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I agree with banning the Bible (I'm speaking as a Christian). However, I agree that if you are going to allow that as a reading material then you should allow other reading material. Who is to say that a Danielle Steel novel or a people magazine isn't my Bible...I find it soooooo un-Christianlike that people go around lying, back stabbing, swearing, stripping, making out, having oral sex (do I need to continue) and then the next minute praying to God and that the God's goodness will rain down on them, quoting the Bible, etc. WHATEVER!!! And as far as being a game as an excuse...isn't money the root of all evil???

How much do you want to bet that none of those people (except maybe Sharon) read the Bible outside the BB house like they read it while they are in there. They are just reading it because they are bored and they're trying to lay low.

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I know the Bible is a fixture in most Motel and Hotel rooms... or at least it used to be.

But - I agree the Bible has no place in the BB House.

Asking for support from someone higher up to let you win a game that's based on lying,

deceiving and plotting against someone's misfortune in favor of your own $$$ outcome is not what the

Bible is trying to teach.

Come on... Christian or not Christian... we all think it's ludicrous.

Letting some HG's follow their faith while in the house is one thing... CBS tastefully showed us

clips of that in the past.

But... now it's become a thing to ridicule.

Tithe part of your winnings while in a hot tub and having recently ripped a couple of HG's apart...

Sheeesh :glare:

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I do agree that them asking God to avenge the good people makes me sick and I don't claim to be a bible thumping christian. (I only go to church for weddings and baptisms) I am just tired of these groups coming in and taking things down or banning things that have been around for years. I'm sure when Kaysar was there he was able to bring the Koran. I wonder if they bring in a Scientologist (that would be interesting) could they bring in L Ron Hubbard books? It would only be FAIR. Who said life is fair though? I think that is one lesson we should learn from BB because it really isn't fair that one of these morons walks away with half a mill. :animated_scratchchin:

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I get a kick out of them reading the Bible (or even just bringing their faith into the game)...trying to find some meaningful inspiration and divine guidance... then they'll turn around and be complete hypocrates by acting totally un-christianlike. Shows what lack of character (most) of them truly have.

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To the poster that Pheobe quoted... How is someone reading the bible shoving religion down your throat? The bible is special to some if not to you. Please don't disrespect their beliefs by saying it isn't and I won't disprespect your beliefs by saying you're going to hell.

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Unfortunately it is a sad mistake by religious people that all Atheists are asking you to tear your religious THINGS down. I primarily ignore what is possible to ignore pertaining to religion. Not an easy task as it's unfortunately a heavy influence even in areas it ought not be. However, if BB allows a bible in and no other reading material it's bending the rules PERIOD. Reading is READING no matter what. Undoubtedly if a bible were not allowed but a HG could bring in a college book to study whilst in the BBH PLENTY of posters would be screeching foul. Tell me how it is not bending the rules for those who're religious against those who are not? What if I brought it a book about atheism but Nat couldn't bring her bible? Then sat and read it aloud? My guess would again be viewers OF religion would have their panties in one helluva knot.
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Wicked, the bible isn't just reading material like a James Patterson novel or a college text book, it is the sacred scripture of our Lord and many use it to pray. I'm sure if the Athiest religion had a bible of some sort they would let them bring it in and I would not have a problem with that... at all. If you sat and started to read it, one of two things would happen, either I would leave the room or I would ask questions because I was curious... I work in NYC so I tend to be more open to diversity than others. It all comes down to respecting each others beliefs I guess. I don't know... can't we all just get along?!?

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Only sacred to those who BELIEVE. If I were to bring a cookbook into the BBH it would be more sacred to me than a bible as a nonbeliever. Which means catering to those people who bring in the bible is discrimination if they're allowed what they deem sacred in. Atheism is not a religion. It has been titled a religion by those of religion. I've traveled coast to coast and Internationally and I too am open to the diversity of the worlds people. Which is why I prefer a fair playing field. No bibles. That way no one's offended and everyone's being respected. As respected as one might expect to be in the BBH or as a viewer. Otherwise you're putting religious people above nonreligious people. And that in itself is disrespectful.
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idk i always felt bb gave them the bible or encourage certain hg to bring the bible

i always felt bb after bb 3 where i felt jason actually wasnt making mockery of the bible, bb gave or encourage certain hg to bring the bible to make good tv

nat doesnt seem like someone who reads much or for that matter a bible at that

each season i think bb encourage the polar opposite of someone we would never expect to bring a bible to make good tv with the mockery

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You're right it is sacred to those who believe and if you were respecting the people that do believe this wouldn't be an issue. Also, If you were open to different things i think this wouldn't offend you so much. I respect your wishes to not believe in any religion or a god but you also need to respect mine and that includes the fact that if I want to pray to my God with my bible I am fully entitled to do so anywhere and anytime and that includes in the BBH as well. Just like you choose not to pray, those people choose to pray and that choice needs to be respected.

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And if you were respectful and open to to those who do not believe or don't want the bible in the house you wouldn't be so adamant that it be allowed into the BBH thus catering to one type of person over another. However if BB is going to allow that type of discrimination... they're spot lighting the so very many who clutch the bible in one hand and wield a knife in the other. And I'm good with that.
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well, I think that the bible is only in the BB house because they can't have any other kind of reading material, nothing modern, and soeone said it is like when the bible is in like hotel rooms and motel rooms. I do not think it is put in there for them to read and interperate it as having a damn thing to do with BB, we have seen the house guests do just that tho. I would read it for something to do, the stories are interesting, but I do not hold it up there as a way to read and then apply to my game. I do not think any ones is disrespecting anyone for what they think whether it should be there or not, just by the fact that it is there and there is nothing else to read is why they are all into it, that's all, they sure are not that religious, maybe Natalie, but not the rest,lol

Every one has their own beliefs, but hey there is nothin but ceral boxes to read so if the bible is the only book people are going to read it, just sayin

Oh and what Ginger said,lol

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they all run around there tellin each other they promise their safety, yeah right

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Guest nerorowan

The Cast

Adam as Twitchy drug dealer aka booger picker

James as Porn boy

Natalie as The professional cheerleader

Joshuah as Pansy Ass

Chelsia as Corn-fed farmgirl

Sharon as Jughead"s Granny

Ryan as Noodlehead

Featuring Big Sheila


Mommy Dearest

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[i cannot believe(well I can), that these fools are seriously taking Josh and James guarantee for safety after what happened last week. Short term memory is not a strong suit with these players.]

Uh HELLO? THINKING is not a strong suit for these people.

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I would be nice if someone in the house started using their head (and I mean the one on top of the shoulders). It would be interesting if they changed it up. The same ol same ol is getting boring. New alliances could form and old ones could crumble. They don't THINK the game through. They can't let emotions get in the way of gameplay. That is an idiotic way to play this game.

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They are crazy so we'll have to wait and see what happens.

I wouldn't be surprised if they talked Adam into putting Nat up. Adam is a fool.

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Keeping Chelsia...

Pro's: It'd be delicious torture for her to be in the BBH without her cronies.

She's never had GAMEPLAY. No one on the jury will respect or vote for a leech.

Con: With her there, the odor remains.

Any of her cronies on the jury would give her the vote despite being their leech.

Conclusion: Better now she suffer a horrific blender accident and be removed from the BBH before it reaches either point. :evil:

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