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Saturday, March 1st


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lol watching them discussing orgasms...

They should discuss more strategy between the pairs rather than the sex talk. Last nigh it was reported from live feeds that Adam, Matt and not sure (Ryan/James) were discussing how they would get Allison to give bj's to stay.

These people are pathetic.

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Matt and Adam were discussing it getting bj's from Allison, but Adam remembered he cannot vote. Peronally, if I had to chose, I'd much rather have James running around in a Jenitard than these two plotting to trade sexual acts for votes.

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You know, not since Johnny Fairplay was on Survivor have I had such a complete dislike of a contestant on a reality show as I do for Natalie, this chick is so delusional,She honestly thinks she will walk out of this show a STAR !! Im thinking the only star she will be is IF someone is looking to remake the movie Deep Throat.

I can't stand her voice, she looks like Dorothy on crack in the mornings, and when she gets her eye balls darting back and forth, I can't decide if she looks like a ferret, or one of those chickens she was trying to impersonate the other night.

Everytime she opens her mouth I pray someone will shove a ball gag in it !

okay... Im done venting...

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