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Omg I Cant Wait For Pov Ceremony


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I seriously I am dying right now to find out what will happen at this POV if RYAN actually does this and puts james up it will be the best thing I ever saw on BB just because josh james chelsia sharon HAVE no idea what is going on and there world is about to come to a halt real quick!!! LOL Also those guys will no longer have the numbers and even if ryan and them dont get HOH there group will stil decide who to send home so either way they have no power for the next two weeks LOL Too funny!!!! Right now I think Ryan is playing this great and I hope that he actually puts up James because it will stun JAMES!!!!! What do you guys think :party_smilie:


all I know is that if he puts James up, then I have to listen and watch Matt for another week. UGH! I cannot freaking stand Matt.


Yeah, it's a pretty sweet backdoor plot.

I'm looking forward to seeing the reactions too.

Kinda reminds me of last year's show where Dustin got booted instead of Dick.


Yes its like a double secret backdoor LOL its funny either way I happen to like ryan and I think he is playing it smart he will have the numbers the only person who conderns me is sheila she is playing both sides so she will be the swing vote she set herself up nicely unless they realize!!!


Josh and his crew are completely delusional. I love how they think Ryan HAS to put up Matt because the whole house wants him out. Um, idiots... if 5 people are on one side and 4 on the other then that's not exactly "the whole house". It's so funny how they expect everybody to just do what is best for their alliance and basically step aside in their quest of being the last four. Hey Josh.... maybe seeing Ryan hang out with Adam, Matt, and Natalie ALL DAY should have given you a clue that your plan may not come to perfection! People usually aren't that cool with someone they're about to royally screw over. The case with this four is clearly one where they want something to happen so badly that they've deluded themselves into thinking it's what MUST happen and it absolutely WILL happen. Crazy.


I wanted Matt gone too but,

I think this is the best move for Ryan.....

I can not wait to see the expressons on everyones face...lol

Gonna be priceless!!

As sick as I am of hearing Matt,

I think I detest hearing the J/S/J/C bashing of everyone

else the most.....I mean Chel wants to bad mouth Nat

for things that she does, when Chel is NO angel by far!!

She is just as bad if not worse!! And I liked her at the beginning...

Not anymore..... and they honestly think they have the numbers, they have no clue....

They do not know that Shelia and Adam are with Ryan & them and here is the biggie.....

NO one has a clue about another houseguest returning.....Which I think it'll be Alex.....

So, there's another one on the other side......lol

Gonna make for a great episode, that's for sure....lol

I also can't wait to see how Chel reacts when she finds out that James was the

one who told Ryan to put her on the block.....Another priceless moment..lol


OH i totally cant wait. I heard josh saying that he told the DR that he doesnt feel bad threatening the HOH and they better do as he says LOL That guy is totally delusional I cant wait to see it tuesday night that is gonna be the best ever!!!


I am GLUED to my computer and will not leave in case feeds come back! I'm on Big Brother CRACK!! I even feel my heart beating faster waiting to see what Josh is going to do! I need to put down the pipe--but I can't! Hello, my name is BigMDGirl and I'm addicted to Big Brother.


Hello, my name is Luvmanatees and I'm also addicted to BB

I reeeaaaalllly want Joshy to be on the block. Everyone will see his true side then. He will go off on Ryan, Natalie, Adam, and Matt. It would be priceless.


It's a shame we can't watch the actual ceremonies on the feeds. I also am very happy to see James on the block.


I'm so happy James is on the block....from what I've read on the feed updates he has turned into a real jerk since he's been put up. His true colors are coming to the surface, I've never cared for him. I still want a mass eviction!



I agree Gingersnaps.....once he got put on the block the whacky086.gif



meh, lost track of feed updates while i was gone for the weekend, but I'm SO glad spilitting up the couples has caused some interesting gameplay to go down.

Ryan is smart in not letting the "house" run his HOH for him... any security they promise him is complete bull, so he's smart not to take their offer IMO


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