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Live Show 3/12, Wednesday

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james is a goner

i hope josh dont win hoh but we know how bb like these dramatic power shift from jaws of defeat

in big upset allison is brought back

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I think Alex will be brought back. Natalie will win HOH and Matt will have to sleep with her to stay. :giggle:

Sheila who has a crush on Alex will make a play for him. :drool:

(see now if they keep the sex show out of the game I am starting to like this season)

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as long as nat and chelsia, matt in the game the sex show will continue

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I think i'd rather see Sharon leave tonight but it's not looking that way. My guess is Parker is coming back.

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I have read there is a few websites that have had the autovoter going 24/7 to try to get Allison back in the house.

The autovoter got Erica on All Stars.

just sayin....

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A top four spot wasn't that hard considering Janelle probably got 95 % of the female votes anyways. Just saying...

Alex will be coming back for sure. HOH is a toss up. I'm guessing it's endurance. I wonder how Ryan will feel when Alex comes back. Ryan was Matt's "bro" for the past couple weeks. With Alex coming back, he jumps into top "bro" spot. Wonder if that will lead to Ryan turning on Matt in upcoming weeks.

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I thinking James will be evicted, Alex will be brought back in, Matt will be SO happy that he'll win HOH, and Josh will be leaving next week!!!!

What are your thoughts?????

I would love it to go just that way!!!! I'm not a Chelsia fan but would love to see Josh outa there!


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Perfect scenrio James gone this week, then Josh, then Chelsia. But the way carma works Josh, Chelsia or Sharon will win HOH this week and the following week. Then Matt and Ryan would be gone.

Can't remember who said Chelsia with James being gone would flirt with Matt, it would be for no other reason than to get back at Natalie and drive her crazy. I wouldn't put it past Chelsia to do more than make out with Matt. Just think if Chelsia and Sharon flirt, hug and kiss on Matt, they would have to take Natalie out in a straight jacket or hide all the knives. JMO

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I hope HOH goes to josh/chelsia. I love to see the pendulum swing (almost as much as the producers do) I also hope that Allison goes back to stir the pot, but I bet it will be Alex..me, I voted Parker. I hope there is a plane during the endurance comp, it could say (if Allison gets in) "We hate Allison...but we hate all of you too!" or (if she doesn't) "Nat, Matt is NOT acting! Ryan is Americas Player!" :animated_scratchchin: lol, I think that would be funny business.

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My thoughts are that James will be evicted 5-1 (Chelsia gives him the only vote), then Allison will come back into the house and win HoH, and everybody will be kissing HER a$$... Hey, I like James, and I hate Allison, but it sure would be entertaining!!! I also have a GUT feeling that it will be an endurance comp of some kind, that will last a LONG time... Again, it's just a feeling...

Edit: And Allison puts up Matt & Ryan

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I dislike everyone in that house. BUt Matt and natalie I dislike the most. I am praying they do not win HOH. I won't be able to handle watching them this next week if that happens.

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Ok, heres my qiestion. When Matt was "seducing" Sharon in the HOH last week and said something about her being his boys girl, was the boy he was referring to Jacob or Alex? I think he was talking about Alex, mostly because Jacob wasnt really there long enough to be anyones boy. But then again everyone has been Matts "boy" at some point, including Natalie. lol

If he was talking about Alex and Alex is voted back in tonight, do you think he is going to be worried about Alex finding out about the HOH makeout? And who to you think will tell Alex? Natalie for revenge? Or Sheila to stir the pot?

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I think you are all dead-on when you say that James is gone after tonight. For all the guys talk about the Bro' Crew I think that James has been an outsider. Take a look at how many times he wanders in while the rest of the "crew" is standing around talking strategy or whatever. He looks like an interloper. As sad as it is, I think Alex is coming back tonight. He was not my choice but then again I usually don't pick the winner. If he does come back I think the guy plan of picking off the women one by one will be a definate. The producers might not like the lack of interest if that happens. Allison would be the most volitile one to come back and of course the most fun to watch. Hmmmm....

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On Dick's Myspace page he is trying to get everyone to vote Parker back in. He said that he visited the BB9 house the other night while they were on lock down and spit some luggies in the yard. Ha. He and some other BB people were there for some reason.

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Hello to all. This is my first time posting. I have been reading since the beginning of the show and have enjoyed everyones comments. Thank you. I finally got the nerve to participate. Now about live show 03/12. I sooooooooooo think james is going to get voted out, because of that twit nat and sheila. And i think alex will be coming back. Only thing that might make it interesting is how alex feels towards everyone. Im hoping he is really mad and ready to get some revenge on matt or anyone for that matter. Cause when james goes home and one of the boys or nat & shiela (ha ha actually thought for a moment that sheila could win something, my bad) but if one of the others win hoh it is so going to make this a predictable season. I really dont like my reality predictable. Love drama, back stabbing and lying. Sorry if i am little sadistic. :devilish:

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I agree with you. I love the drama and backstabbing and we will get to see it even if James goes, because Matt, Nat, Sheila and Ryan are all going to have to turn on each other soon and that will be great. Ryan pull your pants up boy! Your drawers are ugly and so is your butt.

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