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will be glue to adam again


She really does adore him ya know :lol: Think he'll get a lil sumptin sumptin? ;)


final two easily

Guest nerorowan

I love that!! Sheila it is time to give your hero a little sumptin, sumptin!!

Guest nerorowan

What? Are you insinuating that she will be rode hard?


Sheila just said that she's so good with Josh, she needed him to leave like that. She can't wait to see him at the wrap party!!! Hellooooo... hey numbskulls... she didn't say sequester, she said wrap party. GET A CLUE PEOPLE!!!! She's telling you right to your faces... do something about it!!!


I'll tell y'all what, if Sheila makes it to the final 2 she had better not make her speech sayin one word about her son, or play the single mom card,or, this is a biggy, say any of the following phrases, do you hear me?? I am serious, and or I am a 45 year old woman, and those are the only ones I am rememberin right now, I know there are a cpl others. NOW if she can make a speech and not say any of that stuff and make a good argument she could win,lol, that is a big ol if tho


Why is this woman crying now?


ya know I would not be unhappy for her to get there either, I am an old girl myself, but I do wish she would start tryin to up her game when there is a compitition, ya know. She has not been as viscous as the rest of them, and I do find myself rootin for Naughty Natalia, I just could do without the God stuff and the signs all the time, I believe in mystical stuff too, but she takes it to a whole other level,lol


There is an old adage that says, "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill." who knows? As much of an airhead I think Sheila is, she could go far . . . F2?


tis true, and i agree with what ceci said also, they are not listening closley,lol


I'm not saying she shouldn't get to the end... I'm saying the other house guests have been playing a blinds-eye game when it come to Sheila.

On one hand she's not won a comp. so it's good to keep her around but, on the other hand... except for Nat or James against her in the F2... She's going to win. Adam, Ryan and Sharon should be thinking about the end game now... it's close enough.

I personally find Sheila annoying and conniving hypocrite BUT... she has played this game HARD and she is just as deserving, imo to be in the F2 as James or Natalie. I don't particularly like this style of playing the game but, I respect that it's a valid game plan and she's done it to the best of her ability.


I find Team Christ who are Natalie, Ryan Adam the hypocrites. They put themselves above everyone because they think they are blessed by God more then the others.

Sheila can be annoying and no she has not won any comps but I think starting next week she needs to step it up and you never know. Last year Zach waited until about this time before he won a comp.

Nat, Ryan and Adam just think they are entitled. I thought they would take Sheila but I think they are so wrapped up in their Team Christ that they will play stupid and stick together.


Good post Marty... completely agree.

I'll tell y'all what, if Sheila makes it to the final 2 she had better not make her speech sayin one word about her son, or play the single mom card,or, this is a biggy, say any of the following phrases, do you hear me?? I am serious, and or I am a 45 year olds woman, and those are the only ones I am rememberin right now, I know there are a cpl others. NOW if she can make a speech and not say any of that stuff and make a good argument she could win,lol, that is a big ol if tho

ya think?


if she makes it to the end...she'll use every line from your post...for sure!

I personally find Sheila annoying and conniving hypocrite BUT... she has played this game HARD and she is just as deserving, imo to be in the F2 as James or Natalie. I don't particularly like this style of playing the game but, I respect that it's a valid game plan and she's done it to the best of her ability.

I agree...she's been extremly annoying and I don't like her style of play either...but, she has played the game hard like you said plus, she taken one heck of a lot of grief from the others in the process. I would not be disappointed if she did make it to the finals...I don't think she will though.

I'm just happy right now knowing that Josh and Chelsia aren't going to win...:)



FatCat, CeCi, Marty .... great posts! ITA (and you saved my fingers from doing the talking!) :animated_rotfl:

MrsDunn: "Old age and treachery will overcome youth and skill." Ahhh, words of experience!

Not a Sheila fan, her "MOMMY CARD" drives me insane. And don't tell me an ex Hustler girl doesn't know the expression "Rode hard......" cheeze. I wasn't a Zach fan either till I noticed him about week 9 and figured this floater might make it to F2. She is playing his game, but if she doesn't wise up to NRA (and I don't mean the Rifle assoc.), her dupa is gone in two weeks. She needs HOH next week more than James or Sharon. If she can do that, then she might get my vote.......


Next HOH is going to be BIG BIG BIG. I really hope that Sharon or Sheila get it because I think they will break up the Bible Barista and her boys. They need to get a back bone and evict Natalie.


you will win lottery before sheila gets hoh


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