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BBT 11:01 Sheila continuing to tell James she thought she was going to skate thru game. Says she's sick to her stomach they were all dependent on Nat because of what she went thru on the disco ball.

Sheila talks about how she's played her whole life that way.

James says he will be sacrificing anyone who uses POV and that anyone who uses it, he will put the person closest to them on the block. James says Sheila and others burned him so much last week and the only one who didn't was Chelsia. Sheila reminds James NO ONE owes anyone anything in this game.

Sheila says she's got to save her own ass.

James says no one will win POV but him and that Ryan will probably be the one to go home. That's who he wants to see gone.

They discuss Matt falling out of the comp last night quickly.

Sheila asks James to accept her apology. James says that everyone did bad things and he got lucky and is trying to show people how the game should be played. He thinks it's being overplayed and too many lies.

Sheila repeats over and over she's not depending on Nat and Matty. She gives Josh the credit for her change of heart again.

James says Ryan will not have anyone's support. He says if Ryan proves to be "utterly worthless" then he will go home.

Chelsia joins and tells James she's doing his laundry.

James says he hopes Ryan doesn't think he's going after him because of the vote-in last night.

Sheila talks about Nat doing the 5 hrs for Matt and how it sucks Nat felt like she let people down when she finally dropped.

James says he's sending Ryan home this week. Sheila says that Ryan is depending on POV but James says not with him playing side by side with Ryan. James says if Ryan wins POV it will be an act of God.

(*gotta run*)

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TV screen in the LR says "Nominations today". Matt and Adam sitting at the counter in the kitchen eating.

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1 feed has james listening to music in HOH

1 feed on josh laying in his bed

other 2 feeds on hg's laying out

just chit chat about mens. cycles

chel asked nat if she's started yet

nat said no, chel hasn't either

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matt and adam playin basketball in little hoop

adam says he's goin to go off on james if he puts him up

he says he should have never voted him back in

matt asked why he did

then before he could answer matt says because you thought it would be parker coming back, and adam says yes

matt said the game last night was made for a girl to win (ok james is not a girl)

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About 12 BBT- Sheila is giving Nat the same exact conversation that she has sicced on everyone else already. A lot of talk about her realizations and "piggy-backing".

She also seems to be kissing up to Nat about her performance last night. S- says everyone expecting Nat to win for them. Telling Nat that she doesn't owe anyone anything.

S- Telling Nat what she talked to James about.

Now she brings up her son... A very circular conversation about herself, and how she must save herself not rely on others (and she is just figuring this out?)

S keeps repeating "We all have to play our own game"

N talking about not being able to make a quick decision. Being scared that it was Alison, or Alex.

Nat again saying that she didn't like going back on her word to James, and this was her redemption for her word.

Once again S- "You don't owe anyone anything"

(Just for you Jem) S- just told N that she loves her, she thinks she's a good person. S says she knows she's in this alone, she's not mad at anyone, but doesn't want the game to be ugly. (All I am hearing now is blah blah blah)

Meanwhile, Chelsia is sunning and chatting with James.

James and Chelsia talking about him not supposed to be there, and that everyone would be going about their own thing.

C goes to get laundry

C- James good thing you didn't leave, you still have laundry here.

Chelsia makes fun of Sharon for her hour long DR sessions.

Boys- Ryan, Adam and Matt- I think are in the background playing basket ball in the yard

Adam gets called to the DR

(All this time Sheila is still repeating herself to Nat)

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Sharon and James talking now about the strange voting last night. 5-1 to evict, 5-3 to come back.

S talking about Matt being more paranoid than Josh.

Matt joins the conversation (ironic much?)

M asks if they feel lonely ever?

J says how do you think I felt last week?

S complaining about trying to get away from Jacob.

M saying he's hurt because J said something to M about all he talks about is partying

According to J it just doesn't tickle his pickle.

J telling M that he's not going to do anything fishy this week.

Chel telling M that he's got more doubts than anyone.

12:40 BBT (Sheila still blah blah to Nat)

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12:45 BBT

James telling Sharon, Chelsia, Matt about talking to Julie (a little bit of info about the set where Julie is at)

M says he's sad James didn't get to see his goodbye, according to him it was good and nice.

J says he has a list of things people have done to him that irritates him, except for Sharon and Chelsia.

S now saying that she has family at home watching and that she's not going to be able to look them in the face if she's lied.

J saying that he's going to have a huge speech about the POV at Nominations.

His plan is to sacrifice closest person to the person using the POV (I think this was already reported)

M asks, "So you're going to put me up?"

S says were you not listening, No.

J saying no backdooring this week.

M trying to guess nominations

J saying he's not going to take $10000 from a single mom. He'd trade the unitard for a veto, but not the money.

M saying that J was not his first fist to fry, but things didn't go his way.

Balla comes over to join the conversation.

Conversation changes to fan clubs. They think James has a big one, and that Josh has the gay community support.

J realizes that it won't last long, because BB10 is the summer.

Saying wouldn't be fun to come back like Eric and Jess. Sharon saying she wasn't there for it.

Now they are ragging on Jess... saying TV worked opposite, (I think they are calling her fat) Also how they didn't like her dress. (Apparently they didn't get to read the blog on Jess's myspace)

Matt saying that March Madness is coming to a close, they think it would be great if they get to go somewhere for it.

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Balla, Matt, James, and Sharon still chatting

They miss their family. Matt is lonely he wants a phonecall from his mom.

J says he'd like one from the bar.

M talking about his work and how hard it is, also how he doesn't like the desk job.

(This conversation is really dry, no strategy at all...)

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3:39PM Ryan and James in the HOH. Ryan trying to justify putting James on the block. Ryan realized that he probably fucked himself up and that he's saved a certain someone twice in this game (Matt). James saying he is strictly by himself, he's not with Chelsia. He actually got evicted and had to speak to Julie where Ryan didn't even have to leave. James questions how he's supposed to have alliances with people that voted him out. Said people told him to his face he was safe.

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3:50 BBT

ryan is up in the HOH room with james

they are talking about what is goin to happen this week and why

j tells him that he's probably goin to put him on the block but he has pov to fight for

and if he's still here next week then he hopes the battle ends, he wants to the on going battle to be over

james tells ryan that julie asked him who he thought the strongest player in the game is and he told her sheila

he said not physically but she has a way to talk to people because people look at her as the single mom and they confide in her and she is f*cking people left and right

the discussion is going on about how james got f*cked last week, he totally got back doored whether or not he's back in the house now, the plan worked and it sucked

james says no hard feeling, ry says the same, it's a game

neither one of them talkin like they are angry, just normal talk and he let ryan know he will back door anyone this week, that is not his plan

ryan told him he thinks he made the wrong choice last week and he can see that now, but what can you do, that was last week

convo still goin on same stuff

james tells ryan that he knows who voted for him to leave and he voted for the mystery person, ryan tells him he did vote for the mystery person, but he got pissed because matt tried to lie to him and he knew better, he knew he voted against him, cuz he was hopin to get parker back in the house

james tells him he's not listening to josh or anybody else, he is doing his own thing and it's time for payback

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3:40 BBT Sheila talking to Matt in boat room. She wants to know why she can't win something. She wants to win something if she stays this week, but she is afraid she is leaving. Josh is trying to listen outside the door. He goes to report what he heard to Nat and Chel in bathroom. They said she did it to herself.

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4:00PM BBT: James rehashing that he will sacrifice someone close to whoever takes themselves off the block this week. Commends Ryan for backdooring him last week after Chelsia saved herself. Warning Ryan that people will try to fuck him (Ryan) over.

Ryan says that he thought that "you four" (James, Chelsia, Sharon and Josh) were a tight group and he was the 5th person outside, and that he felt he was safer on the other side. James says there's no hard feelings between him and Ryan, especially in regards to Ryan voting for the mystery guest (and the possibility of having Jen back in the house). Ryan knows James has bigger fish to fry and he feels that he's caught in the middle.

James assures Ryan that he will be "straight up" with him from this point on, and he will not make it easy for Ryan in the PoV. Ryan: Oh, I know it.

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Ryan admits that he was greedy in taking the "10 Gs" from Sheila during last week's PoV. He didn't want to take Chelsia's veto away from her because he didn't want her to come back and say that he didn't give her a chance to save herself. James: You're damned if you do, damned if you don't.

James: I tried to plead my case last week, but obviously it came upon deaf ears.

James: Everyone needs to play f---ing together, because it's going to change up again. People need to co-mingle.

Ryan: But that's how they set up this game, couples.

James: One mistake I made was not making stronger bonds in this house. I need to start figuring out other people around me, not game play. If I end up leaving, I'll feel like I shorted myself getting to know these people.

Ryan: You are looking at it a lot more deeper than other people. Other people are more simple minded.

James: I'm just looking at who do I want around me.

Ryan: I wish I could have had this conversation with you before all of last week.

James: Well we've had it now, and now I just want to hang out. I was so ostracized last week. People wouldn't talk to me because they knew it would lead to game talk. You think you're close to these people but how close are you? Thirty-five days of playing pool, how well do you know them?

4:08PM brief trivia

Natalie called to the DR as James and Ryan continue to chat. They really seemed to have settled their differences in this conversation and come to an understanding. James says he won't plot against Ryan with "the other side", he's already planned out the week.

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4:12PM Natalie and Josh talking in the BR, about Sheila. Laughing at how she's trying to make all nicey with people all of a sudden. Natalie is amazed that she (Sheila) has lasted this long.

Natalie: My gut told me to go with James (voting him back in), so that's what I did. When you don't go with intuition, you get fucked.

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4:20PM BBT: James goes into the sauna room and tells Chelsia that he has thought about it and it is best strategically for him to nominate her. She is shocked. Then James tells her he is kidding. James says he was just practicing his lies since everyone else in the house is so good about it. [Josh is hanging out with them and brown nosing
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5:55PM BBT: Feeds come back. Sheila and Ryan are nominated.

Mat and Natalie are in the SR talking about the nimonations. They both think it's better for them if Ryan stays over Sheila. Matt says that he's not going to vote out Ryan and if they win PoV they're not using it. Matt thanks Natalie for making the deal with James and she tells him that she felt James would be true to his word if she made the deal.

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BBT 6:00 - It appears Sheila and Ryan are on the block.

Ryan and Natalie talking in Pink BR. Nat gets comfortable and Ry leaves to talk to Sheila in the boat BR.

Sheila says its funny how so many people have lied to his face (James) and they end up on block.

She says "don't forget it was 5 to 1 even though it was 3 to whatever to come back."

Sheila talks about how two couples vote Ry and Allison out....and not to forget that.

She feels they got screwed. She says she's admitting lies cuz she thought lying to get what you want is the game.

Ryan says this is the worst possible thing that could happen to them. He believes James will go after him regardless because Ry backdoored him. Sheila says she's a target too due to not wanting James back in on the vote-in last night and her lying. She says other people lied too.

Ry says James has it out for more than 2 people but he can only put up two at a time.

Sheila saying that no one has come talk to her since nomination and it's sad.

Ryan says it's his 3rd time so he knows how it is.

Sheila thinks it'll be Adam against her if Ry wins POV. They don't believe he'll backdoor Matty because James appears to be keeping his word.

Sheila thinks that she and Ry must not be good liars like everyone else since they're on the block. (*can't take Sheila anymore - too repetative!*)

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BBT 610

James, Chels, Adam and Matty in kitchen talking. Matty discussing again how Nat played the HOH for him. He says she will get another massage.

They then start discussing Matt's accent/dialect. He says it stands out everywhere he goes and people want him to say things.

Matt wonders what PoV will be. Matt asks James if he'd like to win a prize...James says no, he'd like to win the game.

They leave kitchen for BY where James shoots pool balls, chelsia gathers up laundry from dryer.

BBT 6:17 Meanwhile Sheila and Ryan in BR talking about EvelDick and Danielle for a bit then rehashing SOS. they talk about the alarm sound and how at least one of them will be here next week. They both say "woulda coulda shoulda" then back to SOS

IN BY, James, Baller and Matt - James says he gave his word and will not evict ____Adam?Matt?. He says he didn't expect to be back in.

Matt shakes James hand and says he will be straight up. James says the same thing. Says he wouldn't take money over Veto or whatever.

James says he doesn't want to see himself on block next week unless there's a damn good reason.

Adam says the backdooring of James was a F&^% for a F$@# and it didn't have anything to do with him and Sheila.

Matt says James had good arguments against Sharon but Matt says he had a backbone and stuck with what he wanted to do. James says he should figure it out over this coming week.

James says he told one person he was going to f^@& them this week but if they leave it was because they screwed him. He doesn't like the split house thing. James said that everyone connected to Nat was rooting for her cuz they thought James would put them on the block and he doesn't want that split.

the 3 decide to shoot pool. James said he doesn't want Ry to feel awkward.

Matty says Sheila is nervous and James says "she could go home this week". They wonder what the votes will be. Maybe Sheila has the girls and maybe not.

They go back to HOH competition rehash again.

James says Sheila thinks she can schmooze everyone in the house and be a floater. He says "don't pull the single mother card on me then vote me out."

they talk about Sheila promising to vote to keep James. Adam said she told him differently. James says he can't believe Nat voted the way she did.

Matt said that was all Nat, not his influence.

(*gotta go really this time*)

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