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March 19 - Live Feed Updates

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8:54 PM - Yahoo! After hours of Sheila complaining Matt told her "You're a strong woman.You are 45 years old and you can survive 3 months with kid torturing you - you are better than that you you need to man the fuck up!"

There was more to it, but that's the basic pep talk.

(*GO MATT!*)


11:15 In HOH James Chelsia and Josh. Chelsia filling them in on what's been happening while she makes friends with the rivals. They says that the other group is confident and Josh says Nat will be shattered when Matt walks out the door tomorrow. They say Ryan is sweating. They discuss how Josh will go about verbally thrashing Nat and/or Sheila.

Josh says once Ryan says Sheila and Nat are against him they will have his loyalty. Josh says he feels like tomorrow is "his day". Josh says he feels the order of things in the HOH competition tomorrow and knows that he's going to win.

11:22 FotH for a few seconds.

Chelsia tells James not to act mad at her until something is brought up. They wonder if Sheila will flip flop. They are somewhat puzzled as to what Sheila will do. They think it will be a live vote and no siren.


11:52P Matt goes to HOH and talks to James and Chels. He asks where things stand. James says he has a feeling the votes will be decisive and not tie and he won't make deals and won't be helping Matt out. Matt still makes a last ditch effort. Matt says he's done less wrong and James says "Guilty by association." James says he doesn't think Matt has to worry. (*uh huh*) James says he really doesn't care who goes. Says he didn't have any ulterior motives other than to pay back the 3 people he did.

Meanwhile in the BR, Josh telling Ryan that after eviction it will be clear who Ryan can trust and who he can't. Ry is smiling and Josh tells him Matt is in HOH campaigning. Ryan says thanks buddy. Josh leaves.

Josh and Sharon go back into Bathroom with Ryan. They try to reassure him that he's got the votes.


1:05 am BBT: Matt and Natalie are talking privately. Nat is positive he's staying and Matt is hopeful but, not sure. They say if Chelsia keeps him then they will be grateful, for now. Josh is who they have to go after. Matt tells her if he does leave then she needs to stick with Ryan. If she needs to go to James and play with him. He tells her NOT to go with Baller or Sheila because they are flip-floppers that will turn on her.


FYI (my mother emailed me this) -- about 2am BBT james went downstairs and met up with Chelsia in the BR and shaved his groin area and wanted Chelsia to watch, of course we get flames and when they come back james has shaved and is playing with the hair, making a mustache with it..(yuk, puke) he then tells Chelsia that he's gonna leave his hair somewhere downstairs for the others to find to see what their reaction is... chelsia is laughing really hard. he is saying maybe he'll leave it in the mouthwash but chelsia tells him he cannot do that so he decides to leave it on the sink so the others can wonder what it is....


2:27am BBT - everyone in their own beds including james and Chelsia.


1:25 am BBT: All the house guests have gone to bed but, they're not sleeping. Small talk between A/M/N/R. They are laughing at Adam now because he has a hard-on.

2 am BBT: James listening to music. Playing "drums" on his bed, headboard and table.

2:10 am BBT: Chelsia gets up and heads to the HoH room. James wants Chelsia to help him shave his pubic area. When he turns on the shaver we get FoTH. When the feeds come back they are finished. However, James is now playing with his pubs; making a mustache out of them, leaving them on the sink (purposefully) and thinking about putting them in someone's mouthwash.

2:25 am BBT: Everyone is back in their own beds. Seems like everyone is sleeping now.

5:28 am BBT: All house guests are sleeping.


6:07 am BBT - All HG's sleeping... Cam 1 - Pink Room (Matt/Nat, Ry and Adam)... Cam 2 - Blue Room/Boat Room - Sheila... Cam 3 - HoH room - James... Cam 4 - Couch/Bed room - Josh/Sharon


8:21ambbt Josh up and ises BR then washes hands then brushs teeth. strencers infront of mirror thern gets in shower

8:40amBBT after shower hes posin in mirror then putss s[ray in his hair puts dedorant on then ewalks 2 kitchen is his underwear aqnd makes coffee, messes up makin and says "what the fuck am i thinking." he makes a new pot.(u can hear banging from outside) Josh says "what are u building outside Big Brother? What is outside those doors? Is it a competion for me as the new HOH Big Brother?"

8:50amBBT Josh goes to SR and changes battries(the cameraman keeps zoomin in on his ass as he's only in underwear) he goes 2 BR and puts shirt on then gets pair of jeans in his room and puts them on in LR then watchs the coffee brew in KT

9amBBT Coffee's done and he drinks a cup

9:11amBBT FOTH(wake up call?)


9:18 am BBT - Josh and matt in kitchen... BB just announced that the lights must be on during the day. Looks like Josh is making another cup of coffee? He says into a knife? "Thats all ladies and gentlemen for now", We need some Tina Turner up in this house, if you do i'll do the whole rolling down the river routine and flip my hair on the way out" (dont know who he is talking to?)

now he says "I could hear some R-E-S-P-E-C-T,respect would be good, get some respect up in here ....hmmm what else... guess im gonna retire my microphone"

and puts something back in drawer.... he says good morning and matt walks in

josh - "this is lame"

matt - "i know 2 songs, thats upsetting" (laughs)

josh - "i know everyone knows the third ones just gonna get worked up, 2 is just practice for the third, the finale."

we get flames at 9:23am

9:25am BBT - still FLAMES


9:30am BBT - come back to josh and sharon talking about winning HOH tonight in RED room, josh points his finger gun at the other bedroom doors and makes gun sounds.... sharon says not her, him.

ryan walks by and josh follows him into the SR and asks him what him and matt were talking about in the sauna room, he says nothing really just trying to figure out how many votes he has, he thinks he has 3... ryan says if im here i have to win HOH, josh tells him he doesnt think he has anything to worry about... they leave and ryan goes into sharon and she wispers something, then he goes into bathroom and says good morning to sheila, shes in the shower, she asks him how he is doing and he says you know and laughs, she asks how he slept and how late he was up, he says around 1:00 and i didn't sleep too good. sheila says she heard he won some chess last night and he says, oh it was more like a tie.

9:35am -- BB asks sharon to move he mic higher


9:44am BBT - sheila out of shower and is telling ryan about her dream last night about her and natalie were in a boat in muddy water and the boat flips over and they are in the water and they come up and natalie was having a hard time but they both get back to the boat, it's tipped over and they hold on and make it the shore. sheila tells him "weird huh?, i wonder what that means?" she thinks its because she goes to sleep thinking about things.

she asked ryan if he has any dreams and he says yeah but they are about the game... he said he had one with jen and someone else in it.

she leaves to go make coffee

9:50am... sheila having to do dishes again.


11:02am BBT - sheila still doing dishes and kitchen.. ryan walked thru and she said packing huh and he said yeah, im almost done.

11:03 - adam walks by and says good morning babe how are you, she says...good morning good. sharon walks in and gets something out of the fridge and then says to the GP's hold on, hold on, nat is over there talking to them and says they sound like birds.... she is preparing food for them.... nat says hi to sheila and sheila pulls her aside and says you know how everything is green and blue, the dishes are too, nat says should we count, she says she hasnt washed them all yet..... sheila starts to tell nat about her dream.... nat says she had a dream too and she will tell her about it.... when sheila is finished, nat tells her about a kayaking trip wih a friend and her friend hit her in the eye with an oar and she was on a modeling trip in jamaica... she said it swelled shut and then her eye was purple and bloodshot.... se says that was day one..... day two she is on a trapeeze, they have it for people to learn, she does a face plant on the net and gets net printing on her face.... day three she falls down some steps and falls into a chair.... day four she sees a pole and decides to do a pole dance, she slips an bruises her chin, ryan said you should have stayed in her room.... day five she just goes to the beach to lay out and she is thinking that nothing can happen, a bee comes and stings her on her toe.... her manager told her she was cursed. she said she was there for 9 days and every day something happened..... adam come into the kitche and nat/adam hug and act silly wih each other like "naaaatttt; baaaaaler" and hug for along time... baller seems to be in a real good mood.


10:32 AM BBT: I turn on the feeds to see Natalie and Shelia having a heart to heart. Shelia is once again spreading her wisdom of the world. She is saying that her ex would not introduce her to his parents because of the penthouse thing. She was asking if there was something wrong. Natalie says that america conditions you to think that nudity is dirty. They continure to talk about Europe and America's views of nudity.


10:28am BBT - (had to reboot) sheila talking to nat about her son, that he is with someone that she trusts, his god father is 2 minutes away, she said that someone was making her feel like she is missing his graduation or his first steps.... i wouldnt have done this if he wasnt a teenager, he turned 17 and its basically my last year to have that mom/son thing, he is growing up.

nat is telling her that she wants to wait, she wants to do more things.... sheila says you should your young.... she is telling her about her last relationship and how he never supported her, sheila says it takes a special guy to handle an independant woman who has a carrer like ours.... most men cant handle that you have men that want you all around you, just cuz you do what you do and i did what i did doesnt mean we dont have class.... sheila says she has met really rich and famous people that dont have class. sheila says in europe that they dont have the hang ups that americans do about nudity. nat saying that people are weird about her pet rats... they freak they arent the same thing as they rats that live in the walls.

sheila is telling her that she will find a man some day that wont care.... you cant stay with someone that does not accept you for who you are, she has been thinking about that alot in this house, about her life outside of the house. (i would like to switch feeds, but they are on all for)

they are talking about people judging them about how they are judged on how they dont have expensive clothes, etc......nat says i dont want a $1000 purse, ill take a $5 purse with $1000 in it. sheila says shes the same way, i like a good bottle of wine but it doesnt have to be $100 dollar, i like to travel, but i know that costs money so i would be happy with a drive around the country. nat says i dont understand why someone would buy a $500 chain from tiffany, its a dog collar.... come on. nat says she has had people hate her cuz she smiles all the time.... sheila says thats why i hate this house, i mean besides *looks around* well just you and they both crack up..... sheila says if you leave this house ive lost my only friend (really? i thought she hated her 3 days ago)


10:40 AM BBT: Shelia is saying that she loves expensive wine. But she is not high maintanence. She loves traveling. She wants a man who will do the simple things like get her a cup of coffee. Her and Natalie both say that they dont really wear jewelery. Natalie says she doesnt get the Tiffany Jewelry. Shelia says all she has from there is a ring. (Shelia is doing most of the talking. I wish there were more people awake.) Shelia makes a comment about how she lost her best friend in the house (Allison?) They start talking about the location of the sequester house. They think that the log house theme is a clue as to where it is at. They are thinking its Lake Tahoe. They start discussing the Alice and Wonderland theme. Natalie is stuck on this Lake Tahoe thing. She used to be dead set on a beach house but now it is Lake Tahoe. Natalie had a vision of Dustin having a drink and overlooking the beach. Shelia says that they will not go out in the water because of her vision... (Crazy ladies...) Natalie tells Shelia that they will be friends outside the house. Adam walks in.


11:00 AM BBT: Adam is eating breakfast that Natalie cooked him. Shelia is doing dishes. They talk about how to fix eggs on toast. Adam finished up and hands his plate to Natalie who then hands it to Shelia who is on dishes duty. Natalie cooks another egg and has Adam check it. It needs 10 more seconds so Adam and Natalie do a NASA countdown. Natalie says its "D.U.N. Done!" Adam eats. Chelsea is awake! Natalie sings that it is time to get clean and ready for the day. Shelia is stopping the dishes so people can shower. (Apparently the hot water is very limited in the house) Adam is continuing to eat. (Sounds like a vacuum is running or a hair dryer...) Shelia is asking Adam to evict Ryan. Adam says that he wants to vot eout Matt. Shelia is voting to evict Ryan, Adam says he is going to also. (Does it even matter?) Adam asks her if she is sure and then he leaves. shelia puts away her dish and cleans up a little then heads to the BR.


11:10 AM BBT: Chelsea, shelia, and Sharon doing ADLs (I think Natalie may be in the shower) Cant hear anything (not that there is conversation really going on...) cause of the hair dryer. Hair dryer stops and Natalie says that she is two weeks late on her period. Just general chit chat. They all compliment Sharon's top. Josh walks into the Bathroom Stall. They talk about MADTV. Just general chit chat....


11:35 PM BBT: Shelia and Natalie talking about music. There is talk about how Matt is going this week. They noth don't trust James. Shelia says that if Natalie doesnt get her way, she will support her. She hope all hell will break loose! Shelia is think ing that Ryan will go though... After the 30 second game talk, its back to Natalie doing her ADLs and Shelia watching.


11:36 PM BBT: Maybe not. They talk about how Chelsea is trustworthy. they talk about how untrustworthy Ryan is. They think that Chelsea, Josh, and Sharon will all vote to keep Matt. Natalie is expecting a 4-2 or 6-0 vote for Matt to stay. If Matt stays and doesnt win HoH, Natalie and Matt are going on the block and if Ryan stays it would be Natalie and Shelia on the block. They discuss possible senarious for next week (total speculation though). They say that they can predict and predict but nothing is set in stone. Shelia is wishing for Allison so that she could do her eyebrows. Shelia says she has eyebrows on her chin... Natalie says hers dont grow. Shelia complains of a burn on her ear. Natalie and Shelia agree that they have to stick together no matter what. They say that they dont hate Allison and she got out good. They say that they are lucky ones who arent going to be stuck somewhere. They are hoping for a physical HoH cause Ryan cant compete then. They tally the jury votes and that there are more people on their side than the other sides. Shelia says that they could get bitter though... Natalie disagrees and we get FotH


They are on HOH LD and are in DEEP discussion about the Bible. James and Chelsia I think are trying to hide from the discussion.

I am sorry, the mystery head popped up. it was Josh, not chelsia in the bed with James!


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