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March 16 - Live Feed Updates

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12:39 pm BBT - James just told Adam that Matty had told him that as a surprise he was going to put up Adam. Adam is pissed off! Adam says there is a bunch of scum in this house, James agrees. Adam tells James "You are the only one that has shot straight with ME" James said "You wanted info and I will give it to you as it is". Adam is still ticked off and is saying that the people in the house suck. James agrees. Adam "He is going down, gonna put me the F*** up" James - see I knew he didn't vote for me Adam - See I told ya! I can't lie, I am a dead ringer when I lie They discuss the votes, Adam says Nat and Matt voted against him Adam is pissed and says get the f*** out of here. Adam - I'll shock and everyone and put me the f*** up Get the F*** out of here!

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12:39pm... matt/ryan/sheila/nat in sauna room.... natt says he cannot says peoples word doesn't count when his doesn't mean shit.... she knows exactly who she is going after... she will be damned if she loses HOH again....

sheila throwing adam under the bus.... nat brings up how james took adam outside yesterday while matt/ryan were sleeping.... nat crying saying this is gonna be so hard to pick between matt/ryan.

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1238 BBT Ry and Sheila and Nat in massage room talking. (***note: i thought i saw matt in there too...but i guess not cuz he's saying NOTHING if he is...)

Sheila is talking about...(***wait...wait...surprise...surprise****) HERSELF and her surprise at how it went down and how she came off.

Nat is saying stuff about Adam talking with James and how Adam trashed people etc.

Sheila is like "now you know why I was how I was....what i went through for a month with him in this house...." She is saying how he was a jerk etc. etc. And how she knows nothing about it.

Ry says he' s not going to campaign against Matty.

Nat says she can't vote against matty cuz he's the only one he trusts...but she likes ryan.

Sheila shifts it to herself.... (AGAIN).... about how she was hurt by Nat's 50/50 comment this morning and how she would have appreciated being supported so she knows she cared. Blah Blah....

Nat "I couldn't tell you that. I believe in honesty".

Sheila going on about the 10 grand thing campaigning. Now she's backpedaling like CRAZY because she'd been campaigning hard against Ryan and she's trying to cover her a$$ now. And she doesn't "blame" Natalie for the 50/50 thing. Blah blah...Now discussing the promise between James and Nat at HoH: "All james promised you not to put you on the block" nat said "he also promised not to backdoor".

Ry and Sheila didn't hear him say backdoor.

Nat says it was def. both and it was this week. Nat says "thats why im mad at myself." talking about how she wasn't going to give out with her muscles. she could have stayed on.... he wanted his dignity back so she came down... and Nat is saying James is a hypocrite....

Sheila brings it back to herself "i'm not angry with you. I'm over it. I couldnt redeem myself. when i make a decision it's a decision. you cant go back and change what you've done people dont do it in business. i just fired you but i think i want you back...." blah blah...(***what the HELL is she talking about***).

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12:44pm BT - sheila is now telling nat/ryan why she did what she did campaigning against ryan.... natt is saying that james promised to not do this.... sheila/ryan says he didn't promise not to backdoor... nat said yes he did... i said don't come after us this week and he said ok.... nat says he is such a hypacrite, he asked me first not to put him and chelsia up and then he accuses me and matt are working together, does his deal mean him and chelsia are working together

sheila brings up her voting james back in, sheila says its like firing someone and then saying ok you can come back and steal from me, no when your fired, your fired

nat says quit getting mad at me for voting james back, im sick of eveyone mentioning it...

ryan said we knew this was gonna happen thats why

nat say i don't like mysteries

sheila says thats part of the game

nat says i didn't know who was in there, i didn't know if who was in there had been seeing any of this show... sheila says she agrees and that she apologized to nat but we have to go forward now

matt outside talking to james - no matter what he says james says you did it to me last week

james: your not a victim, i walked out the door

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12:49 Sheila Nat and Ry in SpaRm. Sheila lecturing Natalie on how she needs to m ake her own decisions as an adult.

Nat saying she does make her own decisions. They all agree bringing James back was the cause of this (*duh*) Nat says she'd rather have James back than not know at all who would come back in. Sheila starts lecturing again til Nat clarifies she prefers the known to the unknown.

Sheila says now "No one is blaming you and hating on you. It's fine Natalie, what's happened has happened."

Nat says now she knows she can trust Ry and Sheila.

Meanwhile in BY - James and Matt discussing things and James blames Matt for last week. James told him a little bit ago that a lot of things will be said all day and to let things shake out and to talk to him in the evenings until eviction to let James know where he stands.

James keeps saying Matt screwed him last week and Matt says it wasn't him who was HOH!

James tells Matt he had a fair shot and POV and Matt says he didn't think he had to. James says basically oh well.

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1251 bbt

Sheila "what's happened has happened we have to go forward now..."

Nat "I have to win HoH...mark my words...he's going up..."

Sheila regarding vote to keep James over mystery guy "why doesnt anyone ever listen to me" (***uh duhhhh. because...Ryan listened to you and it f***ed him over bad...and most of the rest of time you have diarrhea of the mouth...?)

Nat rehashing about how she doesn't "give a fuck" about anyone else anymore....adam can't win shit.

sheila "dont underestimate him...he's strong"....

Nat to ry "everyone wants to keep you around cuz you have jenn and nobody will vote for you to win" (logic???**)

Nat "they dont want to keep me cuz they know i'll win..."

And sheila is talking about her dream. Matty and Nat were in an accident. Adam was there without blood. Nat was worst hit in accident. Matty hurt.

Nat "worst part. matty and i have been ...he's been really nice to me...we've been starting to...hug and kiss holding my hand...now i see his heart is growing and he's going to be taken away from me. i havent liked a guy kissed a guy in ten months not one thing...every time even with ex boyfriend i feel like i'm falling in love they leave me and that's why it's so hard...." (**** DELUSIONAL!!!!!! wake up natty! ***)

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12:56pm... josh and sharon come out and matt asks josh if he needs a masage or anything... josh said, i think, it would take more then a massage... matt says i'll do anything

sharon is humming the marine corps song

1:00pm - sheila and josh in SR and she is telling him everything that nat said in the sauna. matt comes in the SR... matt is asking sheila and josh if there is anything he can do to get their votes...... he says im an asshole but i will do anything.... he wont talk bad about ryan but he put james on the block, sheila agrees..... josh leaves.....matt says i have never made a deal and crossed.... sheila is telling matt he cannot do anything.... matt says dont blame me for nat.... matt says i told you i have a single mom and i told you i would have your back... sheila says no one tried to comfort her when she went up... she doesnt owe him a vote, he doesnt owe her one either (josh outside door doing snaps and listening to every word)... sheila tells matt about nat saying that it was sheilas time to go.... she is going off

matt is trying to use the single mom thing.... sheila is not falling for it.....matt says can i make up for it now... sheila says im not gonna lie anymore in this game and that you have to understand when nat says 50/50 you two are together.... bad game play.... matt is telling her he will do anything, be my friend be my mom.... she says i have a kid, i don't want to be your mom

matt says im screwed

sheila says we have 3 days

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Nat Ry massage room still 1:00 bbt

Nat to ry about james " America is watching and saying you hypocrite....god works in mysterious ways...and when matty goes...that will be my time...." (***oh brother... :inquisitive: )

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1:00P BBT: Matt She and Josh in SR - Matt tells both that if there is anything he can do, he's an asshole, however Ryan did things that Matt hasn't done. He shook hands with you Josh, and She, I have a single Mom so I wouldn't do things he's done, and he is the one who put James on the block. Matt says he doens't know what he can do but anything, let him know. He says he's not playing single mom card, but promised his mommy to bring home winnings above stipend.

Sheila says James speech was BS cuz he says he was going to man up and he was dishonest. Sheila tells Matt she didn't feel like he had her back. Matt says Nat is not his girl and that screwed him up. He says he probably would have voted for her but she never asked. He says if She feels like she had been protecting her that she doesn't have to anymore.

Sheila says Who came to me even once when I was crying, to comfort me? Matt agrees no one did. Sheila bitching him for not drying her tears. Josh sitting outside eavesdropping and doing girlfriend snap.

Sheila going on about comforting people and goes off on Allison being gone. Hello....all about Sheila again!!

Matt asks why She thinks he didn't have her back? Sheila goes off on Nat crying to her over Matt. She knows Natalie would protect Matt over Sheila. (*no shit*) Sheila says she tried to talk to people and Matt says you didn't come to me. Sheila says someone would have to come to her.....Matt says he would have

after the POV and he didn't know she needed that.

It goes on and on about sheila feeling abandoned by everyone and wanting 100% support from everyone.

Matt says he knew this was coming and Sheila says he should have stopped hanging on Nat and talked to Sheila. Sheila says right now she doesn't want to vote for anyone. Then the Sheila Cliches start again...

Then she goes on to deserving loyalty and respect. She goes back to Nat not committing vote and blaming Matt for that. It's all about Sheila.

She says every time she has tried to protect him and Nat she's been "portrayed". Uh...betrayed?

Matt asks what he can do and she reiterates she doesn't want to vote for either one of them.

Matt says he proved loyalty already by voting to keep sheila before.

Sheila says she "knows how this game works" and then says "I am feeling so good about myself right now."

(*making me sick....she needs therapy and a good slap*)

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matt is pulling out all the stops.... sheila says she doesn't want to vote for either one of you, but i have to.... sheila says she does what you want and matt says shes not with me.... sheila now telling him that adam wasnt there for her, matt says i need you... sheila says how can i help, matt says i got nats if i get yours i only need 1.... sheila says who? matt says sharon, she doesnt think so.... matt says i need your vote, sheila says she has to think about things..... now she is telling him about her convo with nat

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1:20PM BBT: James saying that worst case scenerio was if nat wins HOH and thats what he said in the "doctors office". James and Josh saying adam doesn't want it, nat has a bad shot, but ryan really wants it. the odds are against nat.

Josh saying James' veto speech was awesome and well done.

James saying that eventually he and josh will have to get rid of their partners.. but james will stick with josh.

Sharon joins them and fills them in on whts going on inside.

Sharon thinks Sheila will win hoh. Josh supports that, and Sharon thinks she'd put up nat and ryan or adam and ryan.

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ryan saying "he heard" that if the others win hoh next week, whoever stays is going to go up against adam. (aka Josh told him this info)

Matt saying he gave up too much to be voted out now.. he thought he'd win some prizes.

Matt saying he doesn't get why adam voted James back in.

Nat joins

Matt tells Nat to be happy.

Nat saying if she was in the POV she would have won it for sure.

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1:23 pm BBT - Matt still whining about giving his mom money. He said if he knew he was only going to get 10G's he would have never done this. (poor baby) Matt saying "You had to vote him back in the house" Ry - who you? Matt - NO! Adam - Nat and I voted him back in the house! Matt - why? Adam - because Nat enters. Matt - Nat from now you have to walk around the house being happy Nat - well that is kinda hard Matt - they just want to break you and it will be easier for them to vote me out (waaaaaah!)

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Matt mad that he will be in sequester on his 24th bday.

Nat saying if she doesn't win HOH she will be right behind him, she has to win HOH because she's next.

Adam said probably him and ryan next.

Nat saying she's a fighter and will do whatever it takes to win hoh

ryan saying the next hoh is crucial (they all say this every week).

Nat says they are all hypocrites cuz they tell her it's singles now but James and Chels are partners and Josh and Sharon are partners still.

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Nat saying James is so full of shit and that's why his eyes are dark, dark brown.

Matt wondering aloud what he did wrong.

Matt saying he isnt going to stay in sequester.. he is going to "bounce"

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1:30 pm BBT - Nat says that James is so full of $hit, that is why his eyes are brown, dark brown. Matt sitting on the edge of the bed saying "W hat did I do wrong?" (Ummm you were born!) Matt going on about how he should have never come to the show, he had a perfect setup, should have never come to the show. Matt talking about the icing on the cake. Pouting and moping. Matt threatening that he is not going to stay in sequester Adam - what you gonna bounce? Matt - yeah Nat - No you can't do that, we need you, we need your vote if we stay. Matt says that he is going to draw on himself. Matt asking if there is a suitcase or of it is tomorrow.

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1:45 Sheila and Matt in Kitchen. She is saying how she thinks this time is good for her son and her to be apart cuz she's been being a mom...laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc. (*welcome to the world of parenthood*)

And then says maybe she spoiled him etc.

1:48 James, Chels and Josh in BY discussing Sheila knowing things about everyone and how Ryan played so hard he didn't have time for personal.

Josh says "Everything is set up for us perfectly, my friend." Josh says he'd like to see himself win HOH and James win POV. Says he'd love to see Adam and Ryan kill eachother. says Ryan was nervous during POV ceremony after hearing James would use it and not knowing on who.

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1:55 pm BBT - Shar and Sheila talking about Matts pity party and they are bagging on him for pulling the "I need the money for my mom" card and how he isplaying the "I will be in sequester for my birthday alone". Shar says "Hell I could say I am playing for my dog" Sheila says I will be in here or sequester for my birthday and my sons birthday. S he said she is not promising Matt her vote, she told him he was a strong player, go talk to people, try to get their votes Shar (is doing that annoying whispering crap again) she says that the next three days are going to be crazy. Sheila says that in the spa room Nat was still trying to play her Sheila looks and asks if anyone is back there Shar looks, yeah Chelsia. Shar and Sheila are going to talk in the spa room, Ry just walked by. Sheila says something about ______ is going to be made out for her actions. She is saying about Nat switiching the tables and trying to put the blame on her and bringing up her "gut feeling".

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2:08 pm BBT - Nat and James just got into it in the bathroom... James kept calm... Nat told James that she is not going to put him up next week, she is going to backdoorhim (ummmm you just told him, so it is not backdooring) then he leaves and she starts popping her zits.

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