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The Bb9 'puzzle'


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I was wondering if anyone here knows where I could go to look over all of the possible clues (re: GP cage and the color themes through the house) to this major puzzle it looks like BB has set up. :animated_scratchchin:

So, is there a discussion here or does anyone know where I could go to look over the clues that we have access to (via BBcams)?

If there isn't...perhaps we could start the talking here? I haven't written down or kept track of the pieces/colors/etc and now I wish I had! So, could anyone help me out here? :smartass:


~mommytorres :bdaymic:

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Hi Welcome mommytorres!

Honestly I have head Allison and Natalie and a few talk about the puzzle but I missed where Big Brother told them they had a puzzle to solve. Is there someone that can point me back to where they were told there was a puzzle? I totally missed it. Is it on the CBS website? :huh:

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I'm not sure if there is any info anywhere...

I know that there has been mention on the feeds that there are 4 colors that are in each room of the BB house. There are certain items in different rooms, then there are the pieces in the GP cage (again with the colors) and the books on the HoH wall (etc).

I am positive that there is a bigger point to all of this. It is just too perfect. I've been telling my husband for weeks that there would be some sort of puzzle or problem to solve that involves the clues through the house. Natalie has been doing a lot of studying, and Alli had started studying before getting booted. Now...Natalie's cheat sheet she had made was taken by BB. I think that sometime soon there will be something to come from all of this. I'd honestly love to look over all the info before it all comes out. I was hoping that someone would have kept track of the info somewhere...I may have to go through all the live feeds...ouch!

And thanks for the warm welcome!!!! I was having huge problems with my laptop and for whatever reason I wasn't able to register until recently. From the moment I found Morty's...I have had the site open in my browser...24/7!!!! It started out just as interest in what was going on in the house, but coming here and reading all of the discussions...it has opened up the experience to a whole new level and I can't imagine ever going back to just the show! You all are awesome and I can't begin to thank the feed posters enough for their help when I can't see the feeds! I hope to add to the discussions once I feel my way around a little!

Oh, is there an intro thread? I'd love to introduce myself properly. :)

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every season people in the house and on the feeds try to decide if there are hidden clues being given. Then we hear BB throw out things like "HG it takes 440 laps in the pool to make a mile". They throw things like this in to give them something to use their minds on IMO. Last season we heard BB give facts about the house several times and they were never used for anything. They may ask a HOH question about the colors or how something in the GP cage was changed but as for it being a puzzle I don't know. They have had them where there is a combination to open a safe or clues to find a hidden door but usually that happens earlier in the season than this.

Just one of those things that keeps us watching I guess!

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Big Brother 6 was called "Summer of Secrets" and there was a hidden room and some puzzle leading to a safe. I don't know there is any of that going on. I know that Natalie thinks there is, but CBS hasn't said anything about it and personally I think Natalie is over thinking things.

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