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New Bb Commercial Reveals Twist!

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just saw the promo durin Jericho! it said "2 more houseguests have to leave but,,,,, big brother MAY not let them leave"

OMG! stupid twist sound 2 me but some1 post the vid plz!


Just saw same commercial during Letterman and rewound and it says:

"Two more hg's evicted, but BB may not let them leave", then shows Sharon saying "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!" :animated_shocking:


imo Bloggers have been begging to get the jury 24/7 live feeds for years now. This is how they're going to give it to us... by having them all (house guests and jury) stay in the BB house together.


Well, they have to do something since we wouldn't have enough couples left for one to leave per week until the projected finale date. I'm all for Dick coming in and killing the "marriages" so that they can all turn on each other. :animated_scratchchin:


This may be why we arent seeing any interviews with the ousted house guests they are still in sequestor somewhere and they are just going to reveal it to us now!


Thanks for posting the commercial! I have been watching CBS all night since BB and I have yet yet to see it on my own. I must have walked out of the room everytime it was on. Thanks again and get some sleep!


Interesting thing in my TV listing. I get my local paper's listings and it says "one houseguest is evicted". Could be a typo????? :animated_scratchchin:


You do rock Dream!! And Eric, your right, this is not the commercial you and I saw last night during Jerico and Letterman, it is much more detailed. :animated_bouncy:


Ok, I watched the commercial and the part where they show Sharon saying "are you kidding me"

is taken from another time of the show......CBS just edited that part in there to make it look like

something bigger......If you watch the commercial again, when they show Sharon saying that,

she is sitting in the HOH room on the bed.....Think about it, on eviction night, the HOH room

is locked up and getting prepared for the new HOH....So, CBS is just trying to mess with us....

Although, I can not wait to see how the show really goes.....


Of course they use clips from earlier times. That is how they always do the commercials.

I think they will all be back in the house to mess with the remaining HG. The remaining ones will be trying to get votes from the evicted ones and it will be ciaos.


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