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Allison & Ryan


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allison gets her man

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I like Allison. I don't think she's that bad by comparison. The BB house has always been a pressure cooker. if you're a little chatty outside of the house, once you get inside you cannot STFU. If you're a little catty, once inside, all gloves are off. If you're a little whiney...you get the point.

Ryan on the other hand is a total snooze fest.

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I do get the feeling Allison will take advantage of them being partners to now get some Jen-free alone time to 'strategize' with Ryan. I guess we(and Jen) will find out how loyal Ryan is to Jen... I wonder if Jen will go back and watch the episodes, and see that she was the one that called Ryan 'racist'?

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george i am pretty sure she knows she did call him that

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i am pretty sure she knows she did call him that

I'm just thinking of times that me or my wife have been talking, and we are certain about something we did or did not say... and it turns out we did in fact use the words that we are confident we didn't say... in the rush of talking, sometimes we say things that we didn't mean to say, or our mouth says something other than what our head was thinking....

What I'm saying is, I'm giving Jen the benefit of doubt that she 'believes' she didn't come out and say "he is racist"... instead she thinks those words came from Sheila. She flat out denied it to Ryan... obviously he will eventually come out of the house and see the show and see that a)she did say it about him, and b)she did 'lie' to him about not saying it.

Either a)she knows she said it and lied about it, or b)she doesn't think she said it, will watch the show and realize she did say it. Either way, she will have to deal with it when confronted by Ryan when he sees the show.

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Ryan confronted Jen about telling people he was a racist and she lied right to his face and told him, she never said that. She told him, she told the people he just didn't like to see interracial couples and neither did her parents. He seemed satisfied with that and believed her. He is a dumb a**. We all know what a liar she was and in my opinon, how he feels makes him a racist.

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Not sure what Ryan ever saw in Jen anyway, but that's a whole nother thing.

I think these two may go far. I don't like either one of them, but now that Jen is gone I think the target may be removed from Ryan's back and new sides will be taken. Sheila seems to be smitten with Ryan and Adam is so limited that he will probably give into Sheila on decisions.

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Has Allison made any kind of "move" on Ryan yet now that Jen is gone? During the first couple of days, it seemed like she liked him a lot, but this could have changed too. On the other hand, has he made a move on her?

Hopefully Ryan will see the feeds before he makes a greater committment to Jen.

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He also didn't have any reaction to James' comment about the N______ knock. It appears he knew what it was.

Allison still wanted him when she knew he was involved with Jen. That just seems very irrational that someone she knows for what 5 days if not less should drop his real world live in girlfriend for her?

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Frankly I don't believe Allison ever "wanted" Ryan. I think her protests were in relation to the game. How could she possibly play the game properly if he is constantly running to Jen?!

AND Jen and Allison already didn't like each other BEFORE it was revealed that Jen and Ryan were a real life couple. Everyone seems to be forgetting or ignoring that fact.

Allison isn't my favorite either, But I do think she's very shrewd and cunning. And may very well be the only one in the whole stupid cast that is thinking and scheming.

Ryan is a big doofus who needs to pull his drawers up and do some dang sit ups and cardio.

He might want to join Josh on the Atkins thing too.

The night he gave Jen a massage I thought he was going to keel over, His breathing was so labored and when he finally plopped himself onto the mattress he looked like he was on the verge of a major coronary.

Flipping stupid dough boy. No wonder Jen is his GF. If I were in Allison's shoes I would be cringing too, No wonder she wanted to establish that she was a lesbo. Maybe her real reason for doing so was to keep him from getting a little touchy feely in the sack.

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trust me she wanted ryan

she was only hg playing into the whole soulmate saga

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I think she wanted Ryan too. She, along with a few others in the house, bought into the idea that BB had actually found a real "soulmate" for them. I think Alex and Natalie also bought into the idea too...their partners didn't though...:)

I think Allison has enough class to NOT make a move on him now...knowing he has a relationship with Jen. We shall see though...she's made no secret that she thinks he's attractive and too good for Jen.

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On the hammock while Ryan was devulging to Allison he and Jen were a couple Allison didn't even notice the implications to the game. All she kept saying was " I thought you were so cool ". She was dying to say " I think you're hot and wanted to molest you **drooollllll** ".

She might be less drooly now. I mean afterall. He IS from Ohio! Evil grin

There are many MANY black people who do not condone blacks marrying or hooking up outside their race. So that being racist is in the eye of the beholder.

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I don't care if it's a person of color or not a person of color. To me anyone with those feelings is a racist.

Geez, teach the children to be color blind. I did.

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i dont think not agreeing with interacial relationship is racist

that may be shocking to some :lol:

but jen :ryan is a racist

it must be more to that statement then ryan just dont agree with interacial relationship

and lol stop using black folks to prove a point

it comes off rather tacky imho

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