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March 7 - Live Feed Updates


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Everyone shakes ryan's hand that he will ALL give them 2 weeks. Chelsia says everyone in the room will definitely give him 2 weeks. They all shake hands. They say Nat's next if she doesn't agree.

They all know Adam doesn't know. Ryan and Sheila saying Adam will go along with it. Chelsia saying whoever gets veto needs to use it.

Ryan and Josh saying they'll throw it.

C saying he's [Matt] shady as hell.

They all conspire and say how he told EVERYONE they have their vote.

Ryan is floored.

Chelsia saying Ryan can tell matt to prove that matt and ryan arent together he'll put them up. (As in to play Matt)

R saying he isnt going to go against the house

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Chels,Sheila , James and Ryan talk about how Natalie is dead to them and she can't be let in on the plan. Ryan saying he cannot win this veto.

Ryan is saying this is perfect.

Operation crooked eye is underway. Or operation C. If matt catches wind of this, they will say it's C for chelsia

everyone leaves to have ryan and josh conference alone together.

ryan fills josh in on what matt and sheila were saying earlier.

Ryan alone:

wow. how this game changes daily. wow. this is insane.


Josh fills Chelsia, Sharon and James in on the convo with Ryan. Nothing alliancey, mostly that Ryan was glad the whole house came to him as one


12:03 nothing going on now but people waiting for the comp. general cleaning, changing and primping.

Chelsia does not feel well. Sharon suggests she listerine.


12:18 pm BBT - Trivia - Comp must be under way. Before the trivia, Nat was alone in the room she sleeps in, reading the bible, and seemed to be crying. Adam came in, she tried to have a convo. with him, but he did a few 'Um hum' and 'mmmmms' before he left.


feed are back..no word yet ....not sure but it appears Chelsea won.. yes Chelsea won, they are planning on taking chelsea off and putting up Matt... backdooring matt.

appears baller won something... but not sure what yet. they are telling Sharon to sit back and read bible.. act like she is going home. They told Sharon to go talk with Ryan. Telling Sharon to not tell Natalie or Shelia anything !!! they can't keep their mouth shut.

Ryan comes into storage room with Sharon, Chelsea, sharon promises Ryan 2 weeks if she stays. Says it was Allison she wanted out.. never him. Ryan agrees... says matt is going home !

Shelia is running around in a red unitard... looking like a retard.

Sharon is filling Ryan in about all of Matt's lies. Ryan says he is hearing that from everyone. Sharon is tell Ryan about him coming on to her to try and control her and more. Sharon won a slop pass. They are all making food and slop.

They keep saying something about a bicycle. Not sure what that is yet. OK, appears Adam won a bike but has no idea what type of bike until he gets out of the house. They know there is a puzzle about the house. They have to figure it out.

They are all saying this was a really fun game... haha, Shelia just came in with the red unitard on with black bikini panties and black boots. They are all cheering her on. Shelia just said Jen is jealous she took over her outfit. Matt is sitting at the breakfast bar looking a bit puzzled and nervous.

Matty was talking with Josh making small talk in the couch bedroom.

now... fire.


The FOTH was because Matt was talking to Josh about an ex girlfriend (who didn't sign a release, obviously).


Adam won a motorcycle, Ryan won 10k.

Ryan says he has no idea who he is putting up, Matt says as long as it isn't him

Matt hopes he can play in a money one in the future, Ryan thinks he will be able to

Matt knows someone with the initials LM that is on deal or no deal.

R: we know our girls are watching us though.

Matt talked to Josh about how Matt is sorry for the things of Nat... so Matt tried to bond with Josh. Matt wants him to put up Josh


Ryan/Matt talk of James winnin spot on a show.(Game show? something with a "7" in the title. Matt says he wishs it was him on their.


Sharon reading the bible while James and Chels and Adam talk about today's weather and how sticky it was outside.

James and Chels cuddling.. James wants to take a nap. Adam goes to take a nap too.

2:54 Chelsia, please go to the DR


Matt says Jen is probably proud of Ryan, and they probably have it on at the 'bah' where she works.

All 4 feeds on matt and ryan in hoh talking about nothing game related.


3:07 Matt suggests Ryan take a crazy vacation with the 10k he earned today. All 4 feeds have been on the two of them not talking game. They're making fun of Allisons gambling addiction. Matt suggests he buy her a wedding ring and propose on the last show. Ryan says he thought about it, only if he made it all the way

3:08 they part ways so they can nap.

Ryan quickly turns on the spy screen

Ryan alone: fuckin' 10gs!

Sheila's stuck in a unitard for however long. Red, like jens.

3:11- Matt relays his convo with Ryan to Sheila.

Matt: atleast you're not on the block, ya know?

S: well, I don't know... that's something i gotta worry about.

M: well yeah... me too. We all gotta worry about it. Who knows.

S: what was he saying?

M: he wasn't even talking game... just talking about the 10gs

S: I hope to not go up.. that'd be a really shitty way to go.

M: yeah... same here

M: Who knows

S: he didn't tell you?

M: no.. he doesn't tell me shit. He could put me up.

S: yeah... I think it'll be me. that's ok.

Sheila overshot the veto comp today. Matt says she wasn't too far off.

Sheila says they hope they don't show her on her knees after she thought she had won the pov, cuz that will make her look dumb.

Sheila talking about her son

Sheila says she was touched by what adam did in the POV competition. S says whenever she thinks adam doesn't like her, he turns around and does something 'like that'

S says Chelsia really wanted the motorcycle

3:21 Chelsia comes out of the DR to tell Matt he's on the cursed bed.

Sharon to the DR

Sheila got a belt in the storage room

3:23 Chels lays down with a sleeping James, whispers to both him and Josh and lays down

Matt alone in the hammock in the BY


3:23 pm BBT - Everyone laying down taking naps... Josh on his couch/bed, James/Chels on their bed (James is out like a light and Chels is trying to snuggle with him), Sharon was reading her bible and got called to the DR. Matt outside laying on the hammock, Ry up in HoH room laying down listening to his CD, All cams now on Matt in BY...


3:26 all 4 on Matt alone in the BY (and if I may add, the weather looks gorgeous there and I'm so jealous)


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