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Tuesday, February 26th


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and her voice sounds like a man

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Ya know I just find it fascinating that so many people are downing her for having abortions... think about it... that may have been one of her more intelligent decisions. She obviously knew she was incapable of being a parent at the time, knew she would be unable to take care of the child and did what she thought was best. I agree with whomever it was that said they do not believe that abortion should be used as a form of birth control and I have never had one so I cannot honestly say that I know how the individual who got one is feeling. But I do know that she at the time was thinking she made the right decision, and by witnessing her recent behavior, I believe she made the correct decision.

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i am antiabortion

so to me she a scum of the earth

jmho btw

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Not to mention, she had the boob job done while pregnant because she used her boyfriends urine so they would not know she was pregnant.............. What kind of person does that??? The life inside of her meant nothing at all to her. How sick is that??

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I value your opinion and I used to feel the same way, but after my friend (who was saving herself for marriage) was gang raped by 4 men on her way home from work, wound up pregnant, I could no longer support my recent belief.

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I am so tired of people using failed birth control as an excuse for abortion. Birth control is never 100%. I am pro-choice. You have the choice of whether or not you are going to spread your legs. If you get pregnant, whether on birth control or not, to bad. You made the choice to spread your legs knowing that it could result in pregnancy. 2 abortions is just disgusting. She is disgusting.

Edited to add rape is a different beast altogether. I am sorry for what happened to your friend. Less than 1% of abortions are done for that reason. Roughly 4% are done for the health of the mother. That leaves 95% that are nothing more than after the fact birth control. Nat is obviously in the 95%.

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Ok but IF I had the awful experience of being gang raped by 4 men I would immediatly go to the hospital and have them give me that morning after pill so I didn't end up pregnaut. That I could deal with doing. Abortion I couldn't do. At least for myself.

And I'm sure there were some guys watching her 2 nights ago wishing they could all gang rape her. They probably even commented that she would be a good victim since she would probably like it. (sorry just the feeling I had 2 nights ago) Especially when the fruit came out.

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the rape issue is a tricky one

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I agree it is different, but it is related to the abortion issue. My step sister had an abortion due to the fact that after she conceived the child she found out she had brain cancer, this too I find to be a valid reason. The statistics show numerous reasons why some women and their partenrs decide to have the abortion process, I, for one, am not living their lives, have not walked a mile in their shoes and do not know their circumstances, therefore am not able to be the judge and jury in their decisions.

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If there is a medical issue, I am all for the woman and doctor to decide what is best. As for rape, I would hope the morning after pill did work but if not an abortion asap if that is what the person decides.

I am totally against abortion after the first trimester in most if not all cases and only if there is a medical condition that warrants it.

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what gets me me upset with the morning after pill practice

is how i see it viewed as candy by many males and women

i can take it when ever i have an accident

i had friend who wanted a girl to use it since he didnt want his current girlfriend to know he was cheating on her

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I am totally against abortion after the first trimester in any case.

isnt it illegal after first

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I always see this older group of people picketing outside of an abortion clinic. I always wonder if they have ever been able to change someones mind doing that. If not I wonder why they do that. Maybe to hold out hope to be able to change someones mind? I would think if a girl has gotten as far as seeing an abortion doctor their mind is already made up.

Why would someone want to even wait so long to have one??

So you could be 8 months pregnaut and have an abortion?

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