Shellyab Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 "Dear Mr. Redstone, We are writing to express our dismay and disgust at comments that were made by Adam Jasinski during the broadcast of "Big Brother 8" program.I n episode2 , Jasinsiki describesh is plans to open a hair styling businessc ateringt o peoplew ith autism who he refers to as "retards." Just as we are confident that CBS would not tolerate the use derogatory epithets regarding race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation we hope that the use of derogatory termsf or peoplew ith disabilitiesi n alsou nacceptablein your programming. We believe Jasinski's should be terminated immediately, and we believe that the show should be cancelled. Further, we expect an apology to people with autism, developmental disabilities and their families from Jasinski, Big Brother, CBS and National Amusements. While Jasinski'sd isplayedg rossi gnorance,t he producerso f the show choset o use his comments to forward the show's storyline. This displays a conscious choice on their part to demean and hurt a large group of people to further their own commercial goals. While a large number of peoplew ith autismd o havem entalr etardation,a very large portion do not and they are perfectly capableo f understandingth at they have been denigratedi n an extremelyd emeaningw ay by a programb roadcastf or profit by CBS. Family members of people with autism, especially parents, are constantly challenged by the greatd eal of misinformation sumoundinga utism.B roadcastss ucha s Big Brother makes caring for a family member with autism all that more difficult It is appropriate I believe to note that the Holocaust began with the extermination of developmental disabled children in a secret program called Aktion T-4. The techniques, organization and personnel for Aktion T-4 went directly to run the extermination camps at Treblinka, Sobibor and others. All extermination campaigns begin with the dehumanization of the target group. And referring to developmental disabled people and people with autism as "retards" indeed fails to recognize the humanity of people with these disorders. We have also contacteda dvertiserso n Big Brother,i ncluding Saturn,P fizer, Geico, Bertoli, Lowe's, Theraflu, and Taco Bell and have asked them if they want their products associated with language that demeans the people with autism and other disabilities. Thank you for your time and considerationa nd we look forward to your response. Sincerely, John Gilmore Executive Director / Autism United" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BBNut Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 While I agree the comments were inappropriate and tasteless. Isn't it a violation of Adam's right to free speech to remove him for what he's said if it isn't a threat? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marty Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 I don't like the way that Adam said what he said about Autistic children but .... Retarded is NOT a bad word. I have worked with the Retarded of the Desert and been a contributor for years. They just last month changed their name to Desert Arc. That was done to be PC. My 33 year old nephew was born retarded and I am his favorite Aunt. I am sorry that it has been made a bad word. My nephew used to tell people he is retarded but now he has changed that too because people are offended to hear the word. He never was. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WickedOne Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 Now you just KNEW some group some where was going to jump alllllllllllllllllll over this. Adam's tacky and a goof. But it ends there. He inserted foot in mouth & now someone's needing an apology. Sometime's this PC crap is crap. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
A_BB_Aholic Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 Gosh, people are just so much sometimes. First off, this a reality program that is closer to a game show than a scripted program, IOW, Adam does not work for CBS and can't be "terminated". He can be as big an idiot as he wants to be on the feeds, on the television show, hell even in RL. I agree that his comments were ridiculous and hurtful, but in America there is not much to be done about it. I disagree that if he had said something with the phrase "wetback" or "nigger" in it that CBS would have reacted any differently. It is what it is. And some people are what they are. (adam I mean, not retards) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lvgal Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 I teach students with disabilities, so I did wince when he used the term...........I also teach in middle school and the term is used all day by students, to students, I think it just showed his middle school was dumb, not mean.--IMO! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 When he said it it reminded me of the movie "Something about Mary" when the Matt Dillon character did something exactly the same. Everyone laughed...seems to me he was trying to play out that line from the movie in the BB house. Was it stupid? You bet. Does it call for his removal? No way. Let the HG decide who they want on or off and let them explain their reasonings when the shows over. The person most upset about it in the house is his very own soulmate..ironically. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeepGirl Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 Further, we expect an apology to people with autism, developmental disabilities and their families from Jasinski, Big Brother, CBS and National Amusements. Not to get overly technical, but if you are going to demand an apology, at least demand it from the right people. National Amusements is a chain of movie theatres, owned by the same company (Viacom) that owns CBS. They are in no way related to or responsible for what happens on BB. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JenFan Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 Kids throw around the word retarded a lot and I think it was a bit mean of him but however it's his freedom of speech and the stupid people writing this letter needs to get a life. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shellyab Posted February 18, 2008 Author Share Posted February 18, 2008 i agree about freedom of speech, and adam has his rights. just as the writer of this letter, who is the executive director of the autism foundations, has the right to submit the letter to whomever he chooses. and just because "everyone" says it, doesn't make it right to do. i for one reprimand my kids for saying such things, including using the word "gay" as a derogatory thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JenFan Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 the guy is asking adam to be kicked out when he didn't do anything wrong. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sf49rminer Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 dumb comment sure... Worth removal from BB? no. Stupid PR move from a PR manager? You betcha. I would think his employer may have a comment or two once he returns back to work. I winced when he refered to the kids as "retards," but as a fellow PR person I also cringed over the stupid error coming from some who should know bette to say something like that on national TV. From the person on the the street, I would have a different reaction because there is no way they could know better. A PR pro should have known better and picked his words more carefully. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GingerSnaps Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 Maybe he's retarded? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King123 Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 kick him off.. give shelia somebody hott so she can be nicer.. i think she is funny though.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SueZqueZ Posted February 18, 2008 Share Posted February 18, 2008 Ginger......... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PhoneActress Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 I would just like to say as a mother of a child with special needs that the word "retarded" is NOT acceptable. It has been found to be offensive to those with disabilities as well as their families. I do not use that word nor do I allow it to be used when any doctor or therapist is giving an evaluation of my child. I do belong to several organizations for people with disabilities such as the ARC of Illinois, National Autism Association, Autism Speaks, and I am also on the advisory board for the Special Olympics of Illinois. With that said, I can say that we DO NOT use that word nor support the use of that word. Should he be kicked off of the show? NO. I actually like the fact that he showed how ignorant he truly is, because this shows us two things: 1. We have such a long way to go in educating people on the correct use of terms for people with disabilities. 2. Even Big Brother believes in equal rights for animals by allowing this jacka** on the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GingerSnaps Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 DSM IV - Axis II Mild Mental Retardation It's a diagnosis and it has a name. If we use the word "handicapped" for eveything then how do you distinguish between them. Handicap - Obese Handicap - Elderly Handicap - Mentally Ill Handicap - Hearing Impaired Handicap - etc, etc, etc. There is no diagnosis of "handicap." If a person is mentally retarded then that is just what they are and no, we don't introduce people as so and so the obese and so so the deaf mute, but a clinical diagnosis is a clinical diagnosis. And while those with multiple sclerosis may be handicapped we just don't throw the word out because it offends some. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TCS Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 I didn't like what he said, I wouldn't want him around my cousin who is mentally challenged, but what he said won't get him kicked off the show. People demanded that Amber be kicked out after what she said. CBS kept her in.....I don't see Adam getting the boot for showing that he's a bit challenged too! jmho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GingerSnaps Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 Mentally challenged? Depressed, borderline, bi-polar, mentally retarded, mildly mentally retarded, special ed or just doesn't study enough and gets D's. My point is we can come up with a thousand alternative words but things are what they are. Maybe it's not so much what Adam said, but the callous way he said it and justified himself about saying it is what really gets people? Every season it's something else...someone is bound to say something offensive. While some find some things offensive other's don't. Kail says she would be disappointed if her sons said they homosexual - People went into a tailspin and there were oodles of gay relative stories. Eric mentions incest and the same tailspin reaction (no oodles of stories) Comments about asians - only a few found that offensive, while others thought it was okay Comments about NY Jews - second line mention once - flew right over most posters heads because they were too busy telling gay relative stories. My point is if the comment hits home it's offensive, otherwise most people could care less about anyone else's feelings being hurt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PhoneActress Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 People can continue to use whatever terms they like, but it does not make it acceptable especially to those who are actually living with it. What amazes me is that if someone informs you that they are offended by a certain label or title, and your response is "oh well, I am still going to use it anyway" that is just sad. That person has no desire to respect another human beings feelings. Just like there are some very ignorant souls that still choose to use words like colored. I have actually been fortunate enough to actually read that one on a recent thread here. What terms are acceptable and used are: Developmental Disability Mental Impairment Developmentally Delayed Also, one might just choose to use their own diagnosis of Autism, Down's Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JeepGirl Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 From CBS Won't Shutter Big Brother Over Autism Slur Big Brother's Adam by Bill Inoshita/CBS The advocacy group Autism United is calling on CBS to condemn this season's Big Brother house in the wake of comments made on the air last week. In Wednesday's episode, Adam Jasinksi shared his dream to "open a hair salon for kids with special needs, so the retards can get it together and get their hair done." Adam's slur was met with a strong disapproving reaction by housemate Sheila, and that, CBS says, was what allowed the scene to remain in the broadcast. "We certainly find the statements made by Adam to be offensive, but believe they were countered by the... shock and condemnation from Sheila," the Eye says in a statement. In his defense, Adam touts his work with the United Autism Foundation (a nonprofit of apparently questionable stature). "Disabled kids... I can call them whatever I want, OK?" he retorted to Sheila. "I bust my ass to help these special-needs children!" Shades of Matt Dillon in Something About Mary, no? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImIn Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 a perfect world the un-pc comments wouldn't exist....but in reality they do. The special interest groups just love to see someone stumble so they can jump all over it and get some publicity for their cause. I agree...Adam is a dolt...but if his intentions are good and he is truly trying to help the mentally challenged (is that the applicable pc term?)...then I'll cut him some slack and judge him for his actions rather than misuse of words. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uvp Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 lol this whole mess is stupid yeah it was an ignorant comment but remove him from show if that was case all hg should be gone for offending some group Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BBNut Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 Tobe honest what's politically correct changes so frequently that I can't keep it straight. "colored" is a very offensive term? When did all of that happen? So is "black" ok again or is there something else we should use? To retard something is to slow it down. I work with retardation factors every day. I really don't see what it's deemed as such an offensive word. When you get back to it's meaning it's not demeaning nor does it seem to have some long history like the N word. Can someone explain exactly why they find it so offensive? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marty Posted February 19, 2008 Share Posted February 19, 2008 OK this is the way it is. Smart ass teens boys will start calling each other autistic and then some day that will be a a slur word and be assigned a new politically correct word. PC Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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