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Can't Decide Who To Root For


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I hate them all... they are all f'ing crazy. Never has there been this sorry of a bunch before. Honestly I think the lack of diversity is to blame for this.

They are all (with the exception of Sheila) are 20 somethings who all just want to get laid. The guys are more assholey... and the girls are 10x more slutty. Seriously if I wanted to watch them get drunk and hook-up with eachother, I would have turned on the Real-World.

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:marie: I go to a couple of other BB boards and so far the other ones are hating these HG....has any of you other guys been seeing this too?

Yeah....the bad real world!


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I agree, so far it does feel like a BB's version of The Real World, and the lack of very different\contrasting personalities is making it hard for me to remember who's who. I almost wish they had name tags so I could remember their names. :animated_bouncy:

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i hate to say this but, comparing real world and big brother

is like comparing apples and oranges

two sort-of-a-like shows but with different circumstances


on mtv (cable network), only 7 people, in some cool location, they get to go outside in the REAL WORLD, they get jobs to do. they can meet new people where ever they are. they are a bunch of 20 somethings every season. have computer access. phone access. they have a camera crew following them around everywhere, inside and outside the house.


on cbs (major network), between 14 and 16 people. always in studio city, ca, can't go outside, no jobs besides wear mic around the house, can't meet new people besides the people in the house, they can range in age, except this year, no computer, no phone. they have cameras and microphones everywhere in the house.

and thats my personal opinion on the subject

note: these people all look different in my opinion, if you have been watching the live feeds, the people are easy to tell apart and their names are easy to remember

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It's more of the feel of the cast that makes it have a Real World feel to it. I like The Real World, but (at least at the moment) I don't like the Real World type of cast in BB the house. Watching BBAD it seemd very much like a live version of The Real World where they talk about getting drunk, having lots of sex different partners, and rest of their typical single life dramas.

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I realize the differences... I was merely suggesting that the HG behavior this year mirrors the behavior of a typical RW cast. All they do is get drunk and screw eachother. I particularly liked another poster in a different thread posting that all they're trying to do is screw to get noticed... they aren't even playing the game.

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TCS Wrote:

I guess the big comparison is their ages.....14 of the 16 is in their low to mid twenties.

Not sure what you mean exactly TCS. I've always felt they cast BB with HGs who typically were "Middle School" personalities. Not in a bad way, just in that the HGs focus heavily on the social dramas of their lives, almost in a innocent Peter Pan way; people who really don't want to grow up (or grow up very slowly). :animated_bouncy:

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:marie: They cast people in their 20s for the "Real World" and this season the only comparison I can see with this seasons BB is that they cast mostly people in their 20s....thats the only comparison I can see. BB is way different than the Real World show. Its only their ages.


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I'm happy with it myself. I am sure I will be the odd man out on this but here goes...

I don't think the lack of diversity is to blame. Yes I wouldn't mind seeing people of other races but are you telling us that these white kids are all horn dogs and no other race or creed or minority acts like this? I watch RW/RR all the time and I admit the do better for racial diversity. I see more asians and african americans on there. I do fully admit it is nice to see that and YET that show is crazy with the sex and drinking, well beyond BB. Just MHO of course


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This year has a decided lack of diverse personalities. I don't know if they all act like lemmings to try to be popular with each other, but so far, almost every guy in there is a sexist jerk. Sometimes I feel like I need to take a shower after watching the feeds.

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I don't really care for this couples twist or for this cast. I don't see them having a lot of fun together or having interesting conversations. So much time is spent demonizing the people they don't like, moreso than in other seasons. Even their cattiness is more mean-spirited. If you're gonna talk about folks at least put some humor into it. Just rehashing the same complaints over and over makes for tedious feed watching IMO. There's only been a few times I was really into the feeds, much less than previous seasons.

My only hope is that its a shortened season. The sooner they're all gone, the better.

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I have not even been turning on the feeds at all. I just have better things to do. Maybe when they get down to less houseguests and I can remember all their names I might click on the feeds. Then again maybe not...... :animated_scratchchin:

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waiting my trial period to end

then i am canceling

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BORING- :sleep1: these houseguests are too boring, this theme is boring. I didn't bother buying the feeds this year. It better get better this summer with more NORMAL people. I don't need to see a bunch of 20 year old tatoo'd gals and guys have sex all night with their raunchy mouths.

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i think that people that say that these people are just getting drunk and screwing each other

and not playing the game

are obviously not watching the live feeds or bb: after dark

these people are playing the game

just as much as any other season would be

during the first week (second week for them)

how much can they play the game when

they aren't involved in what is going on

you can't talk to much strategy if you aren't

nominated, head of household, or hold the veto

there is only so much game playing that can go on

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