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Tuesday, February 26th Cbs Tv Show


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the er edition

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hey, UPV I just saw the commercial for tonights show, what the hell,??? what do you suppose is gonna happen??

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check in just finish idol

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according to chelsia its fake :lol:

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I think tonight's CBS show addressed the issue raised, in the other thread, regarding how fast BB reacted. From the footage, and Allison's statement, first patient contact was damned fast.

I'm not saying the guests this season were annoying, but if I were BB, there's a good chance that, when Allison came into the DR asking for an Epi Pen, I would've only opened the door to throw in a wolverine, or a rabid dog...or a puma...whichever was easier to come by. I'd also convince them that a pillow over the face is the correct course of treatment for hypoglycemia. I don't want any of them to win, and I'm almost sorry I put a c-note on Alex and Amanda to take it in the parish pool.

I hate them so much.

Anyhoo, I gotta go. Sunday's sermon is not going to write itself, and I have two weddings this week-end too! Sometimes I just wish I could tell these people to shack up...I mean, it's not like their marriages are going to last. It's enough to make me want to go back to drinking! :(



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allison has physical reaction, i wonder if she has a peanut allergy or an allergy to something in the slop

with amanda's getting sick, ive never had a reaction like that myself, but would rather not think that shes that much of an attention whore to fake that...

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Now we know what happened to all of the peanuts that were sent to CBS from the rabid Jericho fans! NUTS!

ETA: Its was totally a Jericho promo. One of the first props they showed when the HGs walked out had Jericho stamped on it.

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Well that was wild as heck. I am a former paramedic and have seen those things several times and I gotta say it never get's old....always a bit scary. As much as I don't like Amanda I really will go on the line and say that didn't look fake at all. With that being said I am still backing my Natalie...and what the heck is wrong with Shiela lately? DANG!


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sheila has issues was upset cause allison was trying to make friends

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