lorican Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Josh/Sharon/Amanda in BY talking about how Josh prefers everyone thinking they are in a fight and Josh still steaming over Sheila's lie in sauna room Sharon says wow that was nice.
lorican Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 josh and sharon in hot tub bashing sheila talking about her lying to his face sharon thinks she's too old for this game josh says he's tired of her whining and complaining mocking her asking for tylenol night before last
chipmunk220 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 243 BBT: Sharon and Josh talking in hot tub. Trash talking Sheila and Adam. Sheila is an 8th grade drop out. And adam is...did he even graduate? Trash talk. They think Sheila is talking bad cuz she knows she will be put up next week. Josh "sheila is a fuckin freak" Shar "the second alison gets out of the hospital, sheila is bitching to her about adam. " josh "she's too old for this fuckin game anyway" General trash talk about Sheila and how she can't keep up etc. FOTH at 2:45 2:47 back. Saying all kinds of stuff about Sheila and how she did stupid things. Alex is on ellypsis machine near hot tub. says to J and shar "if i have to eat slop again next week i'll commit suicide." josh "not a funny joke around here. " <laughs> alex <laughs> "oh shit. i gotta watch saying that." (**gee...ya think???**)
myss911 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 2:52 pm BBT - Up in HoH room Nat is now dying parts of Ry's hair. Chel is sitting with her foiled hair, James looks like he has cut down his hawk in preparation for the dye job, Amanda is up in the HoH checking everyones hair. Alex is on the elliptical (sp), Josh is in the hot tub, Sharon has been talking to Josh about the game...
lorican Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 natalie doing something in the HOH room to ryans hair james and chel in the chairs watching sheila and allison still in sauna room, allison doing her nails sharon just came in to check the temp in the sauna for josh, he's goin in there when he gets out of the hot tub just chit chat allison is telling sheila that matty said he would gamble his money if he won and that just makes her sick allison said she would do something to help people with gambling addictions
lorican Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 chelsia and james talking about tattoos now natalie is checking chelsias high lights
chipmunk220 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 251 bbt: Discussion continues alex/josh/shar in by. Discuss weather. Alex: "if i stay, do you think we can become something?" Josh: "We're totally cool." (sharon was silent). Discussion among them about what the shows on CBS will be. (They got it right more or less...food comp and noms today). Rain gets to sharon finally...she jumps out of hot tub (**afraid she'd get wet????***). SWITCH TO INSIDE... Alli and Sheila sitting on couch in sauna room talking. Discussing what they'd do with the money if they won. Discussing investment strategies. Alli wants to open a safe haven for gambling addicts (**she'll need more money i think**). Sheila is "shocked" that Alli was a gambling addict and had to go to a 12 step program. She is surprised that Ali is "proud of it". Alli says she is "proud to have overcome it." has been free over a year. Sheila is playing shrink on the couch... "What do you think it is that leads people to gamble". Discussion of things related to gambling. alli says bb loved it when she said she was a gambling addict. Alli discussing how good it feels when you give up an addiction. Seems sheila has a friend (close friend?) who is a gambling addict. Alli says you can 1000 percent recover. (*she sounds like a commercial for AA**). Discussion of how rare it is for women to be exposed as addicts. People don't want to believe it. alex enters wearing Alli's shorts. <brief discussion> Return to Sheila and Alli talking. Sheila says she seems to be attracted to addicts. Alli says she is a victim and she must remember it. Sheila says "oh yeah really..." then two second later "wait, so how am I a victim?" blah blah blah blah...on and on about the process. Alli is pontificating.... <AMANDA ENTERS WITH SLOP...JOINS THE CONVERSATION> (**it is kind of funny watching three women who are all about themselves trying to have a discussion but are really trying to make themselves the center of the discussion**) Sheila "how am I the victim again?" Amanda "and with my dad"" Alli "Well the answer is..." (EGO I CAN ONE UP YOU PARTY!!! BETTER THAN AMBIEN....)
lorican Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 314pm BBT nat is asking sharon for her and josh's vote she said she just wants to stay one more week and if they want to vote them out next week then that's fine, she just needs their vote this week nat tells sharon that if s/j vote for her and matt to stay this week, they will be safe with them next week if they get hoh nat said she is going to talk to joshy and see where he stands they are whispering VERY LOW
lorican Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 319pm BBT josh comes in the room and now natalie is telling him that sheila and adam are voting for her and matt to stay so all she needs is his and sharons vote she puts her hands on his shoulders and says i promise you if you keep us this week, we will never put you two up josh tells her to quit stressing nat says she will, she's just goin to have fun and not mope
chipmunk220 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 3:17 BBT. nat is continuing her campaigning. Josh and Sharon are doing a good job equivocating... they are being noncommital by saying stuff like "well things change quickly in this house. it's crazy!" <josh>. Nat says she is going to try to have fun the last few days. Says she and matty have made up. FOTH
myss911 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 3:16 pm BBT - Amanda, Sheila and Alli are in the spa, Amanda is telling the story of how her father killed himself. She is getting a horrid story, how her family had cut him off because they were sick of the drama. She was between classes and her sister called her and asked where she was, was she driving etc... then she told her... Amandas filed a lawsuit but because of statues and limitations it didn't follow through. Alli is talking about addictions... Am - the first part of addiction is admitting it Sh - he knows that he has dones things (talking about her 42 y/o ex) Sh - It is a cowardly thing to say, not saying anything about your father (to Amanda), you will destroy me, my kids etc... she says that her ex said he would just disappera and she was wondering what planet he lived on. Amanda - you know that song by Rascall Flats, Sheila then leans over and gives Amanda a big hug... Amanda tells about the song and we get Foth. Alli - This is just a patr of your life that will make you stronger... Amanda - he was the toughest guy I have met in my entire life, this man could do anything, the only thing he was afraid of was himself. Sh - when someone has an addiction it is all self-abuse... I don't like myself, I am not worth anything... Alli then goes into her speech about different addictions (she should know, afterall she is a recovering gambling addict).
lorican Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 324pm bbt josh and sharon go up to the HOH josh tells chelsia that he has some major scoop he said he just had a little spat with sheila he tells them that he told sheila he knew that her and adam were voting out A/A and she lied and said adam might have said that but she didn't he said he told her to her face that she is a liar he said he told sheila that she just lied to his face and he said "whatever" and he left to go work out he said so he left out and allison came in and he is continuing the story what happened between him and sheila in the sauna room
myss911 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 3:22 pm BBT - Amanda says the worst part of it was because her father left her a voicemail saying "Thanks for answering your phone, thanks for being there" and then he killed himself. Alli - he was sick, he couldn't relate that hey Amanda was in class. Sheila - It is a very selfish act Amanda - yes it absolutely is Amanda is crying. Referring to the Kelly Clarkson song... saying the lyrics of the song. Sheila _ is your whole family in therapy? Amanda - no one in my family is in therapy Sheila - you should be in therapy I am a strong believer in therapy Amanda - Well he was in therapy and look where he is. They are talking about birthdays and how you change with age. Amanda says she has toned down and is not so hyper. She states she has calmed down has taken a motherly rolr. She says in her family is two boys and two girls and she is the baby. Alli and Sheila are being very compassionate and I think this is good therapy for Amanda. Nat comes in and Sheila asks Nat to please pick up a cotton ball because it is driving her nuts, she (sheila) says I don't know if it matters but it is bugging me! Alli is now talking about her ex. Amanda says that she told her ex, I am young, I own my own home etc... she said that she fulfilled automatically his needs. Sheila says that she is such a good nice boyfriend, she spoils her boyfriend. Alli says that she wants a boyfriend that appreciates her and spoils her. They are talking about the fact that when they get out of there they will change. ** Lorican will you please put times on the events, it helps us readers to be able to put the story together **
chipmunk220 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 325 BBT (approx time) Sharon and Josh walk thru house whispering. Feed switches to just outside hoH. They join James and Chels in HoH. Josh tells Chels that her and Sheila got into a spat. He is going to do an imitation of his fight with Sheila in the Sauna earlier. <recounts the whole thing to James and Chels> He recounts how sheila begged to get herself out of the lie "everyone lies everyone lies" Chelsea is laughing at it. Josh is proud of himself for his actions with Sheila. Says Sheila is the "most untrustworthy in the house" And sheila is "crying to Allison in the Sauna room". (**If Josh's head swells any bigger he may not fit out of the room**). Josh says Sheila is going to have "Alison lick her twat". **ewww** General sheila bashing. She is untrustowrthy. She is going next week. Josh says maybe alex and amanda next week. Chelsea warns that Alli thinks Amanda is not a bad person after all. Teh group worries that she is waivering in her hatred of Amanda. They decide that they should probably continue to "remind" Alli of the cruel things Amanda did to her the first week. Discussion between Josh and James over what Adam will do. "He'll run to who he thinks will protect him." Discussing how to get rid of Adam and Sheila and how Backdoor can't work as there are fewer couples. Sharon says amanda will do what she says. They say they will tell adam that operation condor is still in. Josh returns to talking about how great he was in rattling Sheila. Sharon "Amanda listens to everything i say. I can convince her of anything." They discuss how they love ryan but don't trust Allison. Josh "everything is locked and loaded". James "the worst case scenario is if Adam and Sheila wins HoH". They guess that it won't happen they aren't into the game enough. They discuss things around the house that might show up in a competition (oars missing etc. etc). They are remembering every little detail in there. Are sure they are setting them up for a competition of memorizing. FOTH (634 BBT)
myss911 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 3:33 pm BBT - James, Chels, Josh and Shar up on HoH talking about all of the things that are missing throughout the house. Chels is talking about a convo with sheila about her swimsuits bottoms, and how she said she got them at Victoria Secrets and then sahe said she can't wear the other pair at this time. They are all saying "eeeeewwwwww!". Game talk going on in HoH. They are saying that the worst thing that Nat could have done was have the whole house watch them during their fight. Chels yells out "Did you throw the snickers wrapper away?" James says yes. Chels - I wanted to save that wrapper, I really wanted to save it@! Why in the hell would you throw half a snickers away! A$$hole! Josh says that they are going to tell sheila that she is the pawn, she will freak out. More game talk.
chipmunk220 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 3:38 BBT Discussion continues in HoH (James, Chels, Shar, Josh). Josh "We'll just tell sheila she's the pawn if she freaks out." They are mocking Adam "Operation Condor" James called to Diary room. Switch to girls in Sauna room (340 BBT). Amanda is telling Sheila and Allison and Nat how she has intuition and she knew her boyfriend had had unprotected sex with another girl. Nat says she's had a similar experience where she "just knew." Amanda is talking about how impt. it is to forgive because she always asks God for forgiveness. So she can't be a hypocrite. Discussion changes to honoring parents. They seem to be playing "one up each other stories" AGAIN. (**me me look at me! oh please look at me!**).
myss911 Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 3:40 pm BBT - BB just called James to the DR and he has hair dye in his hair, he leaves the room... Chels says oh God they are going to call me in next (she still has the foil in her hair! she needs to get it out like 45 minutes ago!!!). James comes back in to get a shirt, he remembers that he cannot go shirtless in the DR because of his tattoos. Feeds switch to the spa room with Nat, Amanda, Alli (not sure if sheila is there) Amanda is telling a stroy about how she was cheated on and she forgave him for what he did and he was tripping because she forgave him and she says that she forgives because she doesn't want to be a hypocrite because she asks God for forgiveness every day. Alli says that her boyfriend did the same way and she is just like Amanda. Talk goes to parents and how much they adore them. Amanda talking about how funny her dad was, Alli - It is too bad that he didn't have the coping skills, that is what I want to do, I want to help people. Yep sheila is in there, she is now going on about how horrible her child was but she never talks about it (oh quick we forget). Sheila is saying that use that are using a cop out... she says Boo Hoo. Now talking about how people play the pity party game. Amanda - the best thing about your childhood is that it is your childhood. Sheila - it is such a cop out! Take responsibility! Get over it (POT, KETTLE, BLACK) Alli - you know what drives me nuts about ppl that complain about their parents? They never say any of the good. Fer sure. Nat - My mom always said live and learn and always have positive reinforcement. More talk about parents and parenting.
chipmunk220 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 3:53 BBT. Sharon and James are talking strategy (Looks like James had a quick DR session). Sharon again stating that she knows Amanda is close to her and trusts her. Try to strategize in future: James says we'll "figure it out week by week" "they might throw a twist in". Sharon "After Adam and Sheila leave they might throw a twist in." Discussion to Chels in the HoH bath regarding the hair stuff. James and Josh talking now. Chelsia had a hair crisis...purple at first??? Josh to Chels "I hope your hair doesn't look like an easter egg. You'll look like that girl from Grease. Frenchy we'll call you Frenchy." <back to game talk> James "we'll play this week out. make sure ali and ryan are on the same page." Josh "i love ryan. waht is your take on him. who controls?" James doesn't trust Ali. But it seems that Ali is in control. Josh, "what about Alison. What does your gut say about Alison? " James "she's playing the game. " Josh "hard. She continues to compliment me...love that shirt" etc. Makes a reference to Regina George in Mean Girls ("love that bracelet" really hates it). James: Discussing matty and trying to hook up with Alison. How matt wants to "make good TV". They say they can use this to keep Alison in line if they need to.... "Ali Matt is a snake he wants to fuck you for good TV". They all agree this is a good idea. Discuss having to watch what they say about people and to people. Discussing who "leaks" stuff to others. (**duh! this whole freaking house has more leaks than the Big Dig Tunnels in Boston***) (4:02 BBT) Discussing how Adam screwed things up last week <made it a "nailbiter"> and this week it's Adam as well.
chipmunk220 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 BBT 4:05 Josh: Sheila will work with Ali because she thinks she needs her to protect her. Chels: That alliance needs to be broken up soon. James: My hair looks horrible. Sharon: "it sucks. I get pulled aside for this shit." She is not happy that everyone is working her hard. She is irritated by it. General trash talk about past stuff and broken alliances from earlier in the game. Discussion about whether matt and Nat will make a yelling scene. Sharon says that in the past people were classy and didn't make a scene. Talking about how Parker was calling htem "fucking assholes" and said to avenge "pink bush". Chelsea wants to know what that means. They thought it meant a PBJ sandwich. And Chelsea is shocked "why am I bush? I don't have Bush" <TMI!!!***>. FOTH (thank God).
chipmunk220 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 4:12 BBT. The conversation in the HoH continues about the Pink Bush comment. Chelsea "I'm a hair freak. Why would they say this about me?" goes on about Parker's nasty-ass smelly hair. ( *she is way too offended*) Bashes him about his job as a paparazzi. James "he chased Wesley Snipes." Chelsia "PB. I'm going to ask him about that later. 'Why am I a Bush?' I've never had a bush in my fucking life. The first Pubic hair I had I plucked out. " They are laughing that Matt says "you cant trust that guy with the pink hair." Chelsia says Adam was up here alone. She is implying that since she always closes drawers she thinks when adam was up here listieng to music he took her panties and sniffed them and jacked off to them. She wishes she had a raunchy period stain pair in there. They are all grossed out by their suppositions. Josh is trashing on Sheila and the girls now. Esp. going on Sheila and her stomach and how the skin is loose Josh "she wants to be young and hip. she doesn't have the body to do it but she's trying to be like a 20 year old but wants to have the respect for her age." They think she needs to act and dress her age (**I agree totally**). Now they are on to bashing Alex. Think he's gay maybe. Talks about Penises a lot.
chipmunk220 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 4:22 BBT. Switching feeds for better info... Oh Joy! The girls in the Sauna are trash talking Jen. They are talking about how Jen was doing the whole racism thing about Ryan. They are defending how Ryan deserved better than to have his life ruined and for him to be tagged as a racist because she was "selfish" . The general Jen bashing continues. They are discussing the impact on the families of Jen's actions. They can't believe for a girl who has watched all episodes of all this show since day one should know better than to expose him. They speculate that BB put Ali with Ryan on purpose because they knew sparks would fly between Ali and Jen. Ali to Amanda "I never pre-judged you" (**are they in the same house as I've been watching???**) Ali is gloating over Sheila's vote based on pure friendship to save her. And they say it would be egg shells if Parker had not left. Amanda agrees his bad attitude was a problem. They all agree the energy in the house changed "the second they left the house" (**someone PUHLEASE remove the Pollyanna rose colored glasses from these women's eyes! Sharon needs to get her Amanda back in line or the earlier plans from upstairs will fall to pieces!!**) Discussing Jen's swears again. Go over the legal ramifications of the swearing on Live TV. Switch to yard. Matty and Natty playing a game. FOTH **And I'm off to watch the show and get some dinner!!!!***
myss911 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 4:36 pm BBT - Nat and Alex are out in the BY playing a game and it is actually very endearing. They are using the mini basketball and the pool hoop.
Cajunboiler Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 4:41 Josh, Sharon, and sounds like Ryan in the kitchen just making small talk about food. James is staring at the guinea pigs.
Cajunboiler Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 CAmera is following James into the storage room. He walks in.... looks around as he claps his hand while wearing his pink shirt and purple spandex bottoms. He quickly opens the fridge and the freezer looking for something (obviously bored). Camera switches to Sharon in kitchen wearing a bathing site that matches the color of her skin. Still just small talk and nothing interesting to report. 4:45 BBT: I switched feeds to Natalie, Amanda, and Sheila in one of the Bedrooms. Talking about Type A personalities. Natalie is doing Amanda's hair. They're talking about Matt/Natalie voting out Ryan/Natalie. They're gossipping... saying Neil was strong and a genius.
myss911 Posted February 25, 2008 Posted February 25, 2008 4:54 pm BBT - Sheila and Amanda in spa room, Amanda was just jiggling her butt saying how bout that how bout that! Alli just went back into the room... Alex insulted Amanda in jest so the girls made him do 30 push-ups and he did it!!! Josh says - how many do I have to do for insulting Amanda? It would be an infinite amount. Chels, Alli, Amanda and Sheila in the spa room doing girly stuff and talking. Alli is talking 'again' about her allergy test.
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