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Thursday, February 14th


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I'm not sure what it is yet but, I'm just not very interested in this season... so far.

While reading updates and watching clips and BB AfterDark... I find myself not really caring who is saying what to who, getting bored and hoping this season is a short one.

I was excited for the season to start too but, I guess I'm finding that the break between seasons is needed... I just can't imagine going through this 24/7 stuff now and then again in July. I dunno... guess I'll hope for a better attitude towards it soon. ;)

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I did not study the HG before the show started. I pretty much decided to wait until the season started and get to know them. I don't know who is who. My bad.

I think I am having a hard time connecting with this season because it does not seem like BB to me. I reminds me of a Real World or some other reality show.

I will probably get into the show a lot more when there are less HG and I get all them all sorted out. :animated_scratchchin:

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Totally agree... Real World with more people and evictions. Or like Jem was saying a cross between Real World and Paradise Hotel.

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I never watched Paradise Hotel. I really have not watched many reality shows. I did watch Real World years ago but Big Brother is/was my favorite.

I am sure I will get the BB spark back in a couple weeks. :sadwalk:

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I never watched Paradise Hotel.

You're not missing much, Marty. I've seen a few eppy's and it was enough for me. But, I use to love Real World back in the day... haven't seen it for many years now though... I think the last full season I watched was Seattle. :lol:

I hope you get the spark soon ... send it my way please :)

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There are only two people I can say I like at all and that's Amanda and Jen. The rest are either boring or extremely annoying.

This season, so far at least, is my least favorite. Even the "drama" and "confrontations" have been lame so far.

Seriously, Sharon grates on my nerves SO MUCH and for whatever reason the idiot cameramen seem to think she's interesting and were on her all last night and this morning.

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I don't like Jen. She's not playing the game well imo. Not really "thinking" before spilling the beans so soon esp. w/o first discussing it with her bf. Then there's the fact that I feel she was placed there to be the cookiecutter version of Janelle/Danielle. Not that I have a problem with those girls, but the fact that I feel we've already been there, done that ...turns me off.

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I don't think she's anything like Janelle or Danielle. I couldn't stand Danielle and Janelle became played out for me.

I get the impression that Jen is more thoughtful than Janelle and not nearly as annoying as Danielle (has a lot to do with Danielle's sing songy voice always whining)

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I'm not sure what it is yet but, I'm just not very interested in this season... so far.

I feel the same. I think I've watched the feeds for a total of 10 minutes so far. I have to go look at the pictures when reading the updates to know who they are talking about.

I'm in reality show hell!!! Tuesday is Biggest Loser, American Idol and Big Brother, then BB and AI on Wednesdays. Why couldn't they leave eviction day on Thursday????

My DVR is hating me right now....LMAO!!!

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lol the truth is i may cancel my feeds once trial period is over

idk i thought season 8 was bad but it was more eventful on the feeds than this

the pairs twist is keep the house from truly interacting

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I agree whole heartedly! When I first saw the new HG's pictures, I told a buddy here at work that it looked like they should all be on the Real World! I'm having a hard time getting into it this year. It feels as though they picked the "pretty people" to get more stuff for the After Dark. :rolleyes:

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seems like we go thru this every year the first 2 or 3 weeks everyone says it's not as good of a season and then bam it picks up and we all love it

so far i have to admit it's filled with drama, almost too much drama i really started to hate sharon last night and parker drives me nuts most the girls in the house seem shallow.... i dunno who my favorite will be

i'm upset to see niel go him and josh seemed like the only good people in the house

looks like crazy james might end up being my favorite for now at least but i'm still unsure of his partner, i don't mind ryan and jen too much either but their partners drive me nuts

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i dont about this season

the pairs idea is handicapping the gameplay for me

i hope the season can recover by ditching the pairs idea

last year wasnt my fav bb season but it was more eventful then this by far

we cant even find a consensus on how this whole twist business work

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finally a mortys consensus :wub:

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lmaoooooooo sheila feeding her man adam breakfast in bed

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why cant bb girls ever get along?

they are already plotting against each other

lol how come jem get the credit lol?

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