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will nom james and josh

i see her being the most annoying bb hoh ever

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Nat will for sure end Josh's streak of not being on the block. I only hope Chelsia somehow found out on the way to sequester that Natalie won HoH. Nat will be very annoying this week, but she is better than Shelia. B)

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I agree with Ginger.. I think Natalie will be happy and blessed to be safe and get pictures and won't go overboard. I don't even think she'll get slick out the mouth or anything.

:party_smilie:YAY NATALIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party_smilie:

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I think that we will see a new power tripping Natalie!! I think the Bible will be at a minimum this week. I think that she'll put up Sharon and Josh and try to backdoor James with hope that he doesn't get picked to play PoV. I don't think that she'll be stripping though...

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ugh. worst...outcome...ever....


-Natalie will say "GOD GAVE IT TO ME"

-One of the only entertaining HGs (Josh and James) will be leaving

-The sides will be out of balance which always makes it less interesting

-Josh and James will most likely act defeated instead of being their crazy selves

-Sheila and Natalie's disgusting bathroom talks will now be in the HoH instead


-No revenge for Chelsia

Minimum feeds for me this week.

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wow everyone a nat fan now

not me

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I'm very happy, IMO best possible outcome! She is the one I wanted to win hoh and she was long overdue. I think she will make this HOH worth it and get rid of either Joshua or James. Put them up against eachother like James and Chelsia to ensure one of them goes home. She has the votes to make that happen atleast she should.

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