LLMVT Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 I don't know if it just me but i keep asking "What the F#$%? about this weird winter season. How is it that Big Brother with all their "Screening" doesn't ask the simple question "Have you signed a Photo or Video Release for nude modeling" to the houseguests. I realize they had to know about Sheila's past nudes and videos, but now there are all sorts of photos of Natalie and of Course the ever growing Gay Porn of James. I want to say i have no problem that he did porn, gay or otherwise, but there is something about putting people in a situation that they are going to be shown in a light on national television that will be hard to erase from the public's mind. I keep trying to come up with an analogy that does'nt put a value judgment on James as bad or immoral which, like i said he is not. It's as if someone with some very polarizing views on religion or politics or sexuality is placed in with people who despite the warning that you don't know anyone there, you would not want to be associated with. I can only come up with poor examples for what i mean. Let me re-iterate i am not comparing doing porn-gay or straight-to any of these, but imagine if the partner you got on this show was a convicted murderer, a Fred Phelps following religious hate-monger, a member of the KKK or american Nazi party, or a white rose right to lifer? While you can always say "that's what they signed up for" and even say that being on the show you decide that you like the person inside without knowing all the baggage and isnt that the way we should get to know anyone we become involved with, but the reality is that Chelsia did'nt sign up for the situation she is going to be in when the season is over. What the F#$%? is up with the producers allowing someone with hypoglycemia on the show? How can you allow someone to come back on the show after they have shown you that they can have a serious reaction to a part of the "game" Just how much liability insurance do they really have? It makes no sense that she should be back in that house. What the F#$%? Allison has a SEVERE allergic reaction and you are going to "test" her the next day in the house? Anyone who has had allergy testing knows it is no small simple test, and to do it at a soundstage while the patient is a "contestant" again seems like the epitome of a liability no-no. What the F$#$? Chelsia and Josh continuing to talk about the suicide of Amanda's father in a joking way is so disgusting and for Josh to have spewed so much venom at Amanda and then to "make up" and do play fights is ridiculous. The real in reality for Josh has left the building, along with his dignity. Where the F#$%? do the producers find someone like Amanda? The Virgin Prick tease with the most annoying voice in minnesota and a CONSTANT need for attention. She looks like the long lost love child of Barbara Streisand and Jim Varney. Where the F#$%? is the place in Oregon that they call a Stripper/waitress a Barista? Poor Natalie...she is like an x-rated disney creation. Natalie is like some sort of Oversexed puppy who is constantly trying to get someone to show her some real love, and she'll use any artificial part of her body to do it. The pigtails and the big eyes are so pleading that god help eveeryone in the house if she ever starts to cry in that house. The Floodgates will open and they will never stop. When the F#$%? is James going to explain to Matt that he knows a perfect way for him to make alot of quick cash, get to travel to South Beach, LA and Las Vegas, and get a new bitchin car and some really great clothes and you'll probably get alot of hot chicks, by the way Matt did you ever see the movie American Gigolo? You only have to jerk off in front of the camera, You only have to recieve a couple of simple Blow-jobs and I promise you will only be a pitcher and that none will ever find out, and the check will be in the mail, and noone gets hooked on crystal Meth and that all aspiring actors use to do escort work. I wonder what the F#$% will happen next...so at least on that level i am hooked. LOL Lara
snancypants Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 oh come on Lara! Tell us how you really feel! j/k I actually agree with many of your points.
GingerSnaps Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Good points LLMVT. Every season we think they can't get lower, but somehow they manage to. If this show lasts, I can't imagine what the next one will be like. I'm hoping they put a bunch of crazed junkies who haven't had a hit in a while with some past winners in the house next season. I'll watch!
fafafluff Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Great idea Ginger...Jeff Conaway (Celebrity Rehab) vs Evel Dick...I would certainly watch that!!!
GingerSnaps Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Great idea Ginger...Jeff Conaway (Celebrity Rehab) vs Evel Dick...I would certainly watch that!!! That's good, but I was thinking some crazed junkie right off the street, not a celebrity. You got the second contestant right.
Shellyab Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 can someone paraphrase what LLMVT said in that post? it was just too long to read....kinda like this bb9 is just too long to watch.
Shellyab Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 i think the bb9 staffers are very proud of themselves for their picks this year. we have it all! we have narcissism..racism..bi-polarism..gay porn..soft porn..virgins (cough)..chauvinism..drama queens of both sexes..and just plain drama from a bunch of tragic characters. Shakespeare couldn't ask for more from a group of characters.
Marty Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 She is saying the HG and the BB fans need to suck it up.
littlelulu Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 I am beginning to think crazed junkies would be to mild after this group.
crustylugholes Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 She looks like the long lost love child of Barbara Streisand and Jim Varney. Best quote I've read this year!
King123 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Gosh, way to long to read.. but im sure it was good
TCS Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 Lara, BB producers picked these HGs for just what they are. I bet one of the questions was would you be skanky if we pick you to come on the show? BB wanted to have a R rated Showtime show and thats what they have! They have ruined BB! Yes, in past there has been sex.....you could see nudity on the feeds.....the stuff this year is just too skanky! Natalie and Chelsia are the skankiest of the skankys, and now it looks like Sharon is turning into a skank too. I bet the producers are really pi$$ed that Sheila hasn't taken it all off because of her past, except for her being a nut job she just might turn out the be the most decent female there! JMHO!!!!
wfryatt Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 I've been a Big Brother fan since season 3, and have never let my live feed subscribe laps since season 3... but something about this season just has turned me off on Big Brother... I just can't seem to get into this season like I have other seasons.
uvp Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 cancel that crap today i hate real world and this bb is pure real world
Francis_3 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 I think a lot has to do with the time of year and not being able to "get" this season of BB. Every season viewers ask, "WTF is wrong with ALL of the houseguests. I hate / love them all." I also believe that the "team" idea is difficult because BB is NOT a team sport.
Joah Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 All I ask for each season is drama, and I'm getting it, so I'm okay with it
uvp Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 manufactor drama if you havent notice all drama happens at showtime time trust me dr is pushing them to give a scripted show each night around showtime like last night
myss911 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 I am enjoying it and am still a fan. I go into each season knowing there will be drama (scripted or not), there will be drinking to excess and the aftermaths of the drunkedness, there will be hook-ups, there will be fights, there will be back stabbing and there will be serious personality conflicts. I know this and I watch each season knowing this... personally I LOVE it! It definitely makes my personal life look less harrowing... I will continue to be a BB fan...
Marty Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 This season is NOTHING like any other season. Did you see the sex show last night with the cucumbers being jabbed at the girls body parts? This is not the Big Brother I was a fan of from season one. This is a DIFFERENT show. I guess it is for the under 30 crowd and not the original hard core Big Brother fans.
myss911 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 I definitely missed that (the vegetable fest) but what I am saying is that I know each season will have its own pros and cons. I have a friend that hates this season so she turned off her feeds and quit watching... she was not forced to watch it, she instead of griping about how horrid it was (which she did for the first week) she did something about it. And as far as it being for the under 30 crowd... errr I guess I am an anomaly as I am well over 30 and I am as entertained as ever.
Joah Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 I better read what you guys are talking about. Hmmm... lol
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