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Tuesday, February 26th


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It's possible... I guess we'll never know unless she decides to speak about it. I think if she were that willing to openly disclose her abortion she would be able to disclose the reasons... Wasn't Amber the recipient of multiple abortions as well?

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Wow...all this venom towards someone for a choice she made that is her business alone. As for it being murder...check the facts. Life does not start at conception..unless you are talking religion and not everyone follows the christian beliefs. Calm down people. She is lactating...a natural part of life.

I know...I know...you all missed me so much....LOL

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Orion you are soooo right! YES she did announce it when she was being video taped, but it was a decision SHE made and SHE has that right. Heck I think we need to abort some of the hate on this board, I will do my part and abort my feelings of disgust for Adam. It must be nice to have never made a bad decision, never done anything you regret and to be above and superior to all human faults... if only...

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Totally understand. But c'mon, this is the BB message boards. I personally can't judge her for her abortions but I do feel that some things should be kept personal. The problem I find is that she can freely discuss it as if it were not a big deal. This all goes along with her behavior choices as far as I'm concerned.

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I don't feel that she should be faulted for being open and freely discussing things that happened in her life... we all hold the right of freedom of speech and maybe it is something that she needed to talk about. Just my opinion.

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i avoid certain topics for this reason.... i dont think this is the place to discuss whether or not abortion is ok or not...

however, it is the place to state if you think natalie or any one else is a skank. shooting milk from your tata's the night after you had the room lick cool whip off of them, the night after you begged for some more attention in bed, the night after you did your first strip tease is just another reason she is on my skank list. :closedeyes:

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I neither advocate abortion nor am I against it. In Natalie's case I think after the first 2 we can assume that she is using it for birth control. It's not like she's the prudish wallflower type who inadvertantly "oops'ed" and put her Thursday pill up her left nostril. After seeing the threads for her strip tease and the "gee-I-know-him-10-minutes-I'll-give-him-a-bj" under the covers activity with Boston Boob, I'd say she gives the word "skank" a whole new meaning.

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Not to mention, she had the boob job done while pregnant because she used her boyfriends urine so they would not know she was pregnant.............. What kind of person does that??? The life inside of her meant nothing at all to her. How sick is that??

What a stupid biatch she is. She probably had two abortions because the men probably did not want to support her. As I said before she is a use and toss king of gal.

While people ragged on Amanda for her Herpes lectures, it appears that Natalie could benefit from a little sex and health education lecture.

Abortions are not a form of birth control. JMO

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