Jem Posted February 27, 2008 Posted February 27, 2008 Please post ONLY "real time" Live Feed observations here ! If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use Parenthesis (*brackets*) around the text. Please post pictures and video the following forum! If you post questions or stat conversations with each other, it will be deleted. Thank you!
buckeyejosh8706 Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 9:25 PM BBT: Most of the house guests are out in the BY (except for Sharon and Allison, I believe). Ryan, Matt, and Adam talking on the BY patio. James, Chelsia, Josh, Natalie, and Sheila talking in the hot tub. Just general chit chat and discussing how ridiculous and cheesy all of their audition tapes were. 9:27 PM BBT: BB "Sheila, please go to the diary room". Ryan and Matt talking about how they don't go to strip clubs. Matt says he likes the type of girl thats conservative and classy; a girl that knows she's hot but doesn't have to take her clothes off to prove it. Matt says he dated a stripper for a little while because of the benefits. He talks about having a Mercedes Benz convertible for an entire summer. Matt says he doesn't condone stripping and that he doesn't like it and never took it seriously when he was dating a stripper.
buckeyejosh8706 Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 9:37 PM BBT: Sharon and Matt talking in HOH. Matt saying that Allison is trying to get votes via James and Chelsia. They are discussing how Chelsia and Allison seem to be best friends in the house now. Matt says that he thinks it will be him/Nat, Sharon/Josh, and James/Chelsia in final three. Sharon says that Adam/Sheila need to be in the final three with them because they haven't won anything. Josh, Natalie, and Adam talking in the hot tub. Natalie saying that Adam's cable being tangled in the POV competition was an act of god because it allowed Matt/Natalie to win and saved them. They are saying to just tell Allison that she is staying this week so the house doesn't get too crazy. Josh saying that thats what Allison told Amanda right off that bat, that she wouldn't be going home. Natalie saying that Allison told Matt that she thought it was funny that everyone who has wanted her out of the house, is now out of the game (Jen/Parker, Amanda/Alex). Josh saying that if the final four was Josh/Sharon, Matt/Natalie, Adam/Sheila, James/Chelsia that the house would be really fun. They are saying that its already locked in as everyone wants to get Allison out of the house. 9:44 PM BBT: Still talking in the hot tub. Josh saying he didn't want to backdoor Allison because he didn't want her to say that he didn't give her a chance to say. He wanted to be able to give her the chance, and then she still lost. Natalie saying that Allison even tried to say that they were missing pieces during the competition. Then saying that Ryan had knocked her and Matt's pieces everywhere in the beginning. Feed switched to Allison and Ryan in the BR. Ryan was walking away saying "...we'll see, we'll see." Allison then asked Ryan if he wanted to play chess later and he said they could. BB "please put on your microphone." 9:47 PM BBT: Matt and Sharon still talking in the HOH. Matt just asked Sharon if someone would be made that she made out with them. He then leaned in and started kissing her and asking her again if "they" were going to be mad. Sharon saying that she doesn't want to think too much into the future because anything can happen and she fears that some people will be able to come back into the house and that they have no idea what's going and just make sure the Ryan/Allison go home this week. Matt saying that Allison will try her hardest to stir the pot this week, just as Allison comes up and rings the doorbell. She asks what they are doing and Matt says "we're scheming. against you". She says that she just needed to tell someone that James and Chelsia are "hardcore making out in the sauna room". Matt says he doesn't want to cock block James so he doesn't want to go peak on them. Allison says she doesn't either, she just felt like she had to tell someone. Allison now telling Matt and Sharon that Ryan deserves to stay in the game and that she hasn't ever said anything bad about either of them. She is now saying that just like Amanda trying to redeem herself for Alex, she's doing the same thing for Ryan. She says that for every competition her and Ryan have been really close to winning, coming in second almost every time. Again she brings up the fact that she can't believe Sheila through her under the bus.
CeCiMom Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 9:46 pm BBT: Matt is seriously trying to convince Sharon that James and Chelsia should go on the block instead of Adam and Sheila. He doesn't trust J/C and he tells Sharon that Natalie and Allison are best of friends now. Sharon doesn't say no and tells him it's something to think about because she wants the final 3 couples to be M/N, A/S and themselves. This encourages Matt even more to set up J/C to go on the block. (I'm 80% sure Sharon is playing Matt.)
CeCiMom Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 9:52 pm BBT: Allison goes to HOH room because she just HAS to share that James and Chelsia are fiercely making out. "Oh, and by the way... I just want to say that Ryan really wants to stay and it's not his fault that any of this is his fault." (Can she be any more obvious!!!)
CeCiMom Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 10:58 pm BBT: Allison came out of DR and showed/told everyone the results of her Allergy Test. She says she's allergic to (shows them 3 spots on her inner fore arm) slop, mustard and ketchup. (CeCi ed: Maybe tests have changed since I had them done but, testing for "slop" seems ludicrous... they would have to test for individual ingredients, right?!?) Sharon is talking to Joshua in the HOH room. She tells him that Matt is NOT her type as he's been with too many chicks for my liking. This game is not worth having an STD for the rest of my life. (CeCi ed: Thank god you've clarified this Sharon cause I about ripped my eyes out having to watch Matt play you like that!!!) Meanwhile: Matt is bragging to Ryan in the storage room that he has the two of them (Sharon/Josh) in the palm of his hands because he was just upstairs spitting into Sharon's hole (I guess that's Bostonian for mouth? lol) and she's totally falling for him. Matt asks Ryan who he wants to be up against... James/Chelsia or Adam/Sheila. Matt goes on to say that he can make happen whatever way Ryan wants it. Ryan says he thinks he want A/S next to him. Matt said consider it done then. more braggin about what he's doing with Sharon and he's American's Player. Ryan does mention to Matt as they separate that he's not so sure Matt has the HOH decision in his grasp because he thinks Joshua will make the decision of who to replace nominate, not Sharon. Matt let it be known right then that he's not making out with Joshua to save his ass. LOL 11:04 pm BBT: Josh/Sharon still in HOH chatting. Sharon laughing saying the lazy eye of Matt's makes her sick and he was trying to make out with her. josh tells her she has to whore herself out for them to win...that he would if there was another gay guy. Shar laughs and says "take one for the team, Sharon!" Sharon says Matt is "so not my type" Josh says whatever will get them to the end. lol.
brucebeh Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 12:11 AM Allison was asked to go to DR and all of a sudden feeds went to FOTH. 12:16 AM Feeds are back.. Natalie and Sheila talking about the rules a little (didn't catch it too much, but i think it was about telling other people whether they got accepted into the show or not) 12:18 AM All feeds are on Josh and Sharon in HOH room.. talking about their "pay check" Josh: "Oh god, I just want my check now" Sharon: "No Joke, I'd pay off by debt" Josh: "Give me that money and that'd totally take care of my debt" Sharon: "Yeah mine too, I feel like we got that far we deserved that money, we worked harder than everybody in this house" Sharon: "You worked so hard you almost got a penalty vote, nobody works harder than you" (referring to Josh) 12:22 AM Useless chatter.. Sharon has a headache and Josh told her to grab some Advil but she said it makes her tired so no thanks. Sharon: "I don't take medication for anything" Josh: "Oh you're a natural like Allison I forgot" (lol) 12:25 AM Feeds went back to FOTH... (really, not missing anything.. since all 4 feeds is on useless slow chatter in HOH room)
CeCiMom Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 11:45 pm BBT: Josh, Sharon, James and Chelsia are in the HOH. James came up before Chelsia to confirm with J/S that they are still on same page and that they know where they're (J/C) vote is going. Everything is cool with all of them and they're all in agreement. Chelsia's is up shortly thereafter and Sharon shares with J/C what Matt was doing up there with her alone and what he was saying. Lot's of talk about how they're going to play the rest of the game; how important the next POV is, trying to get M/N to vote for Allison and Ryan to stay so that it will set them up if Adam and Sheila should win POV next week. Chelsia makes sure that it's okay with everyone that she talks shit about Josh with Allison so that Allie thinks there is a chance J/C might vote to keep them this week.
snancypants Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 12:30BBT Josh and Sharon in HOH room. Ryan and Adam in BY - Natalie out there for a while too. James and Chelsia spooning in bed. Allison has just gone to bed. Josh and Sharon - talking about who will compete for HOH and it will be between Matt/Natalie and James/Chelsia - say that Adam/Sheila have no chance in hell of winning. Sharon thinks it will be funny that she was voted out and then came back to win the whole thing. James/Chelsia talking about going on the block. Allison says do they really think it will be them and James says that's what was being said. Adam tells Natalie she is way to emotional about Matt. She denies it and he points out that Matt doesn't want to deal with it and neither would he.
snancypants Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 12:50BBT Ryan goes up to bed. Allison starts trying to talk about getting Matt/Natalie to use POV on her and Ryan and he says no that won't happen. He says he wants to ask BB for gas to burn that bed (the cursed bed!) 1:00 BBT Chelsia and James now kissing and making out. all feeds on them but you can hear Natalie and someone else in another room laughing and talking.
snancypants Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 1:15BBT Natalie and Sharon now in Spa room talking. couldn't hear much but sounds like rehash of all the lies Allison has been telling and how she tries to twist them to being said by everyone else.. Someone is snoring again. Sharon finally heads up to bed. Josh is still awake and she is telling him that Natalie was talking about Allison and what all she was saying about people.
snancypants Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 1:35 Sharon is getting ready for bed and is picking stuff up. Tells Josh about Natalie being upset because she didn't get a massage from Matt. Says she is really attracted to him and Sharon says Natalie was really jealous that Sharon and Matt were holding hands and flirting. Sharon says she wanted to say but didn't that she was just fucking around with his mind. Natalie strips down and crawls OVER Matt to get in bed (guess it is too far to walk around the bed). Whispers good job on the POV to him. After a few minutes he gets up and leaves the BR. He must have needed to potty because he is back in just a minute. 1:40BBT All in bed and starting to quiet down. We get an "artsy" camera shot on feed 1 of the fireplace and a profile of the deer head. Camera fades to black! (camera crew must be having fun tonight)
myss911 Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 6:27 am BBT - All HG's still in bed sleeping... sleeping rather noisily, loud breating, snoring, moaning in sleep...
myss911 Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 7:46 am BBT - All HG's still in bed sleeping, restless, but sleeping
myss911 Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 7:56 am BBT - Some loud noises while HG's are sleeping... theye was a long 'ghostly' moaning sound that went on for about 7 seconds...
myss911 Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 8:10 am BBT - All HG's still in bed, Adam is quite restless and keeps muttering in his sleep...
myss911 Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 10:04 am BBT - HG's still sleeping, getting more and more restless but are still in bed, asleep. Someone is breathing incredibly loud (I think it is Ry).
myss911 Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 10:40AM BBT: Matt and Ry in BY scheeming... Matt says that he has Ry's back and Ry says that he doesn't trust James... Matt says really? They continue to talk as if Matt is on his side. They want to go inside because it is freezing (it is overcast) Matt says the asparagus is making his piss stink. BB is doing their daily reminders... batteries, lights on... Matt tells him to tell them something they don't know. Matt asks Ry if Alli is upset, Ry says surprisingly not! Matt thinks that they know that they are going to stay. They talk aboutb therumor of Sheila and Alli, Matt didn't know it was a lie, Ry explains to him that is was...
Cutie Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 10:55 am BBT - Matt Chelsia Ryan are making scrambled eggs, they have pepper/sea salt, seems alot of eggs Hells Kitchen is the topic of conversation. They all seem to love the show. Sheila is talking about his other show where he goes to restuarants of america and tells them how bad they suck, how they can improve. Sheila says the show started in England. Matt is going to learn how to make something. He is going to learn to make a meal for the house
Cutie Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 11:00am BBT Matt is now whipping up some eggs, ryan is cracking the eggs for him. Chelsia said that Alex put oil in everything. Matt says that Alex is a master chef. Matt says now he can make scrambled eggs who wants an omellete....Ryan says that is a big step. Chelsia is adding pepper into Matts eggs, he said not to much, this is Matts Kitchen. Matt says he is grumpy in the morning cause he has to wake up every morning in 12 degree weather to do the summertime he is happy cause it isn't cold outside. BB: Please stop singing Yogurt, walnuts, maple surup mixed together is what Sheila is eating for breakfast.
Cutie Posted March 1, 2008 Posted March 1, 2008 11:05am BBT Matt and Ryan are sore this morning from yesterday. Talking about yesterdays POV competition. Sheila says if "Adam" would be nice to here maybe they could win a competition....a little bit of laughter after. Sheila is scared of heights, so the first competition was a bit difficult for her. Matt says he can building his own house. (good luck) Matt says all his friends are in the construction industry. Sharon's brother is electrician. Matt asks if she put cheese in the eggs yet, chelsia said not yet. (must be having an omellete) Chelsia is asking for a papertowel. Jokingly he tells Sharon to get out of his kitchen. Chef Ramsay is the topic of conversation about how he swears alot in the show. Ryan says that is really cooked. Matt says it isn't him it is her (meaning Chelsia). Matt is adding more bacon to be cooked.
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