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Saturday, February 23rd


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watching bbad right now....just had to gripe for a sec....Natalie is trying to lay down and rest beacuse she has an extremely bad headache,nausea......Shelia is in the room with her and will NOT STFU....I just got so irritated watching and listening to her. What part of "bad headache" did Sheila not understand??

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I agree! I didn't think I could like her any less than I already do....but I do. I don't like Natalie either but felt bad for her that Sheila would not STFU and let her rest.

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I agree.. I posted it in the Sheila and Adam section. It's like get out of there already. It would have been one thing if she was trying to take care of Natalie, but no she was just ranting about herself and requesting Tylenol PM for herself.... forget the sick girl.. ughhh

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Sheila is one self centered B*tch!

She's talking about having Adam shape up or she's leaving the show....I'm PRAYING she leaves!! :pray2:

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Yeah she is and I dont know why she can't tell that noone gives a shit.. you would think she would get the hint when the only responses she is getting is uh huh and mmm and yeah... because they definitely dont want to say more than that and encourage her to go on. I wish they would just take someone off the block and put her up and get rid of her.

I spoke too soon.. Allison and Amanda have been sucked into her nonsense.

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I agree Sara! She is still going on and on about herself to 2 people who have just had a horrible night and got home from the hospital. Who need rest....not Sheila's b*llshit. UGH!! I just want to slap her....

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:marie: I've hated Sheila since day one and she hasn't done one single thing to redeem herself! In fact she is even worse. Granted she was beautiful 150 years ago, but she's ugly inside out! jmho


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Hope you all have a nice night :) I can't listen to sheila anymore. It's soooo irritating. Going to go find a movie to watch and turn her OFF! LOL

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:marie: I don't blame you mjcs.....I'm gonna watch BAD for a little while, probably watch a little of when A&A gets back then turn it off. lol


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Sheila seems to be having a bit of a breakdown. Maybe she can't stand the attention being on anyone other than her?

Speaking of attention, Amanda continues to have the sleeve pushed up above her bandage where they took blood, so that it shows. Umm, news flash--you can take it off after 15 minutes or so.... :rolleyes:

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I had to shut off BBAD last night. Sheila going on and on. Woe is me, woe is me. "I've got a better life than anyone outside this house and I should have told my sons godfather I was coming here and he would have talked me out of it." What a stupid bitch she is. Even though Natalie may have been faking illness, how many times does Sheila have to be told she's sick to leave her alone." I think Sheila was making Nat nauseous.

Why I think she was faking: Her complaints were flu-like or stomach virus like which he highly contagious. When Mat said he wouldn't be sleeping with her because she was ill, she said "I don't have the flu or anything." She didn't want to sleep alone. When you're sick who cares. I think she was lying, unless anyone can really report that she did vomit. She also was able to talk to crazy Sheila alot in all her illness.

She's the top-biatch on this show. She needs attention and will do anything for it. I hope she's gone this week.

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Natalie looked very sick to me. No one can shut Sheila up once she starts talking. I felt so bad for Natalie.

Thank goodness they finally gave Sheila some Tylenol pm!! Hope it knocked her out. Never saw a person that talks so much and repeats the same thing over and over.

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If I were Allison, I would claim that my allergic reactio was to Natalie's lap dance...surely made me gag.

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lol sheila going on and on about her yeast infection

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It popped into the head this afternoon that this might be the last double eviction.

After Wed. they will be down to 10 house guests. IF there is a full season then it would make sense that they break the couple down to individuals... That leaves 1 to miss the jury. 7 jurors and final 2.

Just a thought... :animated_scratchchin:

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Ever since I tuned into feeds today...it been Allison! Allison & Natalie...then Allison & Chelsia...then Allison & Amanda...now Allison & Sharon...

It's always Allison! Allison! Allison!

I'm so freakin sick of Allison and the same freakin stories over and over and....


I need a :food-smiley-005:

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