chairo Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 Feeds are back but just showing Adam in bed and Sheila in bed, not together
Anglic Posted April 21, 2008 Posted April 21, 2008 I quickly ran the feeds backwards, all HG's are still there (*not sure what is up*) 4:48BBT : two feeds on Shelia in the suana,two feeds on Adam now trying to sleep
chairo Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Adam and Sheila left their rooms. They just showed Ryan and Sharon. Sharon in bed and looks like Ryan is laying on a couch, still no talking Sharon and Sheila are now laying in bed talking. Nothing worth repeating. Sounds like they keep talking about the moving SHaron and Ryan watched
shelldrake111 Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Sheila,Sharon and Ryan and Adam all there. Sheila and Sharon laying on Sharon's bed talking. Not sure what happened but they aren't dressed up anymore. Sharon is in jeans and tennis shoes and Sheila put socks on.
chairo Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Ryan is the same room with them. They ARE talking about movies.
FTB1974 Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 5:00 pm BBT- Adam paces the pink room like a caged tiger. Twice he knelt down in between the two beds like he was trying to pray. Afterwards it's more pacing and staring into the mirror like he's looking for what's on the other side. Ryan is resting on the couch in the red room. Sheila and Sharon are laying on Sharon's bed chatting, talking about movies and actors that have chemistry....and Jacob.
BonBon13 Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 5:13 BBT Ryan and Adam Talking in Kitchen. ADAM HAS JUST TALKED RYAN INTO KEEPING SHEILA!!! They must have an idea of what the First Part of the HOH is and Adam thinks Sharon could win it. If they keep Sheila and she drops out Adam will give it to Ryan. Then Adam will go againts Sheila in the 2nd part. He keeps telling Ryan "He will drop for him" if Sheila goes out.
FTB1974 Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 5:15 pm BBT- The ladies are Ex bashing. The boys are in the kitchen. I *believe* Adam in his whispering is trying to convince Ryan that Sheila is the one to keep. I think he is saying that if they keep Sheila, he promises Ryan that after Sheila drops out of endurance part of HoH, he will drop and surrender the first part of the comp. He is saying that Sharon is due for a win. He and Sheila will compete in part 2. He says that this guarantees them final 2. (Keep in mind Adam is whispering and talking a mile a minute)
FTB1974 Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 5:23 pm BBT- Adam is still talking about keeping Sheila and it seems that Ryan is uncomfortable with it, but willing to do it, as long as he isn't screwed in the end. Adam is breathing heavily. (My personal opinion, that pacing like a caged tiger mentioned earlier was Adam preparing for this very moment)
FTB1974 Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 5:30 pm BBT- It seems Ryan is game and Sheila is staying. Adam is reassuring Ryan that for final two, he would definately take him. "I don't care about that *****, it's you and me". Adam is saying Sheila can't beat him at mental. PoV is still hanging on Ryan's picture but Adam says "We're getting dirty in 30 minutes bro". (PoV followed by Part 1 of HoH???) Ryan mentions that he's told Sharon she is safe all week. Adam is explaining to him how to stage being angry when Adam votes to keep Sheila.
chatterbox Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 7:05 Music and trivia....I was told that this could be how it is for the next 24 hours as they are doing the eviction and starting the HOH comps. So there may or may not be BBAD or it may be pre-recorded.
ericsturrock Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Still Trvia(Some1 write 2 see what they say)
Berrie333 Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 8:03 PM BBT - BBAD confirms that it is showing Pre-recorded tape from this morning.
CRAZY Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 Feeds are back. IT's Adam,Ryan and Shelia. Sharon was voted out
dmd202 Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 10:12 PM Feeds back. Sheila and Ryan in kitchen saying their family must be really proud of them Sheila says she has a pms psycho problem and needs to get meds. She has bad mood swings. They had a comp where thy had to be on a boogie board.
MrsFroman Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 11:15 - Adam is talking to the GPs and Sheila is hand washing laundry in the BR. Ryan says his elbows are aching. He says he could have stayed up there all night. Adam says he's mentally tired and that BB was impressed with their last minute abilities. He says "they thought it was best too." They whisper something I can't hear. They discuss Sharon being in Ryan's head and Adam says now it's done. Adam says Sharon took it well and she gets credit for that but that she was a fabricator. Ryan says Sharon said Adam ran after her into the BR and got into her face and tried to make a deal and shake on it. Adam says that's BS and he had asked Sharon what she was going to do. He says he asked Sharon if she was keeping Ryan? Adam says he didn't have a final deal with her and that he didn't try to shake hands. (*Adam lies*) Sheila asks if Sharon campaigned hard against her. Ryan hesitantly says not really but Sharon wasn't told anything so she didn't know much. Ryan says its interesting that they are all final 3 when they were all on the block and ready to go. They say Allison was their sacrificial lamb...their burnt offering. Ryan says Allison was James' concubine. Ryan says if Alex had campaigned, he would have been kept over Matty and Natty. Adam says he was a man of his word and had promised Nat he wouldn't campaign. Ry says nothing against Alex, he "wanted Amanda the fuck out of this house!" They talk about being 1/3 to HoH and plans always go awry in the BB house. Ry and Adam say they've seen every single competition this season. Sheila still in BR and the guys are smiling and Adam jumping around. Whispering but don't know what they're saying..assume it's in regards to dumping Sheila out of the house. No other reason to whisper.
MrsFroman Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 11:27 - They start ripping on the 66 alliance and talking about team PullOut and how dumb they all were. Ryan says "We're the outsiders and fuckin' look at us." Adam lists everyone Sharon was up against. They seem to admire how many times she skated through evictions, but say she didn't win shit and she played in 5 PoVs. Sheila chimes in that she was a trooper. Adam says she wasn't even close second except once against Adam. Sheila says the only comp Sharon won was with Joshuah. Adam asks about Ryan's neck and Ry says it's sore but ok. Sheila dumping trash and getting rid of candy to avoid ants. Ryan says he will have a bad neck for the rest of his life since he injured it in October. Adam says to Sheila "You were straight hurting out there." Sheila says yes she was, but she wanted to play in the next comp and is surprised that it only lasted 10 minutes after she dropped. Adam did drop for Ryan to win like he promised to do if Ryan let Adam evict Sharon instead of Sheila. FotH as they discuss the comp. Back to discussion about the ants. Adam wonders if they'll find a guy like him for next season because they haven't had a guy like him in 8 years! Sheila says no way. They all agree it was freezing and Adam says that's why he fell. He says he made it look easier than it was and that Sheila did a great job. Sheila says she thought she sucked at the comp. Adam asks how they think Sharon would have done. Sheila says she doesn't know but Sharon did better than her on the Disco Ball. Ryan says she would have been frozen out there. Ryan points out that men can take the cold better than women. (*fat guys, yeah*) Sheila says she worried she would get sick like Allison in the fish competition. Sheila says Allison is a triathlete and Adam says she's full of shit. They point out there is no way to fact check in the BB house. Adam says she may jog, but he doesn't think so. Ry says Allison said she ran marathons.
MrsFroman Posted April 22, 2008 Posted April 22, 2008 11:35 Sheila talking to GPs. Adam and Ryan going through the cooking chart on the nuker. Sheila thanks Adam for taking trash out. Adam says good thing he had his tea tonight...his antioxidants. *LOL* Sheila and Ry around house somewhere and Adam in kt. Adam goes to BR and finds Ryan and says that it's better now since Sharon had a "due card" and they don't have to worry. Adam says he came through with his end and Ryan says he feels much better. Adam says it's better than having to stay out in the cold for 3 hours! Ryan brushing teeth...(*time for jammies next*) Sheila says "Goodnight...the maid is going to sleep right now if the Baller doesn't keep her up!" and asks who's shoes were left out as she goes off to sleep. Ryan yelling to Adam in another room. Don't' know what about. Ryan says he will take slop for a week and discover his liflong love for "joe" (*coffee*) and he doesn't know how he lived without joe. Ryan says he would have gotten so much more accomplished if he'd started a relationship with joe and would have been out of bed in the morning. Adam says him that he works full time (*uh..Adam...let me tell ya something...know're unemployed!*) he drinks coffee. Ryan tells Sheila that the boat room is hot. Sheila says to Ry she sleeps in her bra and undies. Ryan says that's hot. Adam in kt still, Ryan wanders in. Adam says "Tomorrow I play against Sheila." Ryan says Sheila has been holding back the whole time. Adam says no way dude...even they said the weakest player in the game. They agree Sharon would have been closer to beating them than Sheila was. They start talking about jury votes. Adam says that Matty will be deciding vote between the two of them. Ryan says "I know." Adam says Sheila was ready for eviction today. Adam says he thinks Sheila will be cool with the two of them going to the end. Ryan says she's been cool lately. They say she gets raging hormones and it's weird. Adam says she was out there on the rag too. Adam says she's afraid of the guys in competitions. They agree she can't be in final 2 because she will have the jury votes. Ryan says not happening. Adam agrees. They need to pick eachother or she will win. Adam mentions the 50K plus Bahamas is chill. They discuss going to bed. They stop at the memory wall to discuss jury votes on the way to beddy bye. Sheila calls goodnight to the guys and tells them thanks for keeping her. (*sorry...gotta go nighty night*)
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