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Chelsia & James


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I don't think it is jest if it is used in a negative way. But I do know that the folks out here will say things like "what up N" and stuff like that... I am in California as is James, so what I am saying is that he may have used it in the form mentioned above. I would never use the word as I don't agree with what it means or how it has been used in the past. If you read my post it stated that he may have used it in the tense of "Homie" "Dude" "Bro" or whatever... it is used all the time here, I don't agree with it in any shape, way or form, but I did not see the clip (if anyone has it I'd like to see it) so I cannot say if he was saying it in a derogatory way or if in jest...

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i believe james told adam and ryan if they hear anything to come get him they should "N_____ Knock" on his door if they have too

i honestly dnever heard that phrase before but it did kinda sound racist and no one dwelled on it like it was every day convesation

i don't ever use that word because i know how many people take sooo much offense to it but i don't really understand why it's only a word an old out dated word at that that most black people use often to try to desensitize it which is why we hear more and more white kids using it in a slang way, i don't think we really should be making a big deal outta it i'm all for judging some one by their actions and not by a silly word that comes from their mouth in the moment

with that said i do beleive it was inipropriate and he'll get back lash for it, altho he did seem a little toung tied last night he kept saying that they need to disagree to agree (but i believe the phrase is agree to disagree he kept saying it backwards it was driving me crazy) so maybe he meant nothing by it and it was some slang he heard and it just slipped out either way like i said he will get back lash for it if he meant it or not

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I taped it on my vcr but I'm not computer savvvy enough to post it ( heck, Im still using dial-up lol ). But they were in the backyard smoking after Chelsia passed out and while talking strategy, James said the "N" word emphasis on the "er" part not "gga" as used in slang ( which by the way is no better in my mind )

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I lived in LA back in the 70's for about 8 yrs and I do know that some of my black friends used that word among thenmselves BUT they were very picky about who and what white people used that term, like sayin "N please "and stuff, even if you were great friends you really had to know who and what friend you could say that too, and I don't think it is too much different today. And today living in the midwest and having lots of African American friends I rarely hear that term being thrown around. I work in the restaurant business and we are always kiddin around and I just never hear it. In fact I have a really good friend who was brought up down in a little small town, and she is 40 yrs old( I am older than her) and I about died a few yrs back when she dropped the N bomb when we were visiting her folks, I said something to her, and she acted surprised that it bothered me, well shows you where she was brought up around no African Americans they threw that word around a lot, it really turns me off, so I did not hear James say it, but if he did and was using it in jest why did he wait till Parker was gone, just sayin I do not like hearin the word used ever.

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Oh, and shadyalaska, no disrespect but if it is just a stupid word, please go to a town that has a majority of african american citizens and use it for a whole day while talking to them and see if people give you a warm reception. I would suggest you wear some track shoes.

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I totally understand that Chris, I too am not savvy in the computer department. I agree that it is innappropriate to use the word, which is why I have stated that in my last two posts. I was merely asking in what context he used it. My neighbors, use the phrases as I mentioned in above posts in every other sentence and I just shake my head in disbelief each and everytime... And thank you Alaska and Chris for clarifying how it was used. I think he thought he was being 'slick' which in actuallity just made him look like a dweeb.

I am not sure how to quote another post so I'll just have to do it this way...

"i don't ever use that word because i know how many people take sooo much offense to it but i don't really understand why it's only a word an old out dated word at that that most black people use often to try to desensitize it which is why we hear more and more white kids using it in a slang way, i don't think we really should be making a big deal outta it i'm all for judging some one by their actions and not by a silly word that comes from their mouth in the moment"

As posted by Alaska... THANK YOU! That was exactally my point. It is used sooooo often here by fellas walking down the street talking to their friends or greeting someone with whom they are friends with etc... which is why I was curious as to how he used it...

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Thank you Jem:) What a dweeb he is... I have never heard that phrase, makes no sense to me. I have hear people use the term when they are talking about rigging something but I never understood what that meant either...

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Yeah, I don't know. I'm just a person who does not use any language that I feel is disrespectful to other ethnicities. I don't even use the Washington pro football teams mascot name, I just say Washington. I'm just a bleeding heart I guess. lol

Wow I live in Indian territory and the Native Americans have no problem with it. Palm Springs Indians is our High School team. My boyfriend is half Indian and he has no problem with it. Redskins is OK too. Most Native American people have a sense of humor and don't mind Indian or Redskin. My daughter works for the Aqua Caliente Tribe.

PC :bangin:

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That's cool Marty, but for me personally I choose not to use it. It's up to every individual to choose what they are comfortable with and for me, I'm not comfortable using that term. To each their own but if consequences come to people who use certain terms, that is something they'll have to deal with, just like Adam who works with people who have autism yet he felt comfortable using another term to label them as.

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no no disrespect meant either and i know better then to throw that word around , it just another dirty word in my book (altho one i know never to use) i cuss when i feel it's apropriate (mostly in the cumfort of my own home at the TV)

i dunno tho i don't think james meant any harm by it but it wasn't very pc of him

and like some one else posted i heard the term "N Rigg" or as we ussually say to "Jerry Rigg" it but i never heard of "N Knock" at all i dunno what that even means heh

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