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Chelsia & James


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My theory is that James and Chelsia know about it. I was thinking that for those of us that watch the live feeds, for sure we would have picked up on it by now BUT I'm thinking they were told to even doop the live feeders??? I say this because James and Chelsia, when they are alone, are always reiterating to each other how they don't know anyone out of the house. It almost seems fake...as if for the live feed people, they need to convince us that they don't know anyone else.

Just a crazy guess....

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So there is an unsavory article about James on Perez Hilton.

i'm not gonna post a link as its not appropriate, rated way above pg 13 and probably against the rules to post a link with out submitting it to the mods first....so

if you're interested you can check it out...

but its NOT FOR KIDS and NOT FOR WORK computers...

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i dont get perez he must be desperate for stories

not only is this old news to hardcore bb fans i am pretty sure everyone knows about this already

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lets put it this way: she will be ruined w/ men for the rest of her life! She'll never be able to trust a male lover and will be confused for a long time after she gets word about this dude. And you have to know BB knew about his past and they did it simply for word of mouth. NO pun intended.... This dude was also on some mtv show.

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Ok, will try to be brief.

The whole N----- Knock thing. It isn't a term used much these days, but back when I was a teenager, that is what we called it when we would go out at night and ring peoples doorbells and run. It was a prank back in those days. Other parts of the country call it Ding Dong Ditch. Go to Google and type it in and you will see numerous references to this as well as progressingly violent terms for it these days. But, as a young teen, I did many stupid things.

I Liked James from day one. Thought he was different, but in a good way, not a "Cowboy" way.

Watched the full solo video and part of the other tonight and all I have to say is.....I love him even more. Sorry to the folks out there who are either homophobic, grossed out by porn, or so insecure that they are bothered by what another consenting adult did legally. Bet those folks saying that gay shit is gross, would have no problem whatsoever if it was a female HG and another woman.

Go James and Chelsia!!!!


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hey guys.. i've been a lurker of mortys tv for a few years now but never felt i had anything important to post.. until now :)

it's true.. James was in some gay adult movies..

The link is definitely not safe for work... but there is a small video and some pics.. but it's definitely james, no doubt about it. maybe his sexuality somehow fits into a twist somehow and maybe him and joshua were once an item. Who knows.

Mod Note

Links removed. Please see HERE as post about this has already been made.

Thank you :)

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I have no problem w/ him being gay. I simply assume that Chel. et al. will be the ones having the problems with it! Esp. Chelsia! AFter all, she made out w/ him and like I said above. She'll freak out after finding out about his past. I'm as liberal as they come. It's just, they have no idea what he's really like and Iv'e seen the video and either he has no problem turning off the switch, sexaully, so to speak or he's gayer than a three dollar bill.

All I"m saying is that Chelsia and her friends and family won't take to kindly to what he's done in the past. Please, don'lt tell me you can disagree w/ that?

as ever


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Myss-- I think I understand what you are saying here:

I don't think it is jest if it is used in a negative way. But I do know that the folks out here will say things like "what up N" and stuff like that... I am in California as is James, so what I am saying is that he may have used it in the form mentioned above. I would never use the word as I don't agree with what it means or how it has been used in the past. If you read my post it stated that he may have used it in the tense of "Homie" "Dude" "Bro" or whatever... it is used all the time here, I don't agree with it in any shape, way or form, but I did not see the clip (if anyone has it I'd like to see it) so I cannot say if he was saying it in a derogatory way or if in jest...

In my extensive work as an adolescent counselor, I've noticed the trend that younger generations, especially, appear to be "reclaiming" this word as a nonmalicious nickname of sorts. (Much like I jokingly call my girlfriends "Bitch"). Rap music, which has long since crossed racial boundaries and is the entertainment of choice for many people has encouraged the usage and it's repitition has removed some of the stigma. Like I mentioned, this is primarily with teenagers and very young adults; I still am taken aback every time I hear the word used, regardless of context, but I have to remind myself (like I once reminded my mother when she didn't understand MY teenage vernacular) that times are changin'. I think it's more important to note the spirit of what was being communicated, which in this case did not appear to be a derrogatory comment of any sort (I mean, he was certainly no Amber!).

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I think Chelsia swings both ways too. I can't remember who said it, but someone teased her jokingly about getting it on with one of the other girls and she never denied it. She just smiled. It wouldn

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I swear to God, Allah and whatever else is listening. Guess what people, we all know he has a colorful past. GET OVER IT!!!!!

Unless he's filming a new movie inside the BB house, it DOESN'T FREAKIN' MATTER!!!!!

--rant over--

BTW - good post Dep

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and its the same newbie posting that crap

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Leave the new posters alone. God.

As for James, I dont' care about his gay porn past. Ass the power to him, and there isn't anything wrong with it. I just think Chelsia isn't going to be extremely pleased when she finds out.

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spamming board with same crap over and over i cant let slide

theRE posts have been on same adult links over and over that been posted here long ago

btw God

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i been annoying it i was just commented on last post that brought it up

i :food-smiley-005:

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James doesn't seem to be the type to keep his past a secret if he and Chelsia take it to another level. They seem very open with eachother, but not 100% trusting, probably because of the 24 hour cameras.

He did talk about everyone in his family going to jail...and not for jaywalking. Unless you're Ron Jeremy, why talk about doing porn immediately? One past activity does not completely define a person. Maybe he's completely changed. Maybe he's born again. Maybe he gets the feeling she doesn't give a rat's patootie. Maybe she's been on Girls Gone Wild. Maybe he wants her to like him for him and not for his movie credits.

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dont watch feeds much

are they really showmancing?

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I haven't seen it being a showmance so to speak....it's more a friends with benefits thing. Those 2 are just a couple of horny kids. Maybe it's more...idk.

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