ryan no matter what happens she wants either of them to win. They are talking about Adam's business stuff and waht sheila wants to do and they are F3 for a reason. Something about Adam's foundation for Autism and She is talking about how Jen should get involved becasue she is a special Ed teacher.


Feeds Back... I think She won??


Adam said me and you rye bread. Major won. Sheila lost. they are talking about a wheel and sheila was really dizz. Adam called to DR


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