ladybugjd Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 11:18BBT-James, Chelsia, Sharon & Joshuah in bedroom. Discussing competition. Saying how much Natalie loves Matt. Really loves him. That was the reason why she was staying up there and why she was so worried about disappointing him. They discuss their theory that Matt/Nat are a real couple in the real world. James again says he is going to stay true to his word and hopefully other people will follow suit. 11:23BBT - Matt comes into room. James asks him to answer straight up whether he and Natalie have a relationship outside of house. Matt says absolutely not, says he knows it's crazy. Says he didn't realize how much she cares about him. Doesn't think some of his long time friends would do what she did for him tonight. 11:26BBT - James mentions that he has major pimples on his back from the stress. Josh asks if he can pop them. (Gag - oh my god, that's disgusting!) 11:32BBT - Josh, Sharon & Matt chatting in bedroom. Josh says James knows there were 3 votes against him so those will probably be his targets to nominate. Matt asks does he know who the 3 were. Josh says we know Sheila & Natalie. Matt pipes in with Baller? as the 3rd. Josh says no, James thinks it was Matt. Matt acts surprised and says really, well he can think that if he wants. Matt says he thought it was going to be Allison in the box and there was no way he wanted her coming back. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Matilda Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Matt in talking to Josh and Sharon and Chelsea, singing praises to Natile for makeing the deal that absolutly excluded him being nominated by James. He may give Nat masage everynight this week! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ladybugjd Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 11:45BBT - Joshuah & Natalie talking. Josh asks her if she knows who the 3rd vote was. She says she thinks it was Adam. Josh says "or Matt?". Natalie says she really doesn't think it was Matt. Josh asks her to try to find out because she's the only one who can get in Matt's head. Josh tells her that James is in DR right now trying to get her pictures for her. Natalie starts to cry and says she feels bad about this last week, says everyone gets in your head and you don't know what to do. Josh tells her it was really great of her to save Matt too. Nat says she really loves him as a friend and wants him to stay. Josh says they don't like it when Matt treats her badly. Natalie says that was all just an act and they have talked about it and he's not going to do that anymore. (She's such an idiot sometimes!) Josh mentions again that she needs to find out if third vote was Matt because if it wasn't then James needs to know that for sure. Says James believes it was Matt and its not fair if Matt is being blamed if it wasn't really him. Natalie agrees that she will talk to Matt and find out and let James know. 11:54BBT - Josh and Natalie are now talking about Sheila double crossing. Josh says she tried to set him up and get him to vote out Sharon, says Sharon knew the whole time because Sheila told her. Josh says he has things to tell Nat that Sheila said about her. Josh apologizes again for going too far with the things he said to her this past week. Adam comes in as Josh & Nat are leaving. Josh asks Adam who the 3rd vote is. Adam says "you know how I voted right?". Josh says well Matt says he didn't so who is it. They are in the kitchen now with Matt and Matt and Adam are both denying that they didn't vote for James to come back. Josh leaves. Adam says "I shouldn't have voted for him to come back" Matt says "likewise". Josh goes back to room with Chelsia, James & Sharon and tells them about Adam & Matt both denying not voting for James. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ladybugjd Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 12:01BBT - Adam comes into room with James, Chelsia, Sharon & Josh. Adam upset and says he just wants to make it clear that he voted for his boy James to come back and doesn't want him questioning him. Josh asks him why he's getting so mad. Adam says he's not but doesn't like being accused. Josh goes into bathroom where Matt is. Josh says James confirmed that not putting Matt up this week also includes not backdooring him. Matt says he still can't believe Nat did that for him. Josh says he needs to treat her good. Matt says he knows. Josh tells him that Adam just came in and ripped him a new one. Matt says why is he so nervous, why is he freaking out? Josh says about the vote. Matt says he doesn't even have the energy to argue about it anymore tonight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ladybugjd Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 12:20BBT - Sheila & Ryan talking in other bedroom. They are discussing how it looks like its going to be them going on the block this week. Sheila says its a bit annoying because they have saved those 2 (not sure who?) a couple times now and nobody remembers that, everyone's just playing for themselves. Ryan says he just thought he would be safer with Matt and them rather than the other group. Sheila asks him if he will be ok with going if he does. Ryan says he just doesn't want to sit in sequester for 8 weeks. They say you never know what's going to happen. Sheila says at least in sequester there's no slop, you can eat real food, talk to your family and it's better than staying in BB house and making it to final 3 and then getting kicked out. Sheila says if her and Ryan go up she doesn't know where the votes would go. Ryan apologizes for taking the $10000 from her. Sheila says don't even worry about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ladybugjd Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 12:34BBT Nat, Matt & Adam in bedroom rehashing being up on the mirror balls Chelsia, Sharon & Josh in other bedroom also rehashing being up on the mirror balls James got called by BB to see his new HOH room. All the HG's go up to see. Everyone's looking at his pictures, some of him from highschool, with friends & his mom & sister. James read out loud his letter from his Mom & Sister. In the letter they said he has fans all over the country rooting for him. James explaining who the people are in the pictures and stories about them. Sharon, Josh, Ryan & Sheila left. (I'm out for the night) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CeCiMom Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 1:00 am BBT: Natalie is getting her back rub from Matt. Sort of... He's complaining about her boobs hanging out, that his back hurts and he starts off by using the roller ball thing instead of his hands. It's squeaky and annoying. Matt first tells her how thankful he is and that she did a great job. Of course he immediately mentions that James was almost going (off) and that they almost had it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snancypants Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 2:00AM BBT All are in bed now except James Josh and Chelsia. (I think!) James and Josh are talking about all the stuff Sheila has been doing to manipulate the house. They say Ryan is the target and they will keep Sheila as the pawn. They discuss Matt and Natalie and Josh says "leave them to me!" (yeah right you idiot) Chelsia comes in from the shower and says she is "showed, shaved and shit". She is happy that Sheila and Ryan will be the ones going on the block. Josh says he was about to go off on Sheila then James told everyone to be quiet. says he whispered to her "don'tyou ever fucking try to turn my partner against me again or I will come after you and your son". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snancypants Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 James and Chelsia head up to HOH room. We keep getting flames but sound! Chelsia just popped a zit on James back (ick!) More flames but we hear someone tell James to cover his tatoos. James says there are no bandaids in the HOH. Now Chelsia goes downstairs to get them for him. James is now on top of Chelsia and they are kissing. He is moving downward and she is laughing. Just as we are finally about to see what has really been happening between them ---- you got it! Feeds switch to all the other sleeping HG. (why doesn't BB want the world to know these two are having sex?) Josh is up now in downstairs bathroom - popping zits in the close up mirror 2:37AM BBT All feeds now on either the HG that are sleeping (not the HOH room) and Josh who is now in the kitchen putting food (maybe cookies?) in a baggie. After he is done he washes his hands (should have done that first after the zit popping IMO) and puts cookie sheet away. Now he is in the spa room popping more zits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snancypants Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Chelsia is up again. Now she is called to DR. We see Josh still doing ADL's in bathroom but we are hearing Chelsia's DR session. They are asking how she felt about him leaving and coming back. Ask her the same thing several times to get multiple takes on her answer I guess. They ask if she is mad at people. She is mad at people like Natalie who don't keep their word walking around giving her a thumbs up. Says she doesn't like to play the game that way she wants to be upfront. This is a rather long DR session. (Unfortunately it is Chelsia's) They have asked her 4 times how she felt when James came out of the box. They ask her if she was surprised it was James they voted to bring back. She says yes that she thought it was funny they voted him out and then voted him back in. Ask her about what she thought of the back yard tonight. She gives her impression of that. Now they ask her about the division in the house. She says a huge line. She says the BBhouse has declared WW3 and shit will hit the fan. They make her say it over without a cuss word. She wanted HOH for herself but then decided to fight for it for James. Her strategy was to stay out there until it was just her and James. She says she knew Natalie would put up a good fight but that when it was her James and Sharon she knew one of them would win. She said after Sharon dropped out she got a little more nervous. Said you could look at James and Nat and know they were both in it for the duration. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snancypants Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 4:30AM BBT James is sleeping alone in HOH and Chelsia is sleeping in their old bed. Earlier in her DR session she told them they decided to do this to force Ryan to sleep in the cursed bed. (he is on the floor instead) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lorican Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 6:24am BBT all HG's sleeping Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bb11addict Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 8:12am bbt all HGs still sleeping (bb better let them sleep considering what they were doing last night, or at least let james and natalie sleep) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lorican Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 8:51am BBT Feeds still showing sleeping HG's sharon and josh in their bed chel is hers other two feeds showing james in his HOH bed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berrie333 Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 9:24AM BBT All HG's are still sleeping...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berrie333 Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 9:38AM BBT FOTH (Possible wake up call) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlatl Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 HGs starting to wake up for the day. Shelia in the kitchen making coffee. Told Josh she had a "lightbulb moment" that she'll tell him about later!" (uh oh! Oprah slang!) She crows about it to Ryan as well. BB tells Ryan to put on his Mike. Josh tells Sharon that the back yard isn't set up for a food comp and that it's laying out weather. Josh notices that Ryan has slept on the floor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlatl Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Shelia tells Ryan that she woke up at 6 having a good dream of self-discovery. She goes on to tell Ryan that she must tell someone about this dream so she will tell him. She could have won the competition, she could have done it but her mind told her she couldn't do it because she realized that she's always letting other people win before her and piggy backs on others. Ryan patiently listens and nods while she talks and talks. Josh is actually hiding around the corner to listen to the conversation that Shelia and Ryan are having! The Shelia "lightbulb moment" conversation is turning to her not "piggy-backing" on Nat anymore. Thankfully she has moved on to her former Penthouse glory and is now finishing Ryan's bagel. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Berrie333 Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 10:10AM BBT - Sheila and Ryan are still talking in the kitchen. Mainly general chit chat about Sheila's acting days and the movie she was in. Josh is still hiding around the corner ease dropping. BB: JAMES, The bedroom lights must remain on during the day. ( They have said this serval times over the last 10 minutes or so. The other feed is showing Sharon who is still in bed, Josh is now sitting in the green chair in the bed room. BB: Sharon, please put on your microphone. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlatl Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Shelia's marathon circular convo with Ryan has now moved back to herself needing to be less pathetic and the fact that everyone wants to win and needing to depend on people less and being less pathetic. She thinks she needs to save herself and not to depend on anyone else. Ryan is eating his bagel and nodding and uh-huh-ing. Ryan mentions saving "their asses twice" and "they owe me" (I think they are Matt and Nat). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lorican Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Sheila just told Ryan that watching Natalie last night made her realize she has been "piggybacking" on people since she became famous. She would let others give or do things for her. she realized that relying on Nat last night to win that contest, she was doing it again. She just feels horrible for it. Josh is squatting down near in the hall area by the DR listening on their conversation. Ryan is just agreeing with her "uh huh" and "mmmm mmmming" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlatl Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Shelia and Ryan are have moved on to Alex being a better man than Matt. Shelia tells Ryan that they are in the game alone and that they have to decide as a person what it takes to win the money. Shelia didn't know that she was going to have these realizations about herself. Ryan asks her if these aren't just delusions due to her slop diet (BINGO!). Josh has climbed back into bed with Sharon to report on his spy session of the pre-menopause fueled chat session between Shelia and Ryan he just heard. James is up. In the previous 10 minutes BB yelled at James twice that the lights must remain on the the HOH during the day. Shelia asks James how he feels, he tells her terrible. She speculates the reason there's no food comp is b/c of the HOH comp last night. James checks in with Chelsea in their old bed for a bruise and general unwellness report. Ryan doing ADLs and massive nose blowing. Sharon and Chelsea comment on how sore they are and how sore Nat will be. Josh is in kitchen making food. Josh takes his food to the back yard where James is sitting. Josh tells James about Shelia's epiphany which he summarizes as Shelia is sorry and she realizes that the other group is not going to save her and she will start winning competitions to be part of their group. Josh told Shelia that she needed to talk to James not him about this. Josh thinks this morning feels like a Sat morning after a long night of partying. James asks if Shelia is trying to go with them. Josh says Shelia is trying to play both sides so she can end up F*&* them again. Josh thinks she's doing this b/c she can't convince Mat or Nat to use the POV on her if they win it. Josh says he hopes Ryan doesn't win the POV and take himself off. James says at least he's giving him a chance to play for the POV instead of backdooring him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rlatl Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Josh comments on the new BFF of Shelia and Ryan. James speculates that they were in together before this twist in the game. Josh says that Matt isn't the brains but he's the muscle of the group. That they ganged up on Nat to get her to vote. They talk about his lame massage the night before that lasted only 10 minutes. Josh and James talk about Matt using Nat for her athletic ability and brains (ummm. . 27 letters anyone). James says he wants one of their strong people to go this week. Josh comments that he had been looking forward to throwing the slop competition today and watching them all freak out. Everyone inside now. Shelia and Sharon ADLs. Josh milling in the kitchen. James back to the HOH. Ryan back on his floor pallet. Matt and Nat still in bed. Josh and Sharon in the kitchen chatting. Josh tells Sharon of a new project. Sharon tells Josh that Matt was the one (who voted for the mystery box). Sharon tells him she knows b/c Adam got so upset when Matt tried to blame it on him last night. (I'm getting the MOST ANNOYING TONE on the feeds). Sorry, gotta go pick up my son! Hope someone can take over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrsFroman Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 BBT 10:50 Sheila and Josh in BY. Sheila saying that she has saved Matt and Nat more than once. She says she told Ryan they have both tried to protect Matt as Josh said and now they're in a bad position. She rehashes the conversation with Ryan about Matt's manipulation. Ryan and Sheila hope Matt doesn't win POV and that no one has his or her back. She says that this came from Josh saying something to Sheila last night. They discuss alliance and how Sheila and Ryan can't depend on it and how Sheila's game has just changed to CYA. Josh says he knows Sheila was in on telling Ryan and Matt about 2 week deal with Ryan. He knows Sheila tried to blame it on Natalie. Sheila admits lying. Says she was trying to protect Matt and she apologizes and says everyone has made mistakes. Josh says he doesn't think he has made a mistake. Sheila says she's piggy-backed on Natalie. Says she is mad at herself and thanks Josh for making her think about being responsible for her own actions. She says she's not the biggest threat, and she's not sitting pretty but she won't throw anyone under the bus. Josh tells her there's hope for her to win POV. Sheila says she really believed that Matt or Nat would take her to the end. Josh says she chose wrong people to allign with and Sheila says he's right and that if she continues piggy-backing she doesn't deserve to win game and it's disgusting they were all depending on Nat hanging on last night for 5 hours under tremendous pressure to save them. She says no one owes anyone anything in the game. Josh says he knew Sheila/Adam/Nat/Matt/Ryan wold turn on eachother and Sheila says it's already happened and she thinks Ryan will be voted out. Or maybe Adam because he flip flops or maybe it'll be her. BBT11:00 James enters BY. Sheila tells James about her "lightbulb moment" (piggy-backing). Sheila says she is the one to blame for protecting Matt. James asks how. Sheila says she is the one who told James not to gun for Matty, and when Alex was up, she was on Matty's side. FotH (damn!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sharonda99 Posted March 13, 2008 Share Posted March 13, 2008 Just tuned in. James and Sheila having a talk in the hot tub. Sheila basically apologizing for not letting James know that he was going to be evicted. Said she would not feel sorry for herself if she was nominated and put on the block. Says she made the decision she made, her gut told her to go one way, she went the other, it's water under the bridge now. She won't be all "woe is me" if she's put up. James saying how he will show people how the game should be played. People are over playing the game by lying to each other's faces. Sheila chimes in with "no one controls your game but yourself" (that is a philosophy that all BB players should have and so often forget-Sharonda99). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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