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ooh ok shan, i thought that you were talking about everyone.

i totally agree with littlelulu, if everyone that watched the show, watched the live feeds, they would really honestly understand how horrible these people are. i mean the amanda joshuah fight was to me downlplayed quite a bit on tv. the youtube video is so much better. that fight seemed more intense on youtube than on tv.

only 9 minutes left

quick question, did anyone else notice last night that bb started a little early before 9pm, cuz i changed the channel right after american idol was over and bb was already on. was it just me or did it start before 9pm?

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I agree that everyone, if on camera 24/7, would do embarrassing things. BUT I doubt most people would give BJ's to a guy they hardly know on camera. Or have make out parties in the pool, threesomes in the bed, milking themselves, all on camera for the world to see. These people are just nasty.

The twist was pretty much what I expected, a big let down. It was kind of funny to see Allison go on the emotional roller coaster ride from h*ll

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yep...I also enjoyed seeing Allison get all excited thinking she was still in the house...only to have the rug pulled right back from under her. I don't usually enjoy seeing people upset/cry...but she's an exception.

The twist...If the alarm only rang that 1 time then it'd be a let down...but now that it did ring...they may not be expecting it to ring again and it will completely catch them off guard when it does. I'm hoping it rings for pov in middle of night...and ED comes back in to host it. I'm assuming it will also ring again when evicted player re-enters. If they keep the alarm going periodically...and always having a different meaning...it'll drive them crazy and they'll all be off guard thinking 'omg...now what!'

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If they keep the alarm going periodically...and always having a different meaning...it'll drive them crazy and they'll all be off guard thinking 'omg...now what!'

Ohhh I so agree on that happening Imin! :animated_rotfl:

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I cannot agree that this season is just fine and that last season was the worst, this season and last season are alike in many ways, only I think the blantant sexual content of this season is sooo over the top, and that this group of people do not constitute who the youth of america is or that any one who is of that age would want to act out the way this crew does. Good grief, they really had to scrape the bottom of the barrel for this group of people . They are really scum, I do think Natalie could be a decent human being but she is sooo delusional and craves attention no matter whether it is at the expense of her own self esteem, Chelseia is a total phony, she fixes her hair nicely and is attractive, but she is a low life with no morals and has no feelings for anyone but herself, including James, she just sees James as a way to get to the money cause she thinks he is smart, Ryan does act like as big lug, but we haven't been able to see who he really is because of Allison, out of all those people I feel he may be the most normal. Sharon is conniving as all get out and she has sooo played up to Josh so she could ride long with him. Matt is also the scum of the earth who thinks he is Gods Gift, and I know lots of really good looking guys that I am around every nite at work who have NEVER acted so conceited as he does.

Adam is weird, and I have only come accross the likes of him like people watching on maybe the city bus, James really turns me off as well, hate his lousy ink, and I do like tattoos, his are in such poor taste it makes me wonder at what level he is in TASTE, I mean gay porn?? I would find the biking around the counrty more believeable as him being a cool human being who really is interested in what he says, BUT really I think it is pure hype and that he has no direction, does not know what the hell he wants out of life and is lazy so he is just bicycling around the country cause he has nothing better to do, it is laziness otherwise he would make a plan and go to school, get a job and start making his dreams a reality, these people are aimless and apathetic. I liked Alex, and I think Amanda had a decent career as a paralegal goin for her, even tho she definately was annoying.

Sheila, well we know she is a has been and talks in circles, never really saying anything, so who knows if she has any smarts. I think this season has gone soooo far down and away from what BB has been for all of us who have been avid watchers, it remains to be seen if it will ever return to what it was. I did not even DVR last nights episode, I had another show that I wanted to see that was in conflict with BB, so I recorded the other show and did not even see last nites show. I knew I could come to Morty's and get a good update, but from what I have read and what I saw on the after dark it was all sort of anti-climatic. Oh and for the person who said they agree with HIM Frances, I do believe Frances is of the female gender, just sayin,lol

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