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Adam is just GROSS! I try to always find the good in people but I just can't seem to find anything. I know people that work in Cherry Hill, NJ and they are nothing like him and don't talk like him.

He is, however, playing the game pretty darn well by riding that fence and sucking up to the appropriate people.

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Let's not forget, last night while eating the pizza with his hands down his pants, he was also eating the cake out of cake itself and not a plate. Left the spoon in the cake without covering it back up all the time scratching his ass....inside his pants.

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He needs some medication to fix that itching problem because it is grossing me out... I can't even stand to watch him. I can't believe noone in the house has come down with something yet with all the bacteria he is spreading around.

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Yes he showers... well at least some of the time. I have seen him take three showers, so I honestly don't know how many more there are besides those... He also goes to the fridge and drinks the milk and the OJ out of the jug and then has spit it back in two times that I have seen... he masterbates while someone is trying to have a convo, he picks his boogers and then flicks them, he loogies all over the place and then rubs it in. He loogied on the kitchen floor and instead of wiping it up he looked around and then proceeded to take his foot and smear it all over the floor... I am not sure what is wrong with this boy but it is quite obvious that he needs some serious counseling.

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We don't know that to be true... he is such a web spinner... I think he is full of it! Unless a Betty Blow-up is considered a woman... maybe things with a womans name... Hannah and her 5 sisters... Rosie Palm... Just sayin!

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Gross alert!! Scroll down only if you've got a strong stomach.























Adam isn't circumcised. Uncircumcised males need to pull their foreskin back and wash it in order to keep a clean johnson.

Since he has demonstrated that he has less than stellar hygiene and he can't seem to keep his hands out of there, ya have to wonder if maybe he doesn't have some majorly itchy, cheese like infection or something similar going on there. All the chiccas got yeast infections.

It stands to reason that Adam could have some mozzarella thing happening on his prepuce.

My guess is the hot tub is the source. Put some dang chemicals in that thing!! :nuke:

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a large portion of males arent

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Last night's episode had me cracking up at Adam's DR sessions. That and the Bible Buddies...lol

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