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That's the picture CBS has on her blog. Also, I didn't spell check it and when she typed : ) with no spaces it automatically makes a smilie here where as CBS did NOT put smilies.

Oh, and I did an enter in here and there so it wasn't one big long paragraph.

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Sorry, Jem, I thought that's the way Natalie typed it..... :cry: I wouldn't rag on you. Drats that was the only thing, besides the pic, I had to tear down. Thoughtful blog.

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hey you guys as we all know I am the queen of long paragraphs, only usiing commas. It is bad and I have been trying to change my ways this time around. I got a new key board and it is bigger than my old one and I hit the wrong keys all the dang time, it drives me nuts, or I hit the cap lock, so I can relate to Nats style of just typin away and not payin much attention.

I just wish she would have said and oh by the way " I have been BSing everyone this week, if it is a tie Josh is outta here" Guess she could not give it all up ,lol

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I have to admit, while Nat is not my favorite HG, she is moving up in the list. Having had a hard life, it is hard to stay positive. She appears to do that; I think if it was an act we all would have caught on here and there. My one worry for Nat is when she gets out and watches the entire show and sees how Matt talked about her.... I hope she can handle it okay.

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Jem it is sooo exciting to know someone else knows my problems,lolol mine does everything you just said, plus the key board itself is larger and I tend to hit the cap lock all the dang time, I learned really early on you have to keep up on the batteries or it does do crazy stuff,lol OOOh it is gettin close to showtime, yay!!!!!

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Head of Household Diary

Week 8: Adam

What up America.... Its your boy A BAller back in the HOH.....

Another week in the books and a crucial HOH coming up this week... Its getting down to the nitty gritty and I cant play in this HoH so hope for the best for me.... If I make it past this next week I have a good shot at it all.... It will have to be back to back HOH wins and I'm in the finals... But I don't want to get a head of myself... I will stay humble and not get a big head... I gotta turn on the gas in the POV this week and crush the last 2 HOH's... But I am taking it step by step and I pray everyday for a good tomorrow...

James has been a pain in the butt all week long... As you all know I gave him a shot and pissed off most of the house, but of course I redeemed myself...

Now it is a matter of all trust and plotting the rest of the house against one another... as well as pointing out a single target for the house to shoot for, aside of myself... I am proud of myself for making it this far and I am sure as hell not giving up the goal... I feel I am well liked in the house but like I said the other week that could be a bunch of BS... We shall see....

Mom, thanks for the LETTER you don't know how much it means to me... Tell Jits to make sure he is ready for me..... I hope all is o k with Ben and the new house.... thank you for handling my personal affairs... LOL... I knew it would be Ben up to something like the baby food... HAHAHA funny guy... I am also pumped up from the pictures I got this time around. .. Jits, JL, the YO. BUDDY, Sport and of course the 80's Christmas pics are a plus..... thank you all for the help... Tell pop that i'm gonna give this my best to bring it home for DIDDY... Its crazy that Walter is even watching me... I laugh cause dad probably has to cover my ass for being an idiot on national TV and he probably needs translation... Well its also good to hear I have some fans.... Tell them I said HI and everyone in the office as well...

I organized a Hawaiian cook out today for the pics... We had a Penthouse pet of the year show up, good 'ol Oil Brunson, Crazy James in the Nude, a Bikini Barista, a Very smart blonde and of course BIG BALLER... It was invite by word of mouth only... VERY Exclusive.... LOL.... Something to lighten up the mood around here....

I am down to 2 packs of smokes by the way which could be either good or bad we will see...

So it took a few weeks but we got out the real problems in the house and now it feels like dog eat dog and my hands are tied..... SUCKS..... Please keep me in your prayers and keep me in your thoughts cause I'm gonna need em'...

Writing this Blog makes me kinda sad missing a lot of everyday things and people

that you usually take for granted.... But we are down to the last few weeks so its all good..... I can only wonder what kind of segments there are on the things I do in this house.... I'm almost scared to think about it... But there will be even more of A baller to come America with this week being the final 5 and all.... I really want to be around to see the MINI TABLE in the house... There is tons more room around here and there is almost an erie silence in here at times... To think I outlasted 11 others is a prize in itself...

Wow I guess thats all I have for now... I will see you all in less than a month outside of this, as Joshuah says, "prison with colorful walls"...

Win or lose Im not gonna give up and Im doing this for everyone out there who supports Adam BAller in "Handlin' my Business"... For real this is SOOOO Much fun and some days I just sit back and am like WOW I can't believe I'm here....

I LOVE you all and am thinking about those close to me night and day as I am sure you all are as well... So keep doing what your doing as will I... It seems to be working... Hugs and Kisses to all......


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Head of Household Diary

Week 9: Sheila

Mick i miss you so much!!!!! And love you!!! Georg thank you so much for everything!!! Mick we will rage for my birthday and yours when i get home. Gigi I love you!!!! Thank you for the letter. I miss you!! Mom, wow your a big fan of BB? Who knew!! I love you and miss you. We have a lot to talk about when i get home. Mom please, tell Mike,Andy and Chris, i miss them, And love them. Kitty, i miss you. I hope you're being good dog.I will have lot's of bone's for you when i get home. He He!! Mom, maybe when the shows over,i can do Memphis in May? Will see. This is the hardest thing i have done in 20 years! But, i feel i have been giving a gift!! The Big Brother House is a crazy place, and i feel so blessed to be a part of it all!!!! I get a chance to see the mini table!! I hope i can make it to the end. But, all i can do is go day by day. Anything can happen in the BB house.Alex, i miss you!! And i really wanted for you to come back in the box!! Thank you for the kind words and the T-shirt for my son. Ali, i miss you so much!! I hope things are good with you, i wanted you to come back in the box and kick some butt on everyone!! Parker i hope you had a big party for your birthday!! miss you! Matty i hope you had a nice birthday!! Dick and Dr.Will i really do dream about you guys. I think your both hot!! To my Fans if i have fans, love you guys and girls!!! To my family and friends LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WISH ME LUCK!!!!


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This is the hardest thing i have done in 20 years!

Yeah Sheila, it's a lot harder than having your body covered in theatrical makeup, spreading your legs wide open and waiting for the camera to go "click."

And i really wanted for you to come back in the box!!

Wasn't she one of the hg who voted for James to stay? And if not -- she had no idea who was in the box at the time!

Dick and Dr.Will i really do dream about you guys

That's sick!

Mom, wow your a big fan of BB?

Maybe you needed to spend the last two months with your mom, if you didn't know that your mom is a BB fan, instead of rooming with a bunch of strangers.

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GS she did say that she hasnt talked to her mom in sometime so there might be a personal reason why she hasnt who knows.

I gotta imagine that BB does mess with their blogs hell it is after all Big Brother.

Now I am a guy but I find it hard to believe that going through child birth is EASIER then going through the BB house, but thats just me!

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so she is not the greatest of writers, boy I think she is doin fine for bein in that nasty house. I do think a lot of people who write books do have help in writing them and getting them out there, no one ever said she was a professional, and she has totally said that being a penthouse pet was not all it was cracked up to be and that she would not have gone that route if she had it to do over, I'm sorry, I know she is not well liked but she is no worse than any of these house guests this season, I guess I am just over all the pettieness. I have not been here much or even watched much of BB because I am sick of the show and at this point am geting to the point of not caring who gets to the end. when I saw the out and out hatefulness of Adam and Rynan last night, laughing behind her back I just kind of snapped, and that was kinda it for me. not making this show a priority any longer.

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I think Shelia could've done better with her blog. Considering this is probably her only chance at HOH, and only cause Natalie gave it to her, she should have said more and gave the fans some idea that she is playing a game.

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