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February 29 - Live Feed Updates


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Sheila has been in the HoH bathroom since 8:25. She came up to check on Josh.

So far she has explain to them that she is distancing herself from Allison and is going to try hard and play a stronger game. If she plays in the PoV, she promises she will not use it and they bash Allison that she brags about her education and she can


9:27 pm BBT: Sharon and Joshua are talking alone as he bathes. Sharon tells him she's not stressed about tomorrow (POV) and that whatever is meant to happen will happen. Josh says he's confident that they can win POV tomorrow and she says she's confident they could win every POV and HOH (if they played in them.) They both agree that IF there is a twist for them it will come after Allison/Ryan leave.


10:12 pm BBT: Matt, James, Ryan and Adam are in the BY. James had come out in his underwear earlier and Matt made him cover up in a blanket because it's cold. After 10 minutes of more chat Matt says to James again that he can't believe he'd come out here like that... never mind the underwear but, it's DAMN COLD out here. Matt says, Tom Selleck couldn't even do that shit!!! (Boston humor at it's finest. He might be a shmoo but, gotta love a quick wit like that!!!)

Allison and Natalie just took a shower and are now primping.

Forgot to mention that a bit ago while the boys were outside Matt told Adam and James exactly what Allison was doing with Natalie in the sauna. He went on to tell them that Allison was in there manipulation Natalie, pitting Nat against Sheila. Then later you'all will see Allie corner Sheila and manipulate her, pitting her against Nat. Then if they win POV and Adam/Sheila go up on the block... Natalie will want to vote A/S out instead of A/R. What's truly amazing about this revelation is that it is SPOT ON!!! [Ed. Well, he probably didn't say you'all... probably more like you's. lol]


10:48 pm BBT: Natalie doing animal noises. She tells James, Adam and Chelsia that she does a really awesome chicken that gets all riled up. It's taking her forever to get herself ready to show it off so, she's doing some of the others that she knows. So far we have... (she's serious by the way)

Cow = Moooo MooooooOooo

Dog = Ruff

Kitty = Meooow

[i'm dying on the floor of laughter... poor Natalie lived on a farm too. I will give her this much... the chicken wasn't too bad, at least she didn't say... peck, peck, peck. LMAO]


11:30BBT Allison and Ryan have gone to bed. Natalie is up and yelling to Allison asking if she wants to make out. Allison yells back that she has to win a POV tomorrow.

Chelsia yelling to Sheila who has also gone to bed. Adam is in bed also but is jacking off. Sheila says "baller is so disgusting" and they are yelling from Kitchen for her to touch it.


11:37 pm BBT: Adam is masturbating while Sheila lays in bed with him. James was supposed to do it while lying in bed with Chelsia but, he stopped. The camera's are focusing on Adam's hand movements under the covers. Sheila tells him he had been being a gentlemen until now... he finally comes to his senses and stops. Allison is whispering to Ryan how disgusting "Baller" (Adam) is...

Allison, Ryan, Sheila, Adam, James and Chelsia are all laying down to go to sleep.

Sharon and Joshua are having a bitchfest about Allison. Now they are coming to the conclusion that Matt and Allison are working together. Or, Matt has a crush on Allison. Josh is threatening that if he sees Matt having private conversations with Allison... (they're be hell to pay.)

Allison whispers to Ryan that he needs a haircut and that she'll do that for him. He says he cut it today and she says, I know it looks great too. :rolleyes:


Midnight BBT: Natalie decides to study the house for the POV competition (bless her lil' heart.)

12:20 am BBT: Joshua and Sharon still awake in the HOH. He tells her that Matt told him someone gave him a BJ in the house. Josh thinks it was probably Natalie. (you think??!!??)

Natalie is reading the bible. Adam gets up and goes outside to have a smoke... Natalie joins him in BY. They start talking about the POV. Nat tells Adam that A/R CAN NOT win tomorrow. Adam shares with Nat that if they (A/S) win POV they will NOT change nominations but, that they will vote to keep Matt and Natalie.

12:45 am BBT: Natalie tells Adam all the things she's studied for the POV. Such as; how many books on the walls, what animals are on the cups, how many logs, etc. She then starts to read parts of the bible for Adam. (Baller needs inspiration for tomorrow's competition. HA)

1:00 am BBT: Matt is happy that Natalie has come back to bed, he gets to listen to bible verses now!

2:45 am BBT: All house guests are asleep.


9:30 AM BBT: I am watching feed d3 and its the BB logo with Opera music, but on the quad it shows all four cams of HGs sleeping with no movement. (I Think that is the wake up music for today.)

9:33 AM BBT: FotH (except cam 3.... lol)


[The BB Gods hate me] We have Sharon running her mouth again in the HoH room. She and Josh are saying that they want to win three competitions in a row. They head down stairs.

Allison is cleaning the kitchen up and others are doing ADLs. Allison walked over to Matt who is at the kitchen sink and hugged him good morning.

Sharon and Josh are in the SR and she's running her mouth.

Ryan is brushing his teeth.


Feed three for me has the BB logo. Whatever.

Allison told James and Chelsia she is up today because she has to save her ass.

Natalie is asking Allison if someone that wasn't on the block wins PoV it means if they use it they're immune. Allison says yes and Natalie said that's what she told Adam last night and he kept telling her she was wrong. Allison tells Natalie that she (Allison) MUST won today.

Sheila and Josh are in the kitchen eating while Natalie and Alliosn continue to do their makeup.

10:10AM BBT: Josh and Saharon are back in the HoH, she doesn't want to get dressed until BB tells them what kind of clothese they need for the PoV. Josh somments that they should put Sheila and Allison on the block (assuming Matt/Nat win PoV) and let them tear each other apart.

10:20AM BBT: Allison has gone back to the boat room to talk to Ryan. He's gone back to bed. He is told to put his mic on. He and Allison are whispering and he's playing with his mic. Allison is asking Ryan how he's feeling nervous what? He says he's ready.


10:25PM BBT: Natalie is talking to Sheila about the PoV comp from last season when the HGs had to dress up in costumes and balance a cup on their head (mad hatter comp). She talks about Dick and how Mike came out and kept getting in Dick's face to make him drop the cup. They're getting pretty...

Sharon and Josh are still in the HoH, they're trying to work out how long the season will run if they keep it in couples.

Now they're talking about the cameras behind the wall and how they work. Looks like Josh is trying to go back to sleep.

In the bathroom, Sheila is drying her hair and Natalie si doing her face. 10:20am foth


Adam was up and in the bathroom with Sheila and Natalie. Chelsia is also out of bed. Matt and Ryan are trying to work the ironing board ... Ryan punched it (to fix it) and broke it...

James is up and around too.

All four feeds are now on James making the bed and Chelsia foldng blankets. He's having "issues" with getting the pull out bed back in. He asks Ryan for some pointers, we can see if Ryan breaks this too :lol:

10:37AM BBT: Josh is called to the DR


Niiiice, James was just sick in the bathroom sink... I think was brusing his teeth. ALl four feeds in the BR. They seems to be on ID LD

Someone just belched. These people are boring and disgusting today :)

(Be back in a while.)


11:19am BBT: Josh says that Natalie said she had a vision of what the Veto will be.... that they will have to lift something and who can lift it the longest.


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