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Can You Answer This Trivia Question


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jase wild guess

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i am sure season 6 said it

i remember folks saying allstar was over using the term

but i figure someone before 6 had to say it

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Cizarol, you've got me thinking. I vaguely remember that as well. Especially when her own team backdoored her.

Is there anywhere you can watch BB5 online for free? I have most of it on tapes, but where they'll at is the question......

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where is original thread starter with answer?

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It was Nakomis in BB5 when she also came up with the 6 finger plan.

This is taken from an interview by EW with Grodner:

Have you thought about changing the rules to avoid back-dooring (targeting a replacement nominee for eviction)? It really puts strong players at a disadvantage.


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lol i feel used

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I can't believe I've missed this thread.

The first person to actually use the term was Maggie. She used it for the first time while talking to Howie about James and trying to get Howie put up James instead.

believe it! I'm not gonna be stupid and say that it's not smart for the entire house for James to want to get rid of ME.

Howie: I would not believe the guy for 5 seconds about anything.

Maggie asks when James asks them for answers, and Howie says James asks him the first thing in the morning.

Maggie: I fucking knew it!

Howie: When you are at your weakest.

Maggie says it is blowing her mind about this whole thing with him saying she is not a nurse.

Howie says after he was up there fighting for his life with her, he came down to them and said that Maggie was a police officer.

Maggie: He wasn't fighting for his life with me! He was throwing the two of you under the bus! Can you help me out here? Tell him I came to you pleading for my life and that I told you I'm not an ER nurse.

Howie says that James made it all up, so he knows that, though.

I checked season 5 and there is no mention if it there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

wow, thanks guys! Honestly, I forgot I started this....I don't know the answer, I just wanted to know. I do remember it being used in season 5, though, but then it became ridiculously overused in season 6, said at least 50 times a day at one point. I was just wondering if it was used before that.

I think backdooring began with the 6 finger plan, but the term didn't come about till next season (6)

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