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Monday, February 25th


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lol Mac, right there with you. Raise your hand if you complained about last season with Jessica and Daniele sleeping and doing nothing all day long. or how boring Zach and Mike were. Personally watching the "whorefest" is much more entertaining (even if it's just to predict what CBS will air) than the loogie fest of last season.

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i cant even root for anyone

i am going for adam but it has nothing to do with him being a good bb player/ competitioon

this season a nutshell bj, sex in bathroom, strip tease, lap dance, gay pornstar, hookers, penthouse playmate, yeast infection = dirty little secret

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I'm no prude by any means...but I was surprised and disappointed by what I saw last night. I've watched porn and gone to strip clubs before...have nothing really against them or the people that work in those industries...I'm not one to pass judgment or legislate morality. I have more of a "to each each their own" type attitude on all that, as long as it doesn't effect anyone else and is kept private for those that care to partake in that type of activity.

My disappointment is in that I don't care to see the porn star, strippers and all out blatant sex in my Big Brother...a show that I truly have loved and looked forward to evey season. If I want to watch porn...I'll watch a porno...etc. Big Brother was always more of a game of skill, scheming and manipulating and adeptness in physical competitions...with some "reality" drama thrown in the mix. This season seems to be the complete opposite...sexcapades with a bit of competition thrown in. This season is not the Big Brother I've grown to appreciate. In fact...I have steadily been losing my true appreciation for the show with the casting of the wannabe celebrities...but they were never wannabe porn celebrities.

I feel sorry for the hg's that came in and expected the typical Big Brother game play...at this point they "appear" to be Allison, Amanda, Sheila, Sharon and Alex....probably Ryan also (even though he and Jen were major contributor to the sexcapades ...they're a steady/committed couple...so I'll cut them some slack)...and probably Adam too (who knows what his deal is though.) I think Sharon and Alex got caught up in the frenzy and for the most part really didn't see them step over acceptable boundaries. There is no doubt in my mind that Natalie, James, Chelsia, Josh and Matt were cast because they are sexually uninhibited and expected to be promoting and provoking the sexcapades. They seem to have no qualms about having their sexploitations broadcast all over the internet. The others naturally get caught up in it all...kind of like peer pressure. They will now be guilty by association just by being a cast member of BB9. I don't blame Allison for her concern for her career...or Sheila for her concern about how this may effect her son, etc...and really respect them and Amanda for trying to maintain some dignity in the aftermath of the strip show gone wild (even though I thought their hiding upstairs was foolish...but whatever.)

My only hope right now is that Natalie...who I feel is the prime catalyst for all the debauchery...will be evicted on Wed. That will get two of the major contributors out of the house and perhaps then, James and Chelsia won't have the support to instigate another free for all...without their prime cohorts. I can only hope. I want my old Big Brother back....maybe there is still a chance (?) to get back to the lying, scheming and manipulating that I've become so fond of...;)

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word get the whores out of the house

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just wanting for grodner to pop out and say you're punked you are on bb and not who wants to be next american pornstar

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AND this is only Week 3 ???

At this rate... BB 10 will take place in a Nudist Camp

(although I understand they're actually more family oriented...lol)

I canceled my feeds after the 14 day trial was over....

there's soo many video clips of the fights and sexual escapades floating

around... you can click on them if you want to keep aBREAST of

the ASSinine behavior.

<----- disgusted and not too hopeful for the Summer version

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:marie: I loved your post ImIn! I want the old BB back! The producers knew what they was getting when they picked these skanks! I little sex and groping under the sheets is one thing, but this is awful.....Oh how I long for Eric and his sock! lol


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I think Showtime is saying "FINALLY....we've got something for late nite!"

This behaviour goes on every Friday & Saturday night on college campuses all over America, just not with 75 cameras and Mics everywhere.

There is gameplay involved if you dig deep enough..look at the participants in the pool.




Ryan IN/Allison OUT

Alex IN/Amanda OUT

Sheila Out/her partner disappeared after lapdances...probably had to rub one out

Alex/Amanda is probably gone this week

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Good point Rodh.

As much as I hate to admit it, Josh and Sharon are currently playing the best game. They're liked by most HGs, are not much of a seen threat and can both appear to be perfect F2 goats.

Fire Grodner!

After last season's BS, there's NO WAY she can be fired over this season.

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I think Grodner has a lot to do with it, you saw a slight starting of the type of houseguests they were putting in the house last season, and wow this season has taken a big dumster dive. I was without any premium channels all weekend cause my cable box blew up but I am seriously gonna cancel The after dark too. although I have watched some good movies on Showtime, better than HBo. I have a hugh DVD collection so I usually have seen every movie that is on cable,lol. This season is gonna go down as the worst season in the history iof BB, none of these classless people deserve to win the moolah, I read that Matt was talkin bout when he used to sell coke and x and how he got to bang the coke and drug ho's because of that like that was a perk or something, there is somthing wrong in that thinking to me.

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