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April 6 - Live Feed Updates

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As I'm trying to pull myself away from a feed that is cutting out, Natalie is worried about everyone getting equal amounts of wine and Ryan is talking muscle relaxers and narcotic pain relievers....it's better living through chemistry night in the BB house!

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9:15PM BBT: They got wine again. Natalie is worried about everyone getting equal amounts of wine and Ryan is talking muscle relaxers and narcotic pain relievers... its better living through chemistry night in the BB house! Natalie is teased because she is the "wine nazi" and poured herself more than everyone else.

Sheila, James, Sharon and Ryan eating at the table. Natalie and Adam drinking wine with them at the table. Natalie is asking them question off cards. They were doing the question game earlier. Natalie didn't know where the Taj Mahal was or what a "virtue" was. Some of the questions include... Natalie asks "What is one thing you have done that you would like to change?" "What is the most amazing weather you have seen?" "What is your biggest accomplishment?" "What event in the past, present, or future would you like to witness in person?"

[OMG this question stuff is painfully boring - DB ]

9:40PM BBT: They're still playing the question game... What fear would you most like to conquer?

Sharon: Self doubt.

Natalie: Fear of spiders.

Sheila: Her fear of heights.

James: His fear of commitment.

Adam: Would most like to conquer his fear of ejaculating too fast. (yes I cleaned that up!) Thank god Ryan is in the DR.

10:25PM BBT: Natalie is again being questioned about her giving Matt a Blowjob! She again denies it and tells them that Matt is out of the house because God knew he lied, "God was watching! That's why Matt is gone." Adam and James laugh and James says that the tapes will tell the truth and Natalie tells him they will and everyone will see that it wasn't true.

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10:27 pm BBT: Sheila steers the conversation back to playing the question & answer game.

11 pm BBT: Questions & answers finally breaks up. Natalie in the kitchen making chocolate chip cookies but she is picking out all the chocolate chips because she doesn't like chocolate & thinks it's ridiculous to have all those chocolate chips in cookies. Ryan comes by & grabs a chunk of raw cookie dough. Natalie stingily tells Ryan to leave the dough alone because she doesn't like the dough.

Sharon is giving James a massage in the spa & telling him about the times she cheated on Jacob.

11:07 pm BBT: Natalie is (being a total bitch) in the kitchen going on & on to Adam & Sheila about how she doesn't uncircumcised men. Sheila asks how Nat knows if she has never gone there. Nat says she knows because she's not attracted to that. The Nat tries to say it is unsanitary. Adam & Sheila tell Natalie that is not true & it is a myth. Natalie tells Sheila that Sheila lives in a different time frame than Natalie does (this is 2008 for everyone isn't it ) Sheila says what does that have to do with anything.

Sheila/Adam/Natalie start back up with the question & answer game.

11:10 pm BBT: Natalie gives Adam a great big hug and Sheila says that she (Natalie) treats him like a monkey.

11:30 pm BBT: Sheila goes to the PR with Ryan. He tells her he’s planning on using the PoV on her and just wants to make sure that if he does… in the future she will keep that in mind. Whether it’s not to put him on the block if she gets HoH or vote to keep him if he is on the block.

Meanwhile… Natalie is telling Adam that Sharon is planning on getting rid of him next week if she wins HoH. Then she says she is going to nominate Sharon and Sheila if she wins HoH.

11:50 pm BBT: Sheila, Natalie and Adam are in the HoH. Natalie getting ready for a bubble bath, Sheila listening to Bon Jovi. They all three agree James has got to go this week. James and Sharon are in bed (together) chit chatting.

11:55 pm BBT: James gets called to DR. Ryan jumps out of bed and runs to talk to Sharon. He asks her if James is campaigning, she says no. They discuss who they want to go next week Adam or Natalie. Ryan leaning towards Natalie, Sharon towards Adam. They come to an agreement that Natalie is next.

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midnight bbt - sheila and adam arguing in the HOH bed... she is telling him in a mean tone to not tell her to not get upset about being put up on the block, he says dont get mad at me for what i decided to do....sheila says what im not good enough player to stay in the game? adam says i just said you havent won anything... sheila says maybe i just dont want to win and put people up... adam says its the worse..sheila says she wants to win at the last hoh. (tey had been arguing earlier about sheila making a deal with ryan to take her off the block, that it didnt matter, either way james was going home

james is laying in bed with sharon...they are wispering so low i cannot hear..im switching feeds.

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12:09am BBT - james and sharon in bed and he is telling sharon that adam told him that he has to put him up tommorow... sharon thinks that ryan will keep her over nat cuz ryan sees nat like james, a big threat.... he's not gonna keep her to te end.... james is saying that he can beat nat.... sharon says pitch it to ryan hey, im not gonna win over you at the end... natalie will..... tell him that you will be with him to the end and help him get rid of natalie. james says adam is scared, sharon says tell him if you take out nat then since baller cant play he only has to play against sharon sheila and you and that you will have his back.....she says what do you have to lose....james says nothing and gets out of bed...... he goes to the restroom.

12:17pm.... while james is in the bathroom, sharon runs into ryans room and wispers something to him, i could not hear her, she was pointing and wispering real fast.....(was she telling him about james?)

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12:21pm bbt - ryan just got up and ran into james going coming back in.... james follows him into livng room and asks him if he is dead set on what he is gonna do, ryan says yeah i am, i mean adam only has between you and nat....james asks him if he is still pissed.... ryan says i was a little but im over it... james says what the hell can sheila offer you, i mean please dude, if its endurance i will win and i will save you....i mean what can sheila offer you... rya says a vote man, james says i can to, he says all i can do is use it you are a big threat.... jame says so is nat, ryan says well im not telling adam who to put up, i mean if he puts nat up i dont know, i might....james says i dont have the balls to go up and talk to him.... james says i mean why is everyone giving sheila a chance.....ryan says what did you do with your veto? james says i used it on sheila and they both laugh.... james says i just want to play this game man.... ryan says everyone does..... ryan says im gonna go upstairs and watch nat naked in the tub, james says she doesnt do it for me bro....ryan says me either but whatever.... ryan says this will be the first sunday you cant do your veto dance; ryan says im promise you one thing im not telling him who to put up..... james say if you keep them the same we could keep sharon in the game and it would be 3-1.....ryan says that would be ballsy dude and hell would break loose.... james says only sheila would be upset...ryan says both nat and adam would be dissapointed, he says adam would not put nat up, i just dont see it. (im not watching the other feeds but im sure the HOH is watching this) ryan saying he knows if he did what james asked that he would be making more enemies.

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12:34am bbt - switched feeds and yes nat/adam/sheila are watching and they are rehashing the past few weeks... sounds like adam is telling them everything james (his boy) has ever told him.

sheila says james has been planting seeds all day.... sheila and nat are saying what they think james is saying to ryan downstairs "they are gonna turn on you dude, your neck is hurt and i can play and take you to the end"...... nat says i wonder what he is saying...... nat says why ryan is talking to him... adam says that is why i let ryan win POV so he can handle james i didnt want to deal with james.

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12:39pm bbt --- back to james and ryan; ryan saying there really isnt much benefit to me taking sheila off other then not making enemies.... james says im just trying to throw anything out there, ryan says i hear ya dude but your in a shit situation this week.... james makes a comment about nat that the same fucking girl who reads the bible doesnt even know what the word virtue means....... james says everyone says they are not threatened by me, ryan says im not but your a strong player and its dog eat dog and you dont want stronger players in the game....ryan says i wish i could have had you as an allli 3 weeks ago, james says me too dude, this couple thing screwed it all up....ryan says you've been a warrior dude and you deserve to be here dude but thats not always a good thing in this house, ryan said you won but all your allies are gone out of the house.... ryan says he's not gonna go upstairs now, he's just going to bed.... james says me too..... james gets in bed and sharon throws her hands up as if to say "well, did it work?" and james shakes his head vigorously.... sharon pops up and lips something and james lips something back then they both lay down..... its quiet. (switching feeds)

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12:48am bbt --- they see that ryan is coming up and nat tells sheila to hurry up and put head phones on and adam runs to the bathroom.... nat lets ryan in and he says well james put a pitch to me to not use to veto... they all act shocked.... ryan tells them that he told james thats he already promised sheila to take her down and that james asked him if he could talk adam out of putting him up and nat says then that leaves me, ryan says he told james that was a big hail mary and he didnt see that happening.... adam says well james was telling nat earlier that once he was gone that the house was coming after her.... ryan says well the house has decided, he can say what he wants..... shelia says that her and nat were joking that they thought james would use his neck..... ryan said he did, he said with your neck you can use a strong player wednesday.....sheila says i knew he would bring that up. ryan says he is glad his neck got hurt today so he will be ok wednesday...... sheila says oh yeah like your gonna keep him here another 2 weeks....whatever......ryan tells him that he told him when he brought up the fact that he lost all his allies... Adam asks Ryan why hes so chilled out, ryan said BB gave him something for his pain............

sheila says why would i keep someone who jumps out of a big blue box saying im back to fuck all of you up, yeah i want to keep you here another 2 weeks so i can sleep with one eye open every night...... ryans says he is gonna go downstairs and fake his neck injury some more (james had questioned if he was faking earlier).... they all laugh..... ryan says goodnight and leaves.

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1:00am bbt - (after flames because they were talking about DR) nat/sheila/adam in HOH talking; sheila laughing says that girl hates you, adam says i know then says into his mic, im a different person outside of this house baby (guess someone told them to quit talking about DR) adam saying that james was shaking during the POV, nat says when it got down to you (adam) and ryan i was like game over, sheila says i was crying.... nat says even though im made at matt right now im glad we are sending matt his bday present 2 days late..... nat said that sheila put it out there when she said james had 9 lives.... 9 lives, april 9th, bb9, 9th week..... nat says you know that chelsia and josh will be expecting one of us.... they will show their expressions in the sequester house... you know chelsia is gonna scream nooooooo and you know josh will be freaking out (nat making faces and matt will be like yeah you asshole i told you you picked the wrong side.... sheila is craking up....... now they are talking about nat winning HOH, how they all told sheila how stupid nat was, well i showed them. sheila puts on the headphones.

1:07am FLAMES

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1:09am bt - nat talking about matt and that god didnt take care of him cuz he was lying about alot o stuff, saying i did things i didn't do.... nat leaves HOH to get to bed.... sheila says i was waiting for her to leave... she says i truley believe that you and i are gonna be at the end together, i know we didnt want to be with each other and we fight, but we will be at the end together, i truly believe that. she says i know i havent won anything in this game, i may be the only person in this game to get to the end without winning anything at all, it will be a record. james and josh tell me that im playing a dangerous game, flip flopping.... oh well, im still here.

nat downstairs staring at memory wall.

sheila says she doesnt care what anyone says to you, we are the only couple left in this game, i said that even when we split as couple i said i bet a couple will still make it to the end..and we did it, im not gettin cocky im just feeling it.....she says people who watch this show want want to see us get to the end....... this show was till death do us part....we have been thru hell together, we have put have everyone thru hell.. they are both cracking up while sheil says we have never been together n this game but we are still together...... adam brings up that james was trying to get him to get rid of sheila a long time ago.

nat gets into bed, with her mic on and all the cover noise makes it hard to hear sheila and adam.

sheila says that we have to get nat out soon cuz as soon as sharon is gone, nat is gonna try to get either you or ryan to get me out..... adam says i dont care if i win the money, i just want to get to the end.... sheila says that nat will not try to get with ryan, she is not stupid you are stronger then ryan, she will want to get with the stronger man, your mentally and phsically stronger..... plus ryan is a nice guy and she wont want to take him to the end, he will get the votes. adam tells her that when james was HOH he told me he was putting matt up and that matt was lying to him, that matt was saying that he voted james in and that natalie threw him under the bus... adam says james is a good guy, he told me how ryan was gonna put me up, and none of them fuckers ever told me anything.

sheila says let them all think we hate each other.... that no matter what he hears that she will never go against him. she says just remember that no matter what you do it will a fall on you.... sheila says i dont care what they think, they may not vote for me cuz i won nothing but i dont care.. sheila says we have to think about right now,once james is gone its gonna be a battle, if nat wins your probably safe, but ryan, i dont know.

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1:37am bbt - sheila winding down saying shes ready to go to bed; sheila saying that nat will have his back before ryan but dont forget who really has your back, me. i have bullshitted everyone in this house except for you..... i have never lied to nat or ryan or sharon.... but you have to take me to the end, im taking you....adam says it might be better to have sharon win and get her to put me and ryan up and get him out with no hard feelings......sheila saying that nat might be good to take to the end cuz she really only has matt, shes pissed off everyone else..... sheila says i would rather win HOH and you battle it out with somone.... we are getting ahead of ourselves....... adam says i want us to get to the end that we are a couple and we would be the only couple left..... to death do us part.... sheila says now thats a love story man..... sheila says i hate you i really do, but i know that you have an incredible life and you really do care about kids and i want you to win... adam says i want you to go to the end.......... sheila says i want us to be the fairy tale ending.

sheila say everyone with live feeds knows that we have been playing everyone in the house.... how everyone thinks we hate each other....... sheila has him check the hall and she says im gonna go to bed..... she again asks him to quit saying she is an actress.....adam says they all say it anyway, she says yeah but you dont have to throw me under the bus..... sheila says please remember who is the campaigner in the house.... adam says your a machine...... they are cracking up...... she says im exhasted, i thought allison was bad.... i didnt know what to do when i came in this house, but if i want you out of this house, you will be out.... adam sas campaigning machine..... sheila says till my last breath, campaginng... get this person out, vote this person out as im falling to the floor with my last breath (she falls to the floor and they are both cracking up) sheila says and they will have to bring the stretcher to come take me out.

sheila is saying let everyone think that adam is with nat, go ahead, but its me and you..... sheila says she will do the sneaky stuff, dont make me put people up.... adam says that is why i sent you to find out stuff with parker....sheila says she doesnt remember........ sheila saying she was so ignorant of this game when she came in, she said she didnt believe sharon and jacob thing...... sheila says she still thinks there were other couples in the house but they are gone... adam asks who and she says she wont tell him till shes out of the house that these people told her but asked her to not tell anyone, she will keep personal things to herself, now you want to talk game, ill talk game all night (laughing)..... she hugs him and leaves and says goodnight.

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1:56am BT - sheila in downstairs bathroom getting ready to wash her face...... adam in HOH admiring himself in mirror after he takes off his shirt..... then he lays in bed with bible.

1:58am - sheila in boat roomnow getting ready for bed.... , gets down to underwear and turns off light and crawls in.

2:00am bbt -- feed 1 on sheila in bed -- feed 2 on sharon and james in bed -- feds 3 and 4 on adam reading bible.

(im out peeps :))

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2:20 am BBT: James, Sharon and Ryan are in bed. Sheila, Natalie and Adam are talking in the HoH room. They are discussing what the jury house is going to say when they see James walk in the door. Chelsia will scream "Nooo!" and Josh is going to do his shocked face with his fingers shaped into claws and Matty is going to be like, "Yeah!!!"

Natalie and Adam talk about winning the HoH this week. How important it was they win and them reviewing the numbers the night before. Talk say Matty was a sacrificial lamb. Natalie is still mad about him lying to her but, she caught him in lies and he wouldn't admit them. Ultimately, he paid the price, because he was demeaning her character. God made sure she was still here and he had to go because he was not honest with her.

Natalie says goodnight Baller, I'm going to let you handle your business. Tells Sheila goodnight and heads downstairs to get ready for bed.

Adam crawls next to Sheila and they talk about all they

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9:52 BBT kids are up... everyone screaming good morning ugh nat and adam are screaming it and sheila is annoyed. they seriously won't stop.

apparently they are doing it to piss sheila off. James doesn't look too happy he's in the shower with sharon i think, ryan eating at the flower table, everyone else walking around doing ADL's

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10:15 I come in on feeds to James saying "You mean you two kids back there didn't know how John Lennon died?" (Nat and Ryan) Nat says "I don't remember every little history fact." and James responds "It's not a history fact, it's common knowledge." (*it's both, nimrod*)

James Sharon Sheila are in kt, Ry and Nat are in BR and Adam is unseen.

Sharon whispers something to James then says "crazy" then says loudly, "Oh boy this show would not be the same without James."

Sheila talks about this being the beginnning of a war of words and James says something I can't hear.

Ry and Nat whispering in BR but can't hear. BB tells Ryan to put on his mic and Ryan says "I'm shaving".

Sheila and James discussing movies. She says Christopher Bell is one of her favorite actors. James talks about some actors being Gay. (dont' know who)

They figure out Hugh Jackman played Wolverine in XMen. James asks if Sheila has all her makeup on. Sheila says yes.

We hear DR conversation and James is saying he started the day swimming naked and Producer says that sounds like a good way to start the day.

All four feeds go to BR where Nat, Sharon and Ry are doin' their thing and the blowdryer kills the audio for me. Nat starts in on Chelsia again, says she wants to be around nice, happy, positive people. Sharon says yes.

Everyone lookin' good - for the veto meeting today?

They discuss BB playing 4 or 5 songs this morning. Sharon says James yelled to BB to play one more because he was naked. BB apparently accommodated James so he could be naked in the pool to music? Nat says she wonders if she gets naked if they'd play Yellow Card.

10:33ish Sharon and Nat discuss Matt being gone and Nat says she's glad because he was lying so much and especially about Nat and the BJ. (she's playing it well!) Sharon says people forget sometimes that America watches and we are literally living with America too. Sharon says Nat's parents were probably glad Matt got evicted.

10:34 all feeds on BY and Adam is playing with remote control car. Ry is out there too but I can't see what he's doing. Sharon peeks out and asks Adam for a strawberry. Adam says "Of course, go up and grab it."

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10:37 Ry and Adam both with RC cars and Ry says "Dude the batteries in these things suck!" They're having fun and Sheila putting. Ry complains his battery only gives 5 minutes (he has big jeep and Adam has a little one). Sheila says "come on guys! That's not right, it's just not right, you're gonna take my ankles out!" The guys are messing up her putting green with the RC cars. The guys are playing Smash Up Derby (my words....remember that game?) and Sheila getting irritated as they buzz her legs and the green. James in BY now too just hanging out. She leaves the green and says she's gonna get hurt and she won't like it. Says she'll come back when they're done with their "shennanigans".(her word) James finds that Ryan has left the plastic on his car battery (De Dede)

(*gotta run for a bit*)

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11:04pm bbt - sharon/adam/sheila outside, natalie comes out whining that BB hasnt called her in yet..... adam and james putting with both regular size and oversized golf games.

sharon telling nat that we need to be ready for a double eviction just cuz they asked us if we were avaiable till may 3rd doesnt mean we are in the house till then..... nat tells sheila to come sit by them... now the girl are talking about doing there nails and how they are so happy BB gave them that salon.

now feeds are on adam on the putting green and james hitting the bigger ball with the bigger putter, james is quiet and walking back and forth hittng balls. dont see ryan so he must be inside doing his POV thing.

natalie makes the comment that time has gone by so fast that today is day 60 already. now the girls are complementing each other on their clothes..... pretty boring, they are just waiting. (waiting to put james up)

sheila telling the girls that they need to take care of themselves now while they dont have kids, that they can be selfish now.... adam comes and sits down, sharon thanks him for the strawberry's for the GP's.... nat saying she is gonna ask if she can have them, sharon says you should ask, i mean they wouldn't have put someones personal guineas in the house.... nat wonders how she would get them to oregon, sharon says well they have a pill for cats and dogs when they travel...im sure they have a cage. adam says poke some holes in a box and tape it up......this makes sharon start to talk about her dogs.

james still hitting balls on the putting green, very quiet.... i will say his pink mohawk is very bright in the sun.

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12:05pm bbt - i just noticed the feeds are back on.... i heard ryan say sorry i didn have 2 pov's to use and sharon laughs..... sharon saying someone made a pact with james...(sheila?) and then adam says i would like to see her go before him.... ryan says nat tells james everything, everything you tell her...sharon says i dont think she'd put him up though if she won....sharon said thats why i planted that seed that i would vote for him over her. (sorry, not sure who they are talking about...... ryan says he's tired, he need medicine.... looks like everyone outside so it must still be an outdoo lockdown.....

sharon says she is the one who toldm that she would put him up uzshe dont have help with sheila.... ryan says i didnt hear her say the boys will turn on us (sounds like they are talking about who they should trust, sheila or nat)

sounds like ryan used the pov and james went up.... everyone seems ok..... sharon talking about adam saying that he couldnt beat nat in the end and she doesnt think they have anything....ryan thinks nat is telling adam shaon is coming after him.... ryan says be careful what you say to each of them cuz they talk to each other.....

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12:14pm - ryan asks sheila where her ass went, she said that her ass has always been flat and big, they say her butt is not big, sheila says its flat and wide, i had a nice ass when i was 18, everyone does....ryan says what about when you were 25, she says yeah, he asks what about 30, she says well it started to go bad around then, thats when i had my kid.

now they talk about working out and how sheila hasnt been working out here, it probably is why she is an emotional basket case too, i cant get my stress out.

12:17 -- sharon says i stayed dressed cuz they usually call the noms pretty quick, ryan gets up to hit the ball and sheila says that was nice what you said at the meeting, sharon says what, sheila says that you wanted me to stay in the game, sharon says i meant it, sheila says that was nice, most people wouldnt do that, sharon says, well thats me there is only one of me

james walks over and says sarcastically...big shocker today.....neither sharon or sheila say anything..... ryan says hes done playing golf, hes gonna make burgers does anyone want any....everyone says yes...... adam goes to turn on the grill and yells at sheila that she forgot to turn off the propane, she yells back that i told you to turn it on cuz i dont know anything about those..... sharon tells ryan and he goes out and says its ok, you turned off the burner but not the propane..... ryan says you girls are banned from grill..... james and adam give her some greif and sheila goes inside and says they can kiss my ass and ryan says "your flat wide ass" and sheila cracks up. everyone goes inside except adam and nat(whos laying out) and nat yells to adam, i have to win HOH, they are all plotting against us.... adam says yeah you do.

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12:26pm bbt -- sheila says hey sharon are you doing dishes? sharon says yes, sheila says thanks, sharon says i do them sometimes, ryan says sharon does them secretly she doesnt need recognition, sheila laughs and says, unlike me, i need that...... sheila says you did hear BB the other day say houseguest you must clean up after yourself...ryan says that was just for you sheila..... she says i know......ryan says you did clean our toilet right, sheila says yes i did, ryan says good job

12:28pm -- adam gets called to DR and ryan says that girl has the hots for you in there, sheila says she wants your body, adam says i wish, ryan and sheila giggle and sheila say i bet you wish, keep dreaming.

(im out for a bit :))

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