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March 13 - Live Feed Updates

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8:52 we get trivia but you can still hear sheila and sharon and you can hear some of the crew.... then you hear matt say 'do you want me in the shot?".... then Ryan announces from this point on, you can only stand"..... still trivia the whole time..... no pics

8:56pm - matt says your girl did say if we voted you back you wouldn't come back with vengence.... nat says i fucked you james, but i unfucked you.... josh is backing nat up saying she did james, she did, she voted you back in

james say why should i believe you, alot of people said shit to me last week too

ryan asks nat what kind of music are you going to have in your HOH,nat says "IF i win"

8:59 - josh on the war path, asked shelia something and then walked away and called her a bitch (did anyone hear it)

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(From a few minutes ago approx 8:59

Josh walked over to Sheila a few minutes ago and said " I think you were thinking it was gonna be 4-2 and that I was gonna fuck my partner? Very interesting"

Sheila says, "The fact you were even thinking about it.......if that's what you're upset about...don't get mad at me"

As he walks away he calls her a bitch.)

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9:09pm BBT - it is erily silent fora few minutes.... james seems like he is hurting a little but hanging on, nat looks like she could hold on for a loooooong time. chelsia keeps telling them to hold on on everytime the machine shifts..... matt/ryan/sheila rooting for nat.... chelsia/josh rooting for james..... adam/sharon roooting for everyone

everyone keeps telling both of them ho awesome they are doing

9:12pm - james keeps rubbing his left knee

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918pm BBT - natalie is having fun.... james looks very tired.... meanwhile....josh and sharon talking about sheila....josh says if you want me to rip into her i will. sharon says no. sharon says we just have to stand up for each other(can hardly hear over the machine)

now adam and josh are talking to each other.

9:22pm - matt and ryan are telling josh to calm down and matt tells her not now, not during this.. tell her boy, josh says i already did.... matt says chill out, josh says im just warning you its brewing.

9:23pm - matt says to baller, you should defend your girl, baller says she had no right saying that shit, matt says ok your right

9:25pm - everyone outside except sheila.... josh telling sharon that adam told him if you tear her up you tear her up (sheila)

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9:20 pm BBT: Josh tells Matt and Ryan that he wants to confront Sheila.

He says if you think the first 3 blow ups (on girls) were bad this 4th one will be an explosion.

Matt tells him to chill out / calm down and starts to massage Josh's shoulder for a sec.

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josh walks over to matt/ryan and says the reason he doesn't go off on men is they don't talk shit like women do.... then....

9:27pm...james tells josh just stop,whatever is going on just stop, this isnt the time or the place. i need quiet... matt tells him there ain nothing going on.....

james said he is not gonna cut a deal with her, he wants to push his body to the limit, nat say me to... sharon says only you two could do this, james says they could have they just didnt

nat saying she wants her chance to win HOH, james has

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9:30pmBBT - James asks Nat if she wants to go 7 hours then they will talk, he asks nat if she has blisters, she says no do you, he says yes.

then nat tells him he is safe... james says it doesn't matter, he is not gonn just give it to her

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James and Nat start talking deals.

Nat suggests him and chels will be safe. James says he doesnt care about that he only cares if HE'S safe. Nat says she wants her and Matt safe. He says he can't offer that right now. They both agree to keep hanging.

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9:34pm BBT - FYI, sharon and josh in kitchen rehashin sheila issue.... BB has made the mahine go faster.... nat says awesome she loves when it goes faster....

matt is surprisingly supportive of nat, keeps asking her how she is doing.

9:36pm - james just told nat to tell her when she was gonna fall and he will cut a deal with her, she says im not gonna fall, but vice versa, and I'll protect you and chelsia up, promise

9:38pm -- BB is realy jerking the thing alot and james doe not look good..... chelsia just told both of them "good job guys"

coming up on 4 hours now!!

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James: letme know if you want to fall... if you want to cut anything.

N: ok. but i'm not going to fall.


N: but let me know vice versa. and i'm just saying, i'll protect you and chelsia.

no answer.

Sheila telling Adam she knows Nat will win this.

She's currently venting about Josh and how theres no way his mother can be proud of him

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9:42pm - everyone outside now.... very quiet.... can hear sheila and adam talking, she is saying that james is so afraid of going up again he is hanging on for dear life

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not much going on. random people cheer James or Nat on. The machine has quickened

9:42 James says he'll drop if Nat will put Ryan up.

Matt saying she will not ever do it, but she should agree to it.

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