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Pov - Week 7


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So, the question is... what will the PoV competition be about... is it time for the "Face Morphomatic?" :lol:

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james will win

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pov will be about making porn

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well Natalie being an artist she may very wekk di great in this type of veto comp

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On the Wed update 9:20PM BBT: Josh is outside with Adam and Ryan. Josh is telling them he isn't going to be like Parker and walk around the house being nasty. Ryan and Adam are telling Josh to pick them if he gets HGs choice and they'll play their asses off (I assume it's because if Sharon plays and wins then takes Josh off she'll be safe and Natalie would have to put up on of her alliance. Assuming that Natalie will put Josh and James on the block. She said she is and I don't doubt it, but as they say, expect the unexpected...).

My questions is: If Sharon plays and wins then takes Josh off, why will she be safe? If she plays in the POV, but isn't nominated, she would be using the POV on Josh not herself. The POV can only save 1 person not 2...you are giving it away, so Nat wouldn't have to put up someone from her alliance. She could put up Sharon. If I am wrong someone please correct me. :huh:



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If Sharon wins, she'd better take Josh or James off the block and try to get one of the others evicted. if not, she will be picked off the following week. She knows she's the fifth wheel in the "good people" group. IMO, it's a no brainer.

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Sharon should stick with Josh and hope they make it to the final two. Between the two, she would win the cash HANDS DOWN. She doesn't have that safety with any other HG. Even a Shelia Sharon final two (perish the thought), there's a big chance Shelia would win.

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I think Sharon needs to cement a new alliance. She thinks she can wait until after Josh leaves then hop over with the other side. She needs to start working on that now.

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So, they just picked players for the POV, I stepped away for a couple of minutes... Anyone know who is sitting out? :skellington:

Nevermind, Balla is sitting out... Great, I'll need closed captioning to understand his hosting skills

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yep, she has been used and now they will toss her aside if she doesn't win something. her flaoting days are over,lol

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Picking names at night usually means the face morphomatic comp. (I'm a good guesser, huh? post #1 :D )

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its sad the "other group" Sheila/Adam/Natalie/Ryan doesnt realize they would be smarter to work with the Josh and Sharon next week because any one of those four would have the votes in the end. think for yourselves people! the group mentality is what usually kills people in the BB house (think S6 in AllStars)

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I just thought of another game they play at night. It's the one where they make the whole BY some themed scene and then they have to search through chit to find the right names, faces, or whatever they pick this year. The last one to the host area is eliminated. Kinda like musical chairs and they take out a log or something in between each round.

Maybe me and gnat do have something in common. Where both so obsessed with this show that we know what's going to happen before it does... chit I thought it was God talking to me. :animated_rotfl:

Since 7 is God's "number" (according to Nat) do you think she'll decide to align with whomever wins PoV!!! :lol:

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