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This Weird Winter Season


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season 4 was best bb by far

mulitiple power shifts

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Ya know it jsut gets more and more extreme as the seasons pass by. Last season (BB8) everyone was repulsed by Dick, everyone was floored at his behavior (I was a fan of his from the get go) On BB6 everyone was tripping on Howie and how brutal he was with April (I was a fan of Howies too), each season has a cast that seems to be more contriversial and seem to have more extreme behavior. I am still enjoying the season and am a loyal fan. I see from the posts that some people 'can't stand this season', "get ill everytime they see their antics', 'don't like the way they are playing', 'hate the show because it is full of skanks and sex feinds'... The choice is YOURS to keep watching. If you don't like it then turn it off, no one is forcing you to watch it. By no means am I belittling or condeming the folks that don't like it, that is far from my intention... but if you do 'go on strike' for this season, or ban it from your television sets, maybe the producers will see their ratings drop and will listen to the citizens and make some changes. I myself, and only speaking for myself, am enjoying this season, enjoy watching human behavior in a controlled enviornment and I will be watching. I do respect those that are repulsed by it so I suggest that instead of tormenting yourself, save yoru sanity and turn it off... get your message and feelings out there to the producers, casting agents and CBS in general. I will watch it regardless... I will have my favorites and have my least favorites... I may get annoyed and I may be scratching my head in confusion at some of the players but I will continue to watch as long as it is aired...

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I believe that the reason why these HG suck so much is because casting didn't use the same criteria they normally do when casting for BB. As we've discussed numerous times this season, the 'twist' is that they are all related in some manner to former HGs. Therefore the number 1 qualification to get on BB is a link to a previous HG.

So casting didn't get to screen them the way they normally do. Usually they give extensive personality tests, etc....

This time around the personality wasn't as important as the criteria that they're associated in some way with HG from previous seasons.

And even if it does turn out that is not a twist. (Which I really doubt.)

The same theory applies, Because we know for certain that 'Dirty little secrets' is a theme, So once again they had to allow their normal, stringent, personality testing to lapse so that they could have a house full of people with horrible pasts. Strippers, porn stars, (I suspect prostitute/gigolo = Matt,) Penthouse pet, Stalker photographer, all of them have a questionable past except sharon, and that twist was the ex bf and Ryan and Jenn who were the 'couple.'

I hope we do continue to have BB though. It would be a shame if this disastrous season caused CBS to pull the plug completely.

Which is a very real possibility. The ratings are the driving force behind any program staying on the air. I'm positive CBS could get better ratings if they had a different program airing all the nights that BB takes up.

And showtime is a subscription service encompassing many many other channels and programs, They don't make any additional money off of BB. They could just as easily place a movie in that time slot.

So all the people making petitions (*dumb*) and calling for an end to the season, Might want to consider that. It would be a lot easier for CBS to just say No more BB period.

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i don't hate BB actually half the fun is bitching about not liking the cast but i keep watching because i don't want BB to be canceled and i hope for another season like 6 or 7 or 8 ( but 6 and 8 were my favorites) i really want some one in the house i can fell sorry for or associate with and in season 6 we had Kaysar who i feel most people were sympathetic with and in season 8 we had Daniele/Dick because what yopu hated about one the other made up for together they made the perfect person lol or season 7 who didn't want to see Dr will win it again i mean come on thats good stuff

i have nothing in commen with the people in the house now and when i watch i want to bitch about them cause i disaprove and find it repulsing, doesn't mean ima stop watching tho lol

i really hope they drop the couples twist soon tho i think it's kinda ruining the game it just doesn't feel right on eviction night (altho it's only been 1 real eviction so far so we'll see)

ussually the game picks up around the 3rd eviction week thats when all the good stuff has always happened (season 6 kaysar/cappy fight season 8 evicting nick) soo i hope it turns out well in the next couple weeks

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Well let me say right up front that i don"t hate this season of big brother. I just sincerely hope that the producers realize that you don't always need strippers, actor wannabees and exhibitionists to make a good cast. The IQ's and Manners of the houseguests definitely seem to be going in a downward spiral. The couple idea really seems to be an artificial way to speed the season along and unless they allow the houseguests to re-arrange or play solo i think this season is going to be rather pointless. Now for some quick, brief thoughts :)

I don't think i would put Sharon's making out last night in quite the same category with the Natt and Chels striptease, James 322nd Penis trick and even Matt and Adam's disgusting way they talk about the women. After all that testosterone and Estrogen flying in the house i would want to make out too...just not with Matt.

Josh is so graphic and mean when talking about women, he singlehandidly blows the stereotype that a gay man is a woman's best friend. In a phrase he does'nt really seem to understand--Joshua is the biggest C#$T in that house. And if i hear Amanda give one more semi-illiterate Health lecture on HPV and Herpes Simplex 1 and 2 and Hypoglycemia...my head will explode.

When will poor, stupid Natalie realize that Adam in all his cock-eyed ,caveman , all talk bravado. she has the one guy in the house that would worship her from her toes up if she would dance just for him. Hell i hear Adam is going to need to re-locate for a new job and Oregon will look just fine for a smooth talker like him.

James....So Gay porn is'nt something your interested in right now? got that out of your system did you? Good Luck on that Bike.

Sheila...umm?? did you even watch one episode of this show? How does someone who asks so many questions still remain so stupid? Being on Letterman's daytime show in 1982 does not make you famous and when you have something to say, say it once and then move on....please?

Please HG's don't get too cute. Just vote out poor Alex and annoying Amanda and help us all watch the rest of the trainwrecks in sonic peace.


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I think as crazy as they all are that it's still BB. I just know I would NEVER EVER be in that BB house. However I sure like watching others in it. I mean you gotta be alittle crazy to even want to be in there? I don't care if they offered me 2 million I would not step foot in that house. TO crazy for me. I can make my own $$ lots easier and less stressfree than going into the BB house. I'm glad many people are though because I'm a people watcher and BB fits right into helping with that. I guess I like watching a train wreck as well. I do have to admit this is the craziest big brother off all. BUT again it's BB and I'm a diehard fan no matter how it all goes down and unfolds.

Count me in as a die hard who won't give up. This is quite the sleazy cast this year, but it's BB - my addiction. There's gotta be some good gaming coming up and hopefully the HG will tone down the pre-planned stuff for Showtime. They've gotta realize we want to see them play a game, not act on a show at some point, right?

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The biggest component of this season that lacks from the previous, is gameplay and strategy.

How the hell can you nominate someone, than strip with her and lick all over her a few days after. There seems to be no alliances [besides pairs, which dont' act like it]. I just miss that component.

Bring the soveriegn in there to whip em' in shape :]!

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I agree with the comment about Josh, he is the meanest bitch in the house. He is so mean against women. He seems to always have such a sour look about everything. I do not care for him, and he is not like any of my gay male friends, seriously!!!!

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I also am hoping fior a short season and then maybe we can get down to the business of having our regular summer season and have it be really good, course anything would seem good in comparison to what is happening this season, these people bore me. Funny I noticed this a while back, those woven chairs that are in the HOH room? I have those same chairs in my dining room. They also have a taller version of that chair for a bar area, which I have 2 of. They came from "World Market", well mine did. I also noticed they are using those different colored glasses from last season, before they took them away,lol

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