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He is saying that he wants to move out to Los Angeles... I can guarantee that googly, scatter-eyed, turd burgler wouldn't last a week. Posers don't bode well out there...

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Oh yes and Natalie was telling Sheila that she was moving to LA too and asked Sheila to hook her up with an agent.

the stalking will continue :animated_rotfl:


LOL! I heard that too... WSheila doesn't even have an agent "But she knows people"... I wish Nat the best...


I really hate that I'll have to watch and listen to him for ANOTHER week... ~sigh~


Yeah, Matty wants to be a big star in LA. Well, once his monies runs out from the high cost of living that life and he can't get a decent waiter job, he will have to turn to doing gay porn to support himself.... :animated_rotfl:


Uggh I'm gonna hate it if he goes into the finals. He is so cocky and acting like he is in control of the whole game right now.. well which is not completely wrong seeing as he is ruling as HOH for Ryan it seems.


I know his mother is having such a proud moment for her son to be on national tv.

<~~~Single mother lowering head in shame for Matt's mother :sadwalk:

so far hes in a great position in the game.. if alex comes back .. he and matt will crush everyone

alex has no game


He has game with Matt. Alex had the right idea from the beginning to break up strong couples, so why do you think he had no game. We all know no matter how much they campaigned, Alex and Amanda were still going. Just because he didn' t campaign (and Alex knew it wouldnt do no good) doesnt mean he has no game.

On the other hand, maybe Alex knew he had a chance to come back minus Amanda.


I'd happily root for Matt if he'd just take a moment to hold Nat's head under the pool water for awhile. Then Josh's.

Alex was the quiet thinker. Matt is more of the action man. They could do some damage.


This is the dreamer in me.....

I would LOVE to see Alex come back to the house after Sharon has been voted out (yes, she needs to be gone for my plan to take place). See, Alex and Matty would be buddy buddy again, but then Alex would see more how cruel Matt's been to Nat, and he'd feel bad. He'd be super nice to Nat, make her fall in love with him. Then, Nat would be forced to choose between Matt and Alex...wow!

but wait.... maybe Sharon can have a part in this play...I mean, dream..

Okay, how about this...

Alex comes back into the house and he and Sharon get close again and start making out. Will he join forces with Sharon's side or Matt's? or.... will he form an alliance with Sharon, Matt, and Nat and keep it hush hush while playing the others?

There's so many ways this can go down. The only thing that would screw it all up is if Amanda walked in!


uvp you cant tell me alex didnt have game.. he was paired with AMANDA !!! HELLO... now that they play single we can see who has game ...


i stand by my statement

and i wont change it

that alex has no game

alex reminds me totally of nick with his game

which is hope to impress as much woman with his looks as possible and try to rally a few guys at his side

he played bb too emotionally wondering who amanda was shack up with etc....

its partly his jealousy that got them kicked out making parker confront james due to him telling amanda james suggested her and parker knew each other


Maybe if he goes to LA and they cold-cock him it will knock his eye into the right place. His head is growing larger by the moment... it is sickening to think this womanizing, using, freak is going to stay. He has freakin summer eyes... sume are here and sum are there...


Matt is telling Natalie to dump the slop cake in Josh's face. Why is he making Natalie do this stuff? She threw his slop cake in the garbage. Is Matt to chicken to do anything himself? Wha???


Natalie is gonna feel pretty crappy when she realizes how much of a tool Matt made her look like. Wouldn't I love to see her clue in and and help bounce Matt out the door!


Matt is the perfect summary of a coward. Always talking trash behing the guys backs, always talking trash on Nat. I HOPE that she reads all the forums after the game and sees all the things he has said about her!


I hate the way Natalie and Sheila are kissing Matt's butt. Listening to Natalie's voice onthe feeds is driving me insane! She is gonna be shell-shocked when he finally votes her out!


There is a nice lil write up about Matt using the N-Word on TMZ.. they have a great pic of him looking like a doofus and video from last night's BBAD. His mother must be so proud.


Matt needs to go back off in his own jack yard!

LOL! My neighbor just said this "I'll bet his mother is wishing she would have pulled a Natalie and had an abortion"....


We will just add him to the list of people this season that has used the word: James, Adam and Matt. Use of the word just shows me that people still use the word daily and these guys are comfortable enough to use it on national tv. You gotta love Reality T.V. 3 people from 3 different geographical locations. Big shock. I not shocked at all.


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