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April 18th - Live Feed Updates

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We had a view of Sharon sleeping, Ryan reading the bible and Sheila and Adam.

FotH!!!! Maybe shackles come off?


7:15 pm BBT- All 4 fees on Adam, Sheila, and Sharon at the mini table. I don't know where Ryan is. Idle gossip. Sharon has explained what happens after they get down to the jury vote and the final 2 walking out of the house to face them. The 3 of them are asking for their cards back and in lieu of actually having the cards they are discussing card games and Vegas. Sheila calls the jacks juniors.


7:30 pm BBT- No much going on. Sharon discusses her near drowning experience in a swimming pool in Vegas and Sheila says she would like to go to the jacuzzi but her *female problem* has been a nightmare.

Sheila mentions her son is turning 17 in a week. Adam is making tuna.

Ryan shows up. He must have been in the DR. Sharon is called to the DR. Ryan doesn't like the smell of Adam's tuna and the ants have returned for the candy. Ryan says "the ants have found a freakin goldmine". Much discussion on how to save the candy from the invaders. The ants have found the bread too. Sheila mentions that the sweets need to go and Adam objects (imagine that).


7:35 pm BBT-Adams explains to Ryan Sheila's solution to the pre-existing relationship. Since Ryan and Sharon both had a relation in the house, then they are the pre existing relation because they are both still there (not a relation to each other, but just the fact the 2 of them are still there). Ryan isn't getting it. (Neither am I).

Sheila is emptying several kitchen cabinets looking for the source that is bringing the ants in droves. She thinks it's an old bag of chips way in the back. The boys aren't helping. Instead they head to the storage room and discuss cabbage and noodles. After heading back to the kitchen the boys discuss having a pool party.


7:50 pm BBT- Sharon returns from the DR. Adam is called to the DR. Sheila is still waging war with the ants. Sheila and Sharon take extra food back to the SR to keep it from the ants. They discuss Ryan's request to not talk game tonight. Sheila: "He's going to do whatever he's going to do. Whatever".

Ryan is preparing BBQ (chicken I think). Sheila and Sharon discuss bagging the cereal in ziplock bags and Ryan heads back to HoH room. All 4 feeds remain and Sheila and Sharon in the kitchen.

8:00 pm BBT-Sharon leaves Sheila's battle with the insects to get a Mountain Dew from Ryan (also known as sneaking away to talk privately to Ryan). She only stays long enough to tell Ryan that when she went to change her mic she saw Adam tell Sheila not to stress (I assume based on her expression she means Adam is telling Sheila she is safe). Ryan's reply "Was my zipper unzipped outside?"


8:20 pm BBT- Not much going on. Sharon heads to bed to read her bible. Adam is cooking cabbage. Ryan is in Hoh listening to music. Sheila is wiping up the casualties of war.

I'm off to bed.


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